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hi everyone!!! the M8 is finally, finally!!  complete!!! storytime and why this model was so late, to test print this model I decided to grab some PLA+ to print it instead of using normal PLA, this was a baaaaaaad idea! I have spent the last 3 weeks printing part after part with them failing for a multitude of reasons. I did finally get a sort of working profile sorted and I was able to print the parts wooohoooooo :D moral of the story? don't buy cheap pla+ :D

printing trouble aside the model is freaking gorgeous! in fact, this is now my favourite model i have done so far :D I know I seem to say that about every project but this one is truly something! so I'm gonna take the time and paint this one up so ill be posting progress updates on that in the future :D

on to the feature set of the model!
the model has a removable mag (held in place with magnets)
moving trigger
partially bolted together
and the big one! space for a LED lighting kit!!!
the lighting effect was not as bright as I had wanted but other than that it worked out perfectly. to keep it simple I just used an RGB led light strip that runs threw the model. there is a space under the mag that houses the battery pack that has little led controller that makes the light glow! as for the defuser some of the parts were printed in red transparent PLA so the light can shine threw :D

this project has been awesome and its all been thanks to you guys!!!. thank you :D

you can download the file here:


happy printing :D

oh quick side note ill be starting up again in a few days keep an eye out for the big changes :D




Bravo! Very excited to make my own!


Amazing model! Just found out you have a Patreon today after first seeing some of your work on Thingiverse last summer. Your work is incredible, I look forward to supporting you on patreon and seeing what you make in the future!


thank you man, hell yeah this model turned out amazingly and i cant wait to paint it my self :D its gonna be epic!!!


thank you so much :D and thank you for becoming a patron :D its thanks to you guys that I can create these insane models! thank you :D