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A special surprise podcast today, it's our interview with Aven Helford and Diandre Fuentes, the designers who worked on the new line of Simpsons-style shoes just released by Vans (which, full disclosure, Vans sent us a couple of pairs)! They tell us how the shoes were designed, notes they got from Matt Groening, and ideas they wish made the cut! And if you enjoy this, be sure to check out our previous interviews all on Patreon.com/TalkingSimpsons!



Frank Grimes

Nice surprise and sneakers!


I'm so jealous y'all got free pairs! I was just looking at the product line yesterday and thinking about how cool it all looks. Good interview 👍


Bob and Henry! You’ve made it! You’re now corporate shills for the price of free swag!😉 You’re now Fat Cats, living in your Bay Area, ivory shoeboxes. Seriously though, pretty cool to get a fun goody. I demand images of your feet with your bitchin’ cool new shoes.

Casey Jones

I fully respect the grind and I'm glad y'all got some sweet shoes out of the deal, but it really stuck out to me that the fella in this interview sounds like he's done a loooot of media promos.


Glad you had the chance to cover this collaboration! I worked at a vans store just last year but it was during a Harry Potter collection so i definitely feel the blow of cool new shoes that i can’t use my employee discount on. That being said I definitely have my eye on the Moe’s Tavern shoes and a krusty burger hat


Cool interview! The collection is really awesome. The Bouvier shoes are my favorite.

Kat Heagberg

I most definitely went to the Santa Monica Vans store today to pick up a backpack, and will probably buy more online (I haven’t been this excited since the Simpsons/MAC makeup collaboration five years back or so!) And honestly, part of me kind of thought “Henry and Bob would so be beyond this. I’m such a consumer. I wish I were cool like Henry and Bob.” And then this podcast popped up in my feed. I’m not sure if that makes me more cool or Henry and Bob less cool, but either way, I just put the “Lisa for President” sweatshirt and the Krusty Burger hat in my cart. (I love the actual shoes aesthetically, but skate shoes aren’t really my thing since I tend to run/walk everywhere and they’re not super function aside from like, skating). Glad you both got some swag, and this episode was a short, sweet surprise to listen too.

Bennett Billard

This inspired me to purchase a pair. Springfield crowd, slip-ons, size 13.


These are probably the first pair of shoes I'd probably never wear I could only afford one pair so got the crowd Would like to get Moe's tavern and itchy and scratchy tho


Great interview! They both seemed like chill people.


Had to get myself a pair! Only gonna wear them to special occasions like my wedding haha