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Not buying it. Not even a little bit. He is absolutely trying to manipulate her with her blind love of father. He doesn't know jahla now thinks critically of father. So hes trying to get an in with her by saying he wishes to help him out. Nah bro, he was jealous and wanted to lead instead. "One of your own" dont bullshit me, we saw your ego you don't wanna be one of them you wanna OWN them. Manipulate them. For your own goals. He strikes me as a major Narcissist. He can make a pouty face and lie all he wants but i hope they don't buy it. He legit was about to torture dogs to death, letting them die an excruciating death with 0 remorse. He does NOT have morals. If it doesn't serve him, he feels no remorse getting rid of it. Even if thats living beings. And as Tora said: him inspecting her like a fucking lab project gave me the major ick. Like....that looks predatory. Like a lion circling prey. Ominous. And he seems to nearly be mocking her, speaking so ""highly"" of her. The compliments feel almost sarcastic, as if he had to listen to people say these things about fathers creations all his life but resents that deeply. She is the closest thing to father we have seen him meet so far and if he has beef with father/is super jealous i am calling it: he either wants to turn her to his side since it'd be a slap in the face for father and if she doesnt cooperate he will switch to hatred and let it out on her. Little detail i love tho is that hes smaller than her.


Depending on how truthful Marduk is being this could confirm that the Rabisu aren't something that Father created/helped create, since Marduk has clearly had some kind of interaction with them prior to the comic events.


This is a good point, but personally, I believe it’s the opposite, and that Marduk is not telling the truth (or at least, not *entirely*), and the Rabisu are actually the good ones, and/or possible creations of Father/the other Sky Gods. For one, they appeared to speak the language of the Sky Gods, just like Avanti and Ninmah do. They also had glowing blue energy coming from their bodies, which is typically a sign of being created by the Sky Gods. And, the most compelling evidence of all, imo: they had Zioqa with them… a species that, we know from “Asmundr”, are definitely creations of the Sky Gods, and, aside from Zahira and Zilas, were thought to be extinct. So, while I could be wrong, my own personal opinion, as of now, is that Marduk is actually evil, possibly even one of the Green Ones… and that he has done something nefarious to Father; possibly even killed him… and the Rabisu know this, which is why they attacked Marduk, and called him out as a murderer who “thought he could hide” (and maybe that’s the *true* reason he created this canine form: to hide after committing murder in his previous form).


Yeah not contesting any of those points, but the Rabisu could have also been created by other Sky Gods aside from Father like Avanti was! My only question here is if Marduk is telling the truth that Jahla is the first one of Father's personal creations that he's meeting.


True… I guess we’ll just have to wait and see! It’s all very interesting, whatever the case is.


I bet Marduk was banished from his world