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The Mike Scully era truly begins with this very political episode of The Simpsons. We're joined by Will Sloan, cohost of the podcasts Michael And Us and The Important Cinema Club, to discuss gun control, soccer, the King of England, and how this episode has aged. Plus some legitimately hilarious jokes as the venerable show enters another era, and so does our podcast. For once in your life be fair and give a listen! 



Guy Incognito

Great show as always! I'm glad you pointed out that Homer already owned a gun and has used it several times before on the show because that's something that's always bothered me about this episode. Yes it was a shotgun rather than a handgun, but everyone in this episode acts like Homer having a gun is a totally novel thing from Homer's awe and fascination with it to Marge's fear and absolute refusal to have a gun in the house when they've had one for years. This is a very funny episode with a lot of great jokes but that aspect always fell flat for me. I also wanted to add that of course it's wrong to entirely blame Mike Scully for the show's decline. No one person is responsible any more than any single episode (Grimes or Tamzarian) was a definitive cliff. Talking Simpsons has shown in exhausting details that the seeds of Zombie Simpsons were there all along. That being said, I did think it was funny when Will asked if this was the meanest Homer has ever been and you thought maybe he was meaner in Lisa on Ice. Who was the writer of that episode again?

Andrew Bouvier

I'm slightly angry at Bob for stealing my blowjob thunder! I've been waiting for years for this episode to tell this story, then Bob goes and spoils it! Well, I'm telling it anyway. In 2003/2004, my senior year of college, Mike Scully (at least I think it was him,) came to my school and did a talk/presentation on The Simpsons... Mostly just funny behind the scenes stories. He had a DVD with him that had deleted scenes, it looked like some sort of 'internal distribution only' type of thing. The last scene he showed us was the aforementioned blowjob joke, with him explaining, as Bob said, that it was a prank played on the rest of the staff by Julie Kavner and one of the directors/animators. I'm sure at this point it's leaked out to the internet, but for what should be very obvious reasons, there is no way I'm going to Google the word 'blowjob' and the word 'Marge.'

Joe Hodgson

This episode sort-of hits close to home because of my upbringing and I'm always surprised at how "both sides" it tries to be. I grew up in NH around guns (Live free or die, and all that), but not handguns. My dad's family was always into hunting and owned a little camp in ME so I had a .22 long rifle before my 10th birthday. They were always super strict about guns and wouldn't even permit me to joke about them. As a kid it felt constricting, but obviously it's probably the right approach. Even so, my dad has always been anti-NRA because of their absolutist approach, but some of his brothers are very much pro-NRA and fall for all of the junk that outlet spews. I remember watching this episode with my dad, and the comedy bits centered on Homer's recklessness made him uncomfortable. I don't recall much laughter out of him. I think if this episode were done today the NRA crowd would probably be more extreme as I think the organization has either become that or it's just more visibly that these days. Good on Marge though for not leaving that gun in the trash. That would have been mighty irresponsible.


I've not seen Titanic, either. It's okay, I know what happened to the Titanic.

Dylan (batmanboy11) Freitag

I can't tell if it's a national thing, or just a regional (i.e. Ontario, or even just Ottawa) thing, but soccer seems to be a looooooooot more popular here in Canada than the US. It seems like it's the go-to organized sport for any kid (that can afford it) ages 5-12. My siblings are a fair bit older than myself (8, 11, and 14 years older), so it's not just specific to people who grew up around the same time as me either. Soccer was always a recess activity in grade school (even in the winter at times), and almost everyone played House League soccer at one point or another. -- In terms of watching sports, baseball and soccer are kind of equally boring to me because one involves a lot of standing around and the other is a lot of running back and forth, whereas hockey and basketball move at a quicker pace that makes me okay with watching them (but I'm not a big sports guy so I rarely do).


Soccer is actually pretty popular here in the Northwest with the Portland Seattle rivalry being of particular note in the MLS.


I think you guys missed some gags when the NRA members react to Homer. Particularly Louie and Cletus criticizing Homer. Louie says, "You mighta hurt someone!" despite being a gangster and almost definitely having hurt people with guns. Cletus calls out, "Are you some kind of moron?" while being the town yokel. It does undercut the idea that the NRA members are responsible owners, but I don't think it really leads to any actual point of view. Krusty similarly begins to sound reasonable when he says guns aren't toys, but his criticism of Homer gets dumber sounding until he's reiterating Homer's talking points. It's solid writing, but doesn't have any depth. It just further muddle things.


There's probably a subtle dark joke to Moe's story about the robber. He says that he "managed to shoot the punk in the spine." It seems difficult to do that if the robber was facing Moe, so I think the implication is that Moe shot the robber in the back, potentially while the robber was fleeing.

Nina C.

Then again, kids' soccer leagues must be popular in the U.S., otherwise the term "soccer mom" wouldn't exist there.

Dylan (batmanboy11) Freitag

That's a good point After some very quick research on my part, it *is* an American term and it's a fairly recent thing too so obviously many states must play more soccer than we assume

Brian Silvers

The O.K. KO episode about "skeleton remotes" is such a great condemnation of gun culture that actually does end with KO calling his congressperson and getting legislation passed.

nina matsumoto

YOU GUYS ARE SO WRONG ABOUT HOCKEY my jaw spiritually dropped open as I listened aghast at your comments. 1. Hockey is way more fast-paced than soccer because of the size of the playing field. The relatively short distance between the nets make for more back-and-forth and close calls, so it's pretty much non-stop action. 2. The low scores is what makes it exciting! It takes a lot of effort to score a point, which makes each score a huge event, and even MORE exciting if the losing team starts making a comeback because that's not easy to do. 3. Hockey games are way shorter and easier to digest. A hockey game consists of three 20-minute periods, with one 5-minute overtime if tied. A soccer game is two 45-minute halves, with two 15-minute overtime if tied. I'm not even a sports fan and I hated the one NHL game I attended, but I completely understand why people love hockey so much.

nina matsumoto

Okay, thoughts about the actual main topic: I've gone shooting a few times. I was never around a gun until 2014 when some friends and I went to a Texas gun range for the first time, and it made me LESS afraid of guns. I was super nervous at first, but learning how to shoot and how they function made me more comfortable around them, because movies and TV makes them look easier to fire than they actually are (that scene with the submachine gun falling down the stairs in True Lies is just dumb). I find target shooting fun and strangely relaxing because of how calm and focused you have to be to hit your mark. But I wouldn't go to a range now because I don't want to give any more of my money to this industry. I'd be fine with not shooting a gun ever again. I'll just stick to archery. Addendum: during that 2014 Texas trip, I saw a sign at a gunshop that said "IF YOU VOTED FOR OBAMA YOUR TO STUPID TO OWN A GUN" [sic]


Hockey is the most entertaining sport. It has the fast paced action and minimal advertisements of soccer, basketball, etc. but with the physicality of football. And unlike other sports, going to a hockey game actually gives you more than just watching it on TV, because you can see how plays form, whats happening down ice, etc. Plus in any other sport if you get into a fight, you're suspended and have to make a public apology, whereas hockey is just 5 minutes in the sin bin. Fighting is nothing like it used to be tho, and I do miss the days of clearing the bench, but at least they're keeping it in game for now. Most other sports I can only manage watching the home team, and even then only if their winning. I can put any hockey game between any teams at any point in the year and enjoy it. My favorite way to sum up hockey "well its alot like other sports, except you're flying around a 30 miles an hours with razor blades on your feet"

nina matsumoto

I don't watch sports but I would never call hockey boring. It's one of those games where you risk missing a lot if you run to the bathroom.


I haven't listened to this episode yet, but both hockey and soccer are beautiful games :)


So anyone who owns a gun or wants one in the home in case of an unspeakable emergency is a "psycho"? That's kind of painting with the same broad strokes that the racists you claim to hate so much do, isn't it? I hate guns, I hate that they exist. Guns terrify me, but they've been mass-produced since before the first world war and bad people are always going to have access to them. Violent criminals don't give a hoot what gun control legislation gets enacted.. Knowing this, wouldn't you want to have something to protect yourself and your loved ones? When Henry calls all gun owners morons and proudly exclaims that he'll never own one, what he's really saying is "Come to my home in the dead of night. Take what you want, I'm completely unarmed and there's nothing I can do about it". I just don't understand why you two insist on alienating (at least) half of your potential audience on every show. If you really have to inject politics into your Simpsons podcast to this degree, maybe you could occasionally get someone outside of your bay area echo chamber on the show and have an actual debate.. For example: Shivam doesn't speak for the entire Indian race. Why not have Akaash Singh on for the next Apu episode? He's a man who seems to understand that jokes are funny..