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If you missed our 2018 Portland live show with Bill Oakley, good news: we'll soon be having another one of equal or greater value! And our beloved patrons have first dibs on tickets! (General public folks reading this later—we respect you as well.) Here are the details:

WHAT: Our Talking Simpsons Halloween Live Show with Special Guest, Bill Oakley

WHERE: Kelly's Olympian in Portland, OR

WHEN: Saturday, October 14th at 9:00pm

And you can buy your tickets RIGHT HERE!

Also, if you'll be in Portland that weekend, I (Bob) will also be hosting a Retronauts panel at 5:00pm that same day at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo. (More details to come!) It's a great convention that's worth going to, even for non-podcasting reasons.

Thanks in advance; we hope to see you at the show!

- Bob

Poster art by Nina Matsumoto.



oh man, of all the nights to be out of town!!


Okay I'll consider going... But only if there are fast food reviews. 😀


I bought my tickets within minutes of the post and couldn’t be more excited. I attended the previous Portland show (brought the Venture Bros book, later sent the Duckman comics) with Bill Oakley and had an amazing time. Crowd was GREAT and I imagine it will be much this same this time. How’s this for making you feel old. First Portland show, my son was a minor and could not attend. He’s now 21 and will be in the audience. We’re both very excited.