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It's actually quite of note they way Souta sees himself compared to Nao and how great this depicts it, because I think he doesn't only sees himself as another face in the crowd but even as a fool, which is a mental image he often deals with, no only as he compares with others (especially Iseya as of late) but probably even as he related on the crush he has on Nao, that it's foolish of him to feel that way, surely everyone will feel that way once they get to know Iseya better and see all he has seen and Souta wrongly believes or feels he doesn't have much to offer back But he incredibly fails to see all that he does for Nao and how he impacts his life constantly, Souta is incredibly brave, he's kind and a team player, he's willing to be flexible and help in any way he can EVEN sing in front of a bunch of his peers when he knows NOTHING of the song, in a clown costume no less, and keeping SUCH good spirits? For someone as self conscious and shy as Nao those traits must seem as nothing but inspiring and admirable, it's because of Souta he's always doing new things, taking new risks, step over his line of comfort, Souta quite literally opens up his world and I really like how well this is portrayed constantly