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The rest of the lunch period went well and without issues. With Seizou only rejoining class by the end of the day and I couldn't help but blink at how he had so quickly healed to a normal state minus his hair that had been cut down to a buzz cut.

Moka, Mai, and I obviously didn't get as much time to talk about how we were rushing around to the different classrooms. But at the end of the day's lessons, Mai spoke up with a bit of reluctance in her voice. "Uhm, guys I am going to go send a letter to my family at the bus station so don't worry about me." She said while looking towards the ground and not making eye contact with us.

I paused as I realized this was the kicking point, where this human stuck in this school of monsters decided to get the fuck out and not be prey for the monster's within. For a moment I considered if I should help her escape but as Moka herself picked up how weird Mai was being, I wanted to groan as the canon drama all but unfolded, as Moka began her story.

"I went to a human middle school due to my vampire strength being sealed away, and they never accepted me for who I was... All those humans when they heard me talk about vampires just ostracized me and called me a freak!" Moka bit her lower lip as she continued to speak softly. "It makes me really happy to make friends after being alone all the way through middle school."

"Yeah well, I am a human! I am not some witch or wizard! I am not some weird vampire like Jake, and I am not a vampire like you Moka! I am not a monster!" She almost yelled and I idly looked around to see if there were people around but thankfully it seemed all the other students had returned to their dorms so no one could hear Mai's declaration.

And Moka held a hand to her chest and shook her head in denial as she looked stricken at her new BFF. Then she hesitatingly reached toward's Mai as she whispered. "No... No human can get past the school's barrier and even if they did, they would get found out all too quickly!" She said in denial all the meanwhile I loudly cracked open a new can of tomato soup as I was feeling... Peckish.

They didn't even register the sound of the can opening, they were just staring at one another in denial before Mai said with a throaty voice filled with excessive emotion. "Yeah well, I did and it's all just one huge misunderstanding and I don't belong here! In a school of monsters!" And as she said monsters Moka flinched with tears coming to her eyes.

Meanwhile, a loud slurp rang out as I sucked on the straw to bring up the thick soup and finally the noise got the two girls' attention and feeling their gaze on me I blinked before waving and I reluctantly removed the straw from my mouth and let the soup go back down into the large can. "Oh sorry, your drama was boring and my lunch was ruined by Seizou so I was drinking..." I said dully before glaring at Mai and she shivered as I said bluntly. "Dumbass, you probably didn't look at the bus schedule, didn't you? It literally only comes once a month." I said bluntly and she flinched before true fear to her eyes as she shook her head in denial.

"No! I did and it said it comes every night at eight to deliver mail!" She said and I shook my head and shrugged.

"Well how about we escort you to the bus stop so you can see." I offered and she bit her lips and for a moment I thought she would accept my offer before she shook her head and I felt Moka grab my arm as Mai said slowly and softly.

"No... I don't want to cause any issues, I will go on my own, and I will just walk through the barrier if I need to." She said and my lips twitched at that completely wishful thought. As the barrier was made some of the most powerful beings in the world who literally created an entire functional pocket world/reality.

Before I could retort and stop her from doing something stupid, Mai spun on her heels and ran off with her arms swinging wildly and then Moka gripped my arm tighter.

I looked down at the pinked haired beauty and she was shivering in place at her friend running off and I sighed. "Moka, you do realized she is gonna get fucked over by the monster students who are wanting to stretch out of their forms before going to bed." I said wryly and she frowned and shook her head as she retorted.

"We cannot change into our monster form on school grounds though!" She said in denial and I smiled wryly and pointed at the school's large wall and gate that was behind us as I retorted in kind.

"We are not on school grounds... There is no rules stating we cannot take on our monster forms should we choose." I shrugged and said bluntly. "It's not like you can expect a couple of thousand monster teens in a boarding school to not stretch out in their true forms every once in a while."

I then looked down at Moka's hand that was holding my wrist. "Sooo... We going to help her and make sure she doesn't end up being someone's snack or are you cutting her off in your heart?" I asked bluntly and her face tightened up and I couldn't help but mentally sigh at teenage drama. "Look, Moka." I said patiently. "Mai, is food to us." Even as Moka scowled at me and was about to say something I with a blur of motion put a finger to her lips to silence her. "That is a fact Moka and you cannot argue being friends changes that... So I am going to help her, and if she can leave for an easy life... Good for her, if not I will make her into something beyond human so she won't be prey. That simple." I said plainly and her eye's widened and she back pedaled quickly as she hissed.

"You plan to make her a ghoul?!" She demanded and I blinked and quickly shook my head and waved her off as I began a quick powerwalk down the road Mai had ran down.

The answer I gave, if anything made Moka more confused as I answered confidently. "Nope, I will make her into a vampire or something better."

And of course, naught but minutes later into the forest we found Mai dangling upside down by a thick slime-covered overly long tongue and coated in glistening saliva as Seziou has captured Mai showing off Mai's panties to the world.



You guys get to do a poll now to decide ;P
