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Hello everyone! Weekly Report is here! and It's November already! X_X!!!

Geez, I wish a day have 48 hours.... ),:

Anyway, back to the main topic :

today, I don't have H pixel animation since I've been working on Ex3 stage and 6th boss. I'm sorry everyone ),: here's the pixel images I've been working on this week :

1. Tiles for EX3 stage :

The branch stage 3 will be the refugee area of the shelter 47. Which was blocked area on previous version(1.00) this place is total mess due to the countless infected refugees were locked inside by doctor harrison and his scientist & FMDM Agents.

Almost 80% of refugees were male since the most of female refugees were turned into zombies at the day one outbreak since no one expected that avoiding sunlight can delay the infection progress. 

This is the source of the nightmare to the protagonist. 

Do you guys remember the early part of stage 3? the turret defense stage?

Have you guys noticed that zombies are not coming from outside shelter, but coming from inside through the ventilation shaft?  Yes, you had to fight with those massive horde because the zombies tried to escape from the underground. from the Shelter, to find their fine other half.  >:3

The protagonist need to clean up this place before the remained other zombies mutate to the other dangerous monsters.

2. Boss No.6, A boss for the EX3 stage :

A first ***** type boss >:3 

Am I only one who think that somehow, this boss's silhouette looks like a dragon?

I'm not sure, maybe just me tho XD

3. The next WIP build release date is... :

Nov 13th  :D 

I'll try my best to finish and add the stage 3 before the release, so you can see the all aggressive female zombie's H pixel animations. :D

Alright, that would be all for this weekend! 

I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you on the next weekend! :D



I expect EXACTLY 20% females with males down there! ;P JK I would find that to be heavenly to see if the waves of turned men who came up for the main character were only the other 60% of the total population down there who smelt an female and didn't have a mate. Anyway I look forward to this and something I'm also kinda hoping somewhat is maybe a sort of secret where you get to view the entire room of the refugees before you go into it from the point of the security cameras so you just go "Nearly there, nearly safe.......*sees fotage* oh fuck.....that's what I have to go through...." though if you maybe just did smooth sailing through the game you would instead be going "that's easy and I'm going to have some fun"


So that zombie haning by the vent, is it a boy or a girl, if it's a boy, does it hurt to be hanging like that?


Interesting~ Don't mind me been quiet `= `/ As always~ take good care and thanks for your hard work~


Thank you Kai Wen :D! (by the way, I'm sorry for the late response, I went the funeral twice in the row this week. ;_;)