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HELLO EVERYONE!!! good news and bad news for you guys today, the spartan laser is still not ready. I tried my hardest to get this model done before the end of the month but right at the final stages, some major issues cropped up that require me to test print large parts of the model, I'm really sorry about the guys, this model has turned out to be so much more than what I was expecting and has taken far longer than I was hoping, but has turned out to be like nothing I have ever done!!!

so even though the model is not ready yet, I would like to show you the features of the model and what the issues are :D

starting off with the good stuff, the features!!!!!!

new bolt-together construction method!
removable mag!
internals at such a detail level that you will be basically building each individual part :D

and an insane amount of electronics.
2 strips of addressable LED LIGHTS
1 5mm LED (for the front of the barrel :D)
1 rumble motor!
1 raspberry pi pico

AND WITH ALL THAT means this model is nuts! after hitting the On Off switch. you then hit button 1 to open up the top cover revealing the main laser! you then hit button 2 to open up the led screen. the model is now ready to fire! hold down the trigger and you will notice the barrel glowing red as well as the tip of the barrel moving. after holding down the trigger for about 3 seconds THE MODEL FIRES! the glowing lights flash white! the tip of the barrel LED turns on! the entire barrel moves back (simulating recoil) and the model rumbles (thanks to the ruble motor :D). Your ammo count goes down and you build up heat on the heat gauge (both can be seen on the led screen). once you hit max heat on the screen, you hit the cool down button! the heat gauge starts to fall and the LEDS that light up the barrel change from a hot red to a nice cool blue colour :D

and that completes a firing cycle of the model AND IT ALL WORKS! BUT not reliably, onto the bad stuff.

first off the top frame that holds the servos push up the barrel cover, has too much flex and with the amount of weight it has to carry over time it will warp and touch the barrel not good but fixable :D

next is the electronics frame, this part has 2 main jobs, 1 is the hold the brains of the model. and 2 is it's structurally the core of the model and holds the front and back sections together and for the most part, it is doing job but needs changes to increase the space for the electronics, as well as overall strengthening to distribute the weight of model the better :D

another small issue is the servo that pops the screen in and out needs a bit of work to make the sliding more stable.

and the big one! the barrels recoil servo. there is a lot of friction as some issues with the design, this is putting too much load on the servo so much so that I have turned out the servo in the model at the moment! this is fixable but needs big changes to the model :D

and that's the big issue with this project :D it needs more test print time and is why it's taken so long, some parts can take up to 24 hours to print and some parts are on their 7th version hahaha :D

now this leaves me with a small issue. I need to move on to new projects! this model has sucked up so much time but it is at the stage where I can work on it in the background :D so starting tomorrow ITS TIME FOR THE NEXT MAIN PROJECT! :D ill have a poll for you guys to vote on the next project OH i have been keeping track of all your suggestions but if you have any more suggestions for projects comment below :D. I also have 5 other speed projects in varying stages for you guys so I’ll finally get them done and posted for you guys :D

I’m really sorry guys for this project taking to long, it has taken me by surprise at almost every stage but its almost done! I can see the finish line! And I can’t wait to finish it!!! :D




jesus mary and joseph you should work for Tesla man, that is some next level sh#t


hahahahaha thank you so much man :D this model truly is something else!!! :D


Sounds and looks like a real labour of love. Take your time fella. Perhaps your new found talents will help you with the needler 2.0