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Hello everyone, progress report is here!

1. Royal knight death/idle animation :

Royal knights are the guard golems that built by human empire. The main purpose of royal knight is guard the area to prevent the monster escape from the dungeon. 

2. New adventurers : Lance knight, Axe warrior

These characters will be the actual adventurers that show up in dungeon. Player will fight and capture them. First captured each class will expose their face, but when player caught "second" adventurer with same class, they will hide their face under helmet or mask to represent that the second character is not the same character from first one.

3. Mother stigma's foot attack effect change :

Originally I was going to use only two frame for foot attack, but result wasn't very satisfying, so I made new animation for this one :D

4. New title & pause menu GUI image :

GUI is changed. No more simple text!

5. Mother stigma's death animation :

Mother stigma will be petrified once it reach 0 hp

..and that's all for now.

I hope you enjoyed it.

If you have a question, please leave a comment on this post!


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