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Been two weeks since the last post I think. More or less. And I got to keep this page somehow active. I have finally solved my PC issues which were down to a faulty ssd. Or so I hope. I got a new one a few hours ago and so far I haven't crashed so fingers crossed it's done.

As for the game, I have finished main story event 11. This marks 3 events done for the next update: willow1, helen5a, story11. Next I'll focus on some side content. Mia and two new girls that I'll reveal later seem most likely. I have already done some writing today.

This brings me to the next part. The battle minigame. Until now it hasn't really been used except for that one time during Asara's story. The idea with it was to give the player something extra to do.  Emphasis on word extra. Because the minigame is skippable and to be fair it is a VN, it will not be an essential thing. It will however be a very big addition.

The first skill you most likely already have is Titus Exposus. A sexual magic spell. The idea will remain the same for VN purists (let's call them that). If you switch off the minigame, you will still be able to learn new skills and use them in game. Combat will take me extra scenes and time but you still get to prepare for it and participate.

Work on the minigame itself takes time too. For example if I wanna throw in Titus Exposus into the battle that means I have to make a new image of every female character that you can strip naked. So far there's only rats but of course there is magical practice and other events coming. I'd say it's really worth it.

As seen in the screenshot, you can only have 8 active skills at a time. Think of it like the D&D rules with wizards and spellbooks. Gotta prepare the spells to cast them.

GUI (interface) is still subject to change. So far the magic schools are: arcane, elemental, illusion, necro, sexual. Demonology and healing will most likely be an addition in the future.

As Asara promised in her story, you will get to ask her out for a date in the sewers and practice some combat and dungeoning. The idea is to add a little bit of exploration but it's all in planning phases.

Going back to skills; different schools specialize in different methods. Elemental magic is mostly pure damage at high mana cost. Arcane is a bit of everything with defense and attack, something of an all rounder. Illusions are great against other magic users and targets with mana. Sexual has some high chance utilities (well, only one so far) and necromancy is high damage and summon spam but totally illegal.

I have to admit I inspire myself a lot with guild wars 1, having played it when I was much younger. This means balance of the spells may sometimes be out of the window but it's nothing the old ArenaNet team didn't manage to fix with a hammer. I'm sure I'll get there as well.

I'll be happy to show you more when I get there. With a few skills added already, I will have to start working on expanding the sewers and monsters.

That's about it for the devlog! Thank you for reading. This post will go public in about 5 days.

Also, if you haven't done so already. Hop onto discord and link your account. Daily changelog updates are being posted there.



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