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As we finish a much deserved holiday break, we're taking a week off from Simpsons to give you listeners a special treat: Four HOURS of Iron Giant chat! In case you didn't know, each month we do a premium podcast for our $10 Patreon subscribers, and now we're going to share one of our extra-long eps with you. Why this one? Because Iron Giant is the film that Brad Bird quit The Simpsons to direct, so follow his career path with us and learn the surprisingly deep connections between Iron Giant and The Simpsons!




If this was a shameful attempt to entice listeners to up themselves to the $10 tier, it worked. Great episode, I just put myself in the 10 tier and made it annual.

Frank Grimes

Nice, didn't realize you guys offered annual. Just switched mine to annual


Just in time for a rewatch, 20 years after I saw the Mandarian dub version.


The thing about Iron Giant being in Ready Player One, it was supposed to be Ultraman, the giant super hero from Japan not evil Superman of DC. But the licencing is a mess like maze, so Warner pulled one out of their vault. Guess they just needed a big thing with head shaped like egg.