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"Kyoto Sister School Goodwill Event - Team Battle, Part 2"


Jujutsu Kaisen 1X16 Reaction Full

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your reaction to it ending was literally everyone’s. these episodes go by so fast


Glad to have you back bro! Each episode will just keep getting better and better

Nathan Grenawalt

Every time a new character has been introduced to Panda, the other characters have been very vague about what he is. I think that is to keep people from judging him as a puppet before they get to know him. Also, in my opinion Mechamaru is the sleeper hit of the Kyoto school. A lot of people watching this just assumed they wouldn't like or care much about him, but in one episode we get a deep backstory and a lot of emotional possibilities for the future.


I totally get what you’re saying about Mechamaru. I have MS myself, and it can be really frustrating not to be able to do things or to really struggle to do simple things through no fault of my own or anyone else’s. Panda gets it too. He said something about understanding him, about how Mechamaru is a jujutsu sorcerer because there’s nothing else he can do, but Panda is a super cursed corpse! He’s in the same boat. There’s nothing else he can do either. I think that might be why he was so quick to say he’d help Mechamaru; they were both dealt hands and are living lives they really had no choice in.


Drumming Beat is basically like getting bonk'd w/ a mace while wearing plate-armor.