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HELLO EVERYONE!!! TODAY! I have something special for you guys! the Westar 35! from starwars! this project started as a small project to test out some ideas for new pistol sized mechanisms and quickly turned into something epic hahaha! first off not all ideas worked sadly but most of them did! wooohooo!

starting off this model has a new mag release system that uses a massive magnet to hold the mag in place,  as you pull the release moved the magnet away from the mag releasing it! the system ended up being super reliable but needs the mag to be printed at a really high density to be able to overcome the magnetic force, as well as you guys are going to need to tune the mag your self. as magnets are not all the same strength, you will need to glue little shims to the front of the mag changing how well the lock holds onto the mag :D this lets you tune the model to just the way you like it :D

next is a new hammer system!!! this is v2 as the original hammer system needs a bit more tweaking hahaha the hammer is now linked directly to the trigger, so as you pull the trigger back the hammer moves with it hahaha.

oh you guys think we are done with mags! not yet as this model has 2, yup 2! then second mag lore-wise is designed to be in the blaster for a longer period of time and holds a gas that is ionised, where mag 1 is more of a really cool looking battery :D this mag also tyes into one of the bigger features!!!

customisation! this is one of the first models I have designed that is customisable! as a Mandalorians trusty weapon I made sents that they would customise it to their liking, so why not add that feature into the model! so I did hahaha each optional part changes the feel of the model drastically and I have landed using most of the extended parts for a more open grip on the model :D

the optional parts!
mag 2! 1 with a palm extension, 1 without.
mag 2 lock! 1 is a bit more extended than the other.
trigger! just a different design.
top plate 3! one has the slightest suggestion of sight, the other hasn't.
mag release! one extends your finger a bit and has a different shape.

this model was a ton of fun to make, and thanks to this model, I have been able to test out a ton of features for future models :D

also wanted to say thank you for the support you guys have given me, it has allowed me to start experimenting with more out-there designs! you guys are awesome!! :D

now! time to finish up the disruptor!!!! hahaha :D

you can find the model here!!! happy printing :D




Twisted Tiger

Ive gotta say I love your work. I am curious I noticed this file has no instructions with it and was wondering if there were any? also this is turning out amazing so far on my resin printer. would it be possible to get resin friendly options for some of your larger works?


Oh, this is SUPER COOL! Gonna have to get this going right away!


woooohoooo!!! im glad you like the model man! happy printing hahaha :D