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HELLO EVERYONE!!! I can't believe it! ITS TIME! IT'S FINALLY COMPLETE!! After what seemed like a never-ending list of work, this absolute unit is ready for you guys!!! wooohooo!!!!!! So! after my last post I was able to fix all issues! And the model now works as intended!!! wooohoooo I still can't believe it, this thing is so far beyond anything I have done that it's actually scary hahaha.

Speaking of which THE FEATURES! And man are there a lot!
Starting off we have:
Bolt-together construction.
New internal main structure.
Removable mag.

And electronics! So many electronics!!!
We have:
6 servos.
1 LED Screen.
2 Strips of addressable LED lights.
1 5mm LED
5 Buttons
1 Rumble motor
And the brains!! 1 raspberry pi pico!

And all that together makes one of the most complex models and insane models I have ever designed!

So how do they all work together?

Start by hitting the On-Off switch. You then hit the front opening button to open up the top cover revealing the main laser! You then hit the screen open and close button to open up the LED screen. The model is now ready to fire! Hold down the trigger and you will notice the barrel glowing red as well as the end of the barrel moving. After holding down the trigger for about 3 seconds THE MODEL FIRES! The glowing lights flash white! The tip of the barrel LED turns on! The entire barrel moves back (simulating recoil) and the model rumbles (thanks to the rumble motor :D). Your ammo count goes down and you build up heat on the heat gauge (both can be seen on the led screen). Once you hit max heat on the screen, you hit the cool down button! The heat gauge starts to fall and the LEDS that light up the barrel change from a hot red to a nice cool blue colour. After hitting 0 ammo, a red light above the mag pops on red, and you rotate the mag lock allowing the mag to be removed. Pop the mag back in and rotate the mag lock back and the mag light will pulse green resetting your mag count :D

And that's the main function cycle of the model! But that's just the tip of the iceberg! There is still tun of little features on top of that :D Such as, the model knows what state it's in! So if you would like to power it off while the model is in its open state, when you turn it back on it will remember it's still in the open state and keep all the servos in their correct positions :D (instead of crashing to the closed state position hehe :D). Also, a cool benefit powering on and off resets your ammo count :D

That's just one of the benefits of using a pico! Oh on that end! No coding skills are needed for this one! But you will still need to be able to solder :D

Speaking of building this thing, prepare yourself!!! It's 36 build plates with over 160 parts! The instructions are over 100 steps! This model is so massive that its basically larger and more complex than anything I have built before :D

It's monolithic, and honestly, it pushed me to my limits but the completed model is so far past my wildest dreams I still can't believe it actually exists AND I MADE THE THING!!! Though I might have made a thing, it was all thanks to you guys! There is no way at all that I could have worked on a project like this in the past. You guys made this one possible! Thank you :D

You can find the model here! Happy printing :D


Oh and I'm not done yet still gotta paint the thing :D But before that time to get a ton of models ready to upload for you guys :D




Finished printing it and I couldn't solder to save my life but, even just as a fixed piece this thing is amazing! I can't wait for the next convention and hope you will get more supports for you great work. Looking forward to whatever you work on next!!


wooohooo awesome!!!! I'm really glad you are happy with the model man :D it's an absolute monster!!! :D thank you so much man me too!!! the next few projects are going to be insane!!!! :D