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Hi Grizzlies! 

(Remember, these photos are for you only, don't share them). 

You know the video clips I made for you on the way to the sheep farm the other day? Well- we covered that whole terrain on our long livestream, so I hope you've checked it out! It would be boring to show those clips now- the ziplining and windmill coffee with you was way more fun! 

Okay, it's photo drop time with a sneaky surprise! 

The first photo is of THAT SHEEP I was telling you about- the one whose daughter I was looking for when we went together this past weekend... oh my word, she was the sweetest, cutest, full-of-personality sheep I've ever met! And I miss her all the time. 

Then remember the Dutch artist I told you about who spent his whole life in Utrecht and designed the little bunny that Hello Kitty copied? Here are photos of his studio from the museum! This video is in Dutch, but the footage is great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMwESYwjLz0 

His name was Dick Bruna and honestly, as an artist myself, seeing his studio made me cry. Someone saw me cry too, haha. It was just so special to see his pencils and paint and to know what a legacy he left behind in the Netherlands. More about him here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Bruna 

The photo of me is from an office I used to work in at a swimming facility in South Africa. While I stayed extremely busy, I was super bored most of the time and am very grateful to be a YouTuber now, working super hard on things that I love. Seeing that little office is on one hand a bit nostalgic, and on the other I'm really happy to have spread my wings from there. I was a swimming coach and marketing manager at this facility working 6 days a week, it was tiring as hell. Now I work 7 days a week (lol) but I wholeheartedly love what I do, so there's a big difference. 

The picture of the black cat was taken at our apartment complex in South Africa, and I was talking to this kitty saying that maybe one day I will have one of his brothers as my own. And now we have Fury! hehe. It was actually more difficult than one might imagine to find a black kitty here in the Netherlands- I looked for months and we were 1 of 12 couples to apply to adopt Fury. 

The next picture is of something that always makes me smile... and I might sound crazy now... but whenever I see these "helicopter plants", I believe it's a sign from the universe that I am in the right place or on the right track. I've seen them in the most bizarre locations all my life, and always look up and smile at the sky when I see them, hehe. 

And lastly, a glimpse of Mr. Grizzly in the Bell 222 flight simulator that he coded all by himself, the world's first Bell 222 simulator, which is now proudly stationed in Johannesburg, South Africa. 

I hope you are well! Thank you for your support and welcome to all the new Grizzly Patrons! We will have a balcony or walking stream very soon again! 






Always making me smile 😊 and that desk was a sight to behold ✨Great minds think alike ♥️