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After confirming that TheHandy can connect, please download the scene!



working video



1. Download "VaMSync-3.0"


2. Place the "VaMLaunch" folder in the following location

\ VaM_Updater \ Custom \ Scripts \ VAMLaunch

3. Launch "vamsync-installer.exe" to install "VaM hardware Sync"

4. Launch "VaM hardware Sync" and connect to The Handy

(located in the folder you installed)

5. Launch VaM and load your favorite scene.


Select "The Handy Sphere" in the UI text

The contents of the "Plugin tab" are already in error.

Click "Select File ..." and load "ADD_ME.cslist" from the location of

\ VaM_Updater \ Custom \ Scripts \ VAML launch \ ADD_ME.cslist

6.  This is the final step. (In my scene this is already set)

WARNING: Don't put " your stick " in The Handy yet.


Click "Open Custom UI ..." to change each item

MotionSource: Zone

TargetAtom: mo Sphere 2

TargetControl: control

Play the scene from the beginning,

Your The Handy works.

If you save this state, you don't have to take these steps next time.



Hi - I'm a n00b, but there's no 'mo Sphere 2' TargetAtom under TheHandySphere? There's no 'mo Sphere X' at all... Am I doing something wrong? Thank you!


This post describes the previous version, currently compatible with Handy in the free version, no configuration required :)


Hi thank you for this. Unfortunately I have an issue. The Handy is not moving. I think this is related to an connection issue. I have done like you described and installed the Vam hardware sync and started it. Do I have to press any button to put the Handy into bluetooth mode? Or is it connected via Wifi? in this tool there is a text like "Connected to Vam" and "Connected, restart Vamsync to disconnect" - does this mean connection is ok. If yes why the handy is not moving? I have done the plugin setting like shown. Thank you for your help!


here a may helpful link with some instructions https://www.reddit.com/r/theHandy/comments/oxfn1u/using_the_handy_with_virtamate_in_bluetooth_mode/ I tried it with ScriptPlayer and it tells me that my Handy is not connected. It is only connected if I use my Connection Key for the WiFi/Internet connection but it seems that this is not working with the vamlaunch So i have ordered another bluetooth stick and try it with this new stick. I have nothing found about the used bluetooth standard of the handy


handy connects with bluetooth. Does your handy appear in the connection software HardwareSync? Does the firmware support it?


quick update: yesterday my new bluetooth stick arrived. With the Handy in Bluetooth mode (blue led) it works well with the new bluetooth stick. Thanks


Good, I'm relieved :)