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Happy birthday post for me hehe! Hope you all are well :D And who gifted Wolfey that!? XD

Before I go on a tangent; I would like to say emergency bikini commissions are still open, so just shoot me a message if you want one!

And now for the tangent~~ ^_^)7

I know its been a minute since I posted. At the end of last month I unfortunately had to put my childhood dog of 15 years down. As you can imagine this took a pretty big toll on my mental health, and for about 2 weeks I couldn’t even bring myself to draw, let alone do really anything. It was rough, but I’ve had my cry and now I’m ready to pick myself back up!

I don’t really like to get personal on here, because I want everyone to just enjoy some smut and chill. Though I’m sure a lot of you can understand how difficult it is to a lose a pet, so I know you’ll understand my absence for a bit.

Anyway thank you guys!!!! Any commissions paid for by the 16th will be finished by august 20th!

And Seriously kitty and puppy will be done early fall, I need to get my head back in the game haha




Happy Birthday!


Happy late birthday sorry