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The poll for this month's What A Cartoon Movie! was "Disney Theatrical Flops," so it's only fair that their hugest flop won the battle for the biggest loser. Yes, this time around we're talking about The Black Cauldron, the 1985 feature that was supposed to usher in a new era of Disney animation, but went on to become utterly forgotten and then shelved for 13 years before seeing any sort of home release.

Listen in and learn how it wasn't executive meddling that adulterated what could have been an epic fantasy hit, and how Disney's animation staff perhaps bit off more than they could chew with this extravagantly animated and extremely expensive treatment of a five-book series. And, of course, you'll also meet Gurgi, the vile imp who will make your blood run cold whenever he's on the screen! All this and more in this month's extra-long movie podcast!




I'm only a few months older than Bob, but I'm pretty sure this actually was the 1st movie I saw in theaters. I'd thought it had been a nightmare years later because it totally disappeared from the face of the earth and none of my siblings remember it. I was 16 when it came out on home video and I finally realized it was real. I haven't rewatched it in it's entirety, but this is the exact sort of film I wish Disney would do a live action remake for: a film that didn't work to begin with. I don't see the point in the remakes of the near perfect classics. I'm sure they make an ass ton of money on them, but this seems like something with source material worth revisiting, the chance to right a past misstep, and perhaps spawn a franchise all in one fell swoop.


It’s dangerous to go alone, take this! (Psychic Pig)