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Thanks to Talking Simpsons Network patron Alex Irish, this week we're bringing you an exploration of a secretly amazing cartoon you might have ignored thanks to its ultra cute and colorful appearance: The Amazing World of Gumball. Now in its sixth season, this Cartoon Network Studios Europe creation has quietly been one of the most inventive cartoons on television for most of this decade, both in visuals and writing. And our look at one of Alex's favorite cartoons from the series--which takes the form of a pitch-perfect Final Fantasy VII parody--proves that Gumball isn't just for the grade school set. Listen in and get ready to escape to the wonderfully weird world of Gumball!




My favorite example of "you can name this character but it's weird" is in Chrono Trigger. Spoilers for a 20 year old game that everyone should've played by now. Throughout the game you constantly hear about Magus and meet Magus and fight Magus. Near the end of the game, you can manage to get him to join your party. Only then can you name him. But wait, if I rename him now, what the hell happened through the rest of the story, did he just decide to change his name for no reason. Also what's funny, in the Chrono Trigger re-releases with better translations, they tried to move around this by constantly saying "The fiendlord" but they still call him Magus when you fight him so he STILL has a given name before you can change it.


You guys already mentioned the trope of "No I'm not the final boss" from that scene you played, but there was another big one in the "I am not your enemy" and "Really, you look so evil," the trope of the bad guy is actually a good guy, especially in RPGs. Magus in Chrono Trigger, Golbez in FF4, Bowser in SMRPG, and a bunch of soldiers in Fire Emblem, and there's probably more I can't think of.


I first caught Gumball last year on a vacation trip, it was definitely off my radar till then but I loved the humor and the different types of animation and live action used drew me in.


I watched this show since nearly the beginning with the same thought of this is too kiddy. I actually prefer it over Steven Universe, sorry, because it reminds me of The Simpsons as you mentioned. My mom named my older sister Canaïs (who loves this show) which is just Anaïs with a C in front of it. I had to yell a few times when you mispronounced Anaïs but you are forgiven. The backgrounds with the animation reminds me of the show Sit Down Shut Up which briefly aired on Fox and is based on an Australian series of the same name.


You played the 'What a Cartoon' bumper at the start of this episode, yet this is clearly an episode of Retronauts. I hope somebody got fired for that blunder! Gumball is probably the best Anglo-French production since the Channel Tunnel, and I'm glad to have a significantly younger brother who turned me onto this period of Cartoon Network. It's a shame that just as we're escaping the legacy of Batfink, Brexit is probably going to fuck everything up.


You shouldn't feel bad about not knowing Ivandoe before, by the way: it apparently hasn't aired in the U.S. yet. It's more like an extended pilot than a show in its own right, as each of the 10 episodes is only three minutes long. They're definitely worth watching though - it feels a bit like what Disenchantment is to the Simpsons and Futurama.


D’oh! Speaking of Simpsons references, I think I watched one of the wrong episodes thanks to that Hulu naming mix up. Also, Steven Universe also references Sony by calling their brand of TV a SUMY. Also, also, in The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons you can name one of the characters named Bipsom, who is a baby, and I named him “Butt” in my playthrough so that the next line uttered by his mom Blossom became: “You would name him Butt? I hope Butt grows up to be big and strong.”


Great run down of Gumball. It is SUCH a funny show. I love the frequent retro tie ins. It reminds me a bit of Regular Show in that regard. Also, the young voice talent they use in this show is just so good. So often, kids sounds like they’re “Acting!” to quote John Lovitz. These kids are just delivering well read, and very funny lines. Glad you guys discovered it through the show. Now you have another that you need to catch up on!

Cody C.

So, I’m not exactly proud to admit this, but the best re-name of a character in a JRPG has to be the protagonist Max in Shining Force to Penis. Don’t believe me? Well - The first healer in your party, Lowe says within 30 seconds, “Penis, I don’t know how you keep it up hour after hour - I’m dead tired in about 15 minutes!” If that doesn’t sell it for you, well, you have more sense and decency than this 30-something giggling about something he discovered decades ago


My brothers mentioned Gumball to me a few times but I never gave it much thought. After watching "The Console" I'm definitely a fan. They get so many things right about JRPGs, especially loving the battle music so much you'll get in a fight to hear it. I was too grossed out by the Cronenberg-ed Gumball to enjoy "The Box" but I started from the beginning of the series now and I'm enjoying myself. This makes the 5th series I've watched based on your recommendations after Kill la Kill, Cowboy Bebop, One Punch Man, and My Hero Academia (you haven't covered this one but it comes up a lot).


Also maybe What A Cartoon should have some sort of "Simpsons did it" jingle.


I finally got around to catching this one and...did i hear correctly, this kids show has a NOFX reference in it? If someone can point me towards that, that would be great. I'm trying to find it myself to no avail. If this is true, thats enough for me to watch the entire series (I've seen a few episodes on occasion, but never went out of my way to watch it). IDK who else that reference would even be for.


In flashbacks like the one in the episode The Choices, Richard (the dad) is wearing flannel and a shirt that looks like NOFX's logo