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First off, thank you guys for the support and kindness over the last couple months. I have had a lot of DMs and comments wishing me well health and prosperity and I can't be more thankful that you guys are as cool as a community as you are. I am still not 100% in terms of my health, the meds are helping insanely I am almost fully normal just slightly light headed and dizzy every now and then. I still am meeting with doctors because currently they do not know the cause and the wait time to see doctors in america right now is horrendous. I am gonna be pacing myself until I get in my groove again but I should be back with the schedule and will try and catch up to the live shows I keep hearing amazing things about. I took the last week off of the internet damn near completely so sorry for the lack of updates but thank you again for the patience and I will try to make a schedule so you know what to expect soon but for the mean time just know I AM BACK.



Jeremy Brooks

Glad to hear you are doing ok!


The goat back