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hello everyone!!!! AT LONG LAST! the Mando helm is complete! and it truly has been a journey! taking 3 test prints to get all the bugs out of the model to printers printing support that was too strong(thanks to the heat we are having in the UK :D) but it is complete!!! wooohooo!!! and it was worth it! as I have learned an absolute tun from this model, I cant wait to take that knowledge into the next helm! :D

as for the features of the helm, it has,
internal detail,
removable outer plates that are magnetised,

happy printing!!! :D

this one has been tough but worth it and I can't wait to get started on the next OP project :D

just wanted to say thank you to you guys, I would not be able to make these models without you thank you :D

you can find the model here:

