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HELLO EVERYONE!!! THE HALO ENERGY SWORD IS COMPLETE!!! and oh boy has this model been a challenge quite frankly nearly failed! so what exactly happened?

starting off the first test print failed thanks to the infill, due to the walls being so thin the custom infill left a mark on the outer walls which looked awful! so I went back to the drawing board and tested out some stuff and realised thanks to the chanal that is there for the LEDS. it was strong enough to hold up the main structure of the blades! witch is awesome! so I removed the custom infill and thickned up the model slightly :D and it worked woohoo!!! :D

to the features of the model!
space for the led light kit, though due to the extremely small amount of space in the model you are going to have to design a custom light kit for it :D

this model ended up being much more of a challenge than I was expecting but it was worth it :D

oh, and sorry I don't have the test print to show you guys, I basically destroyed it testing the strength of the printed parts hehe :D

happy printing! :D

I just wanted to a thank you to you guys :D this set of models has been super tricky and it would not have been possible without you guys thank you :D

you can find the model here :D



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