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"The One Unleashed"


Reincarnated as a Slime 2x12 Reaction Full

Watch "Reincarnated as a Slime 2x12 Reaction Full" on Streamable.



thank you bro,hope u enjoy.


I mean, how do you think True Dragons fuck Humans to produce halfies, hmm? They are essentially Spiritual lifeforms (so like Treyni or other Spirit-type entities), and thus don't truly have any physical body they'd be limited to (many highest-tier entities are mostly-spiritual in essence, and thus they can be implanted to shit like golems etc)

michael haslam

there is a movie confimed but unsure about season 3

Antoine Jones

"you gained an ability from eating her food?" you dont recall gobta getting poison resistance when they shoved her food down his throat? "Diablo is up to something" If you recall the narrations at the end of season 1 when we first meet Black/Diablo says he and Rimuru become good friends and thats how he gets his name. Sooo Im sure he's got no motives.


Season 2 is only in light novel volume 6 out of 18 so far. They can make a lot more content if they want.

Emman Reed

my boy veldora :D + also they announced a movie that may be coming. Also could be cannon and not apart of LN or something (I could be wrong)