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HELLO EVERYONE!! today I have for you something special!!! EXCALIBER FROM FATE STAY NIGHT!!! for a while now I have been designing swords but there has always been an issue, NO SCABBARD! which has been really annoying hahaha.

I have tried multiple designs behind the scenes but sadly none of them worked as they were now structurally sound and would break with the slightest tap! this was an issue that my very first attempt at swords suffered from as well but the inserts fixed that :D and now the task was to get that same strength into the scabbard, AND I FIGURED IT OUT WOOOOHOOOO!! and is all down to the inserts in the scabbard, they are printed in the opposite orientation to the scabbard parts creating the same cross-stitching structure the swords have giving them the strength needed :D woooohoooooo!

this model was one of those Eureka projects and now I cant wait to tackle another sword!!!

I just wanted to say thank you so much to you guys, without you guys none of my projects would be possible! thank you :D YOU ARE AWESOME!! :D

you can find the model here!
Happy printing :D




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