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Chapter 19

Eunice and Lena looked at each other just for a second, and then, they turned back at Daisy.

Apparently, the main discussion for the night was… Blythe.

Maybe, they should´ve seen this one coming. Daisy had said there was something serious to discuss. Part of them thought it´ll be something about the virus. Maybe Daisy had some news about it. Perhaps, they had shared something with her. Or maybe she found out about something while being on a check-up. But it wasn´t like that.

The main topic to discuss now is… Blythe.

Neither had any idea this would happen. But it is. And now, both have their own thoughts about what Daisy will start talking about.

Eunice was curious, what if Daisy wanted to get Blythe out of there? Not a break out. More like, voting. To vote, send a complaint and show them they want her out of there. Like in a reality show where they compete and vote someone out at the end of the week.

Meanwhile, Lena was curious if Daisy had something else in mind. Something wild. Like a conspiracy plan. A way to punish Blythe for being the way she is. It´s clear she´s quite a teaser, maybe Daisy was going to make a move. A wicked one.

But it wasn´t like that. Daisy actually had a more reasonable way to treat this.

“Listen, you both know I hate that woman.” Daisy started. “Which is completely her fault. However, it´s come to my attention that you both are sort of… nice with her. Which I don´t mind. BUT, Dave has come to me the other day, and told me that maybe I should sort of… make peace with her. The thing is… I don´t trust her. Not one bit. But I do trust you. Now tell me, why are you two talking to her?” That sounded more like, why are they when they clearly shouldn´t?

But this wasn´t like that. This was more like when someone asks you about something just to know if they should change their minds about it. Not quite as when you´re trying to convince someone to try something new, this is more like someone trying to try something new, but something they don´t want. And now, Daisy wants them to make her look what she´s missing.

“So… you want to know why we´re talking to her or… do you want us to tell you why you should?” Lena asked.

“I want to know why, after knowing she´s a maneater, who clearly knows no boundaries, why should I speak to her? Because, right now, I feel like this woman will want to steal my Dan. And I don´t want that! And the fact that HE seems to be ok with talking to that woman I…” she was in a loss for words for a moment, she felt overwhelmed, and sad. “I´d like to know if things are alright, or maybe I´m the one who doesn´t know what´s going on.”

Daisy seemed sad, a bit heart ached. But maybe these two ladies can make her feel better.

Eunice and Lena could see it in her face. She was distressed. She felt alone in this, as if everyone else saw Blythe as harmless, but to her, she was a threat!

And Daisy was not one who´d rant about Blythe all day. Sure, whenever she comes up, she shows her true feelings, her anger, towards her. And, first thing she did, was to bring up the fact that they, ladies, should keep their men away from her.

But that was no lie, she was just warning them. Both truly saw the way she was. Lena was enraged by it, at first. And Eunice, on the other hand, didn´t care much about it. Blythe was no threat to her, Cory doesn´t get along with such statuesque women, due to the virus and his fear to shrink. Still, Andrew´s not the case, and Lena knows; that´s why she was so pissed when she caught him staring.

An anecdote, event, a point from where she could part to let Daisy know Blythe´s true colors.

Lena started speaking. Sharing with Daisy her own interaction with Blythe.

“And then, I enter the room and spot him looking at HER! I was so mad!” She couldn´t hide what she did next. To spank the hell out of the poor man, or not so poor; he kind of had it coming.

Lena continued, explaining how bad she felt. And that, in her distress, Blythe came to her. Not quite who she wanted to see. In fact, she wanted to turn around and walk away from her. But her words kept her there.

She cared, she was actually worried about Andrew. The fact that she, Lena, was so much bigger, if she went too hard on him, she would physically hurt him, really bad.

Lena knew, she truly cares. And it wasn´t like Blythe was telling her to be careful, or that she knew better, but she showed her she cared. That, between all those lusty looks, that tease, her seduction, there was some humanity there.

“She´s not really trying to steal our men, she´s more like… well, it´s hard to explain but she´s sort of… just teasing? But with no intentions to hurt anyone…” Lena explained.

“Just teasing?” Daisy asked, not fully convinced she was totally right. “So, you´re telling me that, if for some reason, Andrew fell for her charming, lusty hints, she wouldn´t do a thing?” She asked.

“Well…” It wasn´t that Lena didn´t trust Blythe, but Andrew was her main concern. She wasn´t sure hot that would end up.

“She won´t!” Interrupted Eunice. “I´ve spoken with her and, she´s only attracted to men. Big, manly men.” Well, big in regular standards. Eunice stands at 6´6”, and both Lena and Daisy are 6’9”. Tall men are average nowadays. If not short.

Much shorter compared to Blythe´s 7´3” stature. She´s actually a giantess, even compared with the amazons around.

“And how do you know that?” Daisy asked. She needed proof. Blythe can tell whatever she wants, she can say anything she likes. But Daisy needs proof, actual proof.

Both women looked at each other. Neither Eunice or Lena were sure on how to prove it to her. All they knew was what Blythe has said. That she was bored, and she only teased to, somehow, keep her sake.

Which, to Daisy, sounds as dumb as flying pigs so… that wouldn´t be enough.

Eunice had an idea. Something, quite simple, but it should do.

“She told us, she had no interest in any of… our men. But, here´s a question for you. Tell me, Daisy, has Blythe actually made a move? Not the tease, something beyond that. Has she called? Or in any way, attempted to meet with Dan without you knowing about it?” She had a point there.

If Blythe was truly trying to seduce him, steal him from her, then she would´ve made a move. A real move. Something beyond just the tease.

And it was easy to prove nothing had happened. If there had been any intercourse between them, then Blythe would´ve grown taller and Dave would´ve shrunk. But that wasn´t the case.

Surely, Blythe´s much taller. For a woman that entered this place without a couple, that was quite hard. But she found a way to have sex. Using the guards. Attracting them, making them let go of their fears, forget what´s been told to them about them infected ladies, and just seduce them further. To the point that, they ended up doing what she wanted. And she ended up taller.

Now, Dan hasn´t lost any other inch, none other than the ones he´s lost with Daisy. And she can keep an easy track on that. He should´ve lost the exact same inches she´s grown. And making the math´s simple.

“Just think about it.” Lena started. “Make the math, how much have you grown, versus how much he´s lost. The number should be the same.” Lena explained.

“Let me do the math…” Daisy said, running numbers in the air.

Dan has shrunk, from the big and hunky 6´3, to a shorter, yet still strong-looking 4´10”. Meanwhile, Daisy has expanded. From her original 5´4 stature, she has grown into a taller, and more voluptuous, 6´9” woman.

To check on herself was easy. She´s grown a foot-and-five-inches. But Dave´s numbers were a bit trickier. Not that much, but not as easy. However, the numbers were the same. 1´5”, or seventeen-inches.

That´s the height swap. The size-exchange. The inches he´s lost are the same as the ones he´s grown.

“Numbers are fine…” Daisy said. But she wasn´t truly convinced. Was Blythe good to be trusted or… what if she had a plan? What if all she´s said was fake? Could Daisy really trust her? “I… I don´t know if I should trust her.” Daisy started.

“I know it´s hard.” Eunice started, approaching Daisy. “But… I think it´s fine. She´s not a… a threat as a person. Sure, she teases men, but that´s… just the way she is.”

“Even if that´s a bit unpleasant, she´s not going to go beyond that.” Lena added.

“How can you be so sure? I´ve seen none of your boyfriends around her while you´re not around. How can we be sure she´s not waiting for all of us to set our guards down to make a move?” Daisy was not going to give up all she knows so far. She can´t just accept Blythe´s a sheep dressed in a fox´s fur.

Her concerns are fair. How? Eunice and Lena just couldn´t tell they could see it in Blythe´s face. That her words were true, her feelings, her emotions. That wasn´t fake. But there´s no way to say it was more than words.

“Well…” started Eunice, as this was the last she had to say. “You can either talk to her, or just… give her a chance? I guess that´s all the proof you need.”

“Me? Speaking with THAT woman? I don´t think that´ll work…” Diasy said.

“Oh, she´s not that bad. She´s nice. Showing off to our men, that´s not nice, but she´s a nice lady.” Lena added.

“She´s right.” Said Eunice, “You won´t know her good enough until you speak to her.”

Apparently, things haven´t change that much. Still, Daisy will think about it. To have a chat with Blythe. Not looking forward to becoming friends with her. But to give her a chance. A chance to prove her she´s not a maneater. Not the threat she thinks she is…

Meanwhile, as men had their time alone, a particular subject couldn´t help but to come up.

“Well, would you look at that…” Started Andrew as he walked around Cory.

All three of them were not standing, just chatting about random stuff, but then, Andrew noticed something…

“Cory, you´re the shortest!” He said, with a big grin in his face. When you´re in a world where men are shrinking, it´s hard not to see who´s gotten shorter. Now, from all of them, Cory, standing at 4´9”, was the shortest of them.

Both Dan and Andrew stood at 4´10”, even heights. Something Andrew could tell. But Cory wasn´t as even as them…

“What do you mean?” Cory asked, “we´re all the same height!” He said. Of course, compared to Eunice´s height, or Lena´s, or Daisy´s. They are all “even”, an inch is not so much when you live in a unit with a woman that stands almost two whole feet taller than you.

“No, man. We´re not the same height.” Andrew said as he wrapped his arm around Cory. “Dan, my man, how tall are you?” he asked, to make a point.

“Last time we checked, I stood at 4´10”.” Dan answered.

“Really?” Andrew thought he had a fraction of an inch on Dan, but maybe he was wrong with the perspective. “Me too. Lena made the mark, and it said 4´10”, now, how tall are you, Cory?”

Cory didn´t want to answer. What´s the big deal? Speaking of couples, Lena and Daisy are the tallest. But that´s not the point. Now, speaking on height difference between their couples, well, it´s the same for Dan and Andrew. For some reason, both of them stand at the same height, while their couples also stand equally tall between them.

There´s no actually victory for Andrew. Only if they were based on their original heights and how much they have lost. Dan was 6´3”, Andrew was 6´1”, and Cory was 6´. Based on that, Andrew and Cory had lost the same amount of height, fourteen-inches. While Dan has lost fifteen. Which would put Dan as the biggest looser. The thing is, none of them know that.

Right now, it´s only about the present. Their current heights and who´s taller. And clearly, Cory´s not the one.

“Come on, dude. Just say it. We can get a tape measure if you don´t want…” Andrew could be really annoying when he wanted to.

Even amongst men who are shrinking, they all needed to point at the one who´s the shortest. Dan wasn´t saying much, he was just looking at Andrew to see how far he wanted to get, or what was it that he wanted to prove.

Andrew just wanted to point it out. Why? No real need. Just to establish Cory was the shortest. And, an inch, that´s not really that much of a difference. Perhaps, Andrew just wanted to feel better with himself. Or maybe not.

Maybe he was just a dick. They were not old friend, not even known each other for long. The main reason why they hang out is because there´s not much people around. In total, there´s just seven people at the neighborhood. And their lives, currently, are confined to that place.

Andrew seems to be the most annoying of them all so far…

“Why do you need me to say it? I mean, you´re taller. Slightly. Do you really need me to say how tall I am?” Said Cory.

“Well… no. But it´ll be nice to know. I think you´re about… well, I can´t tell, but it´ll help me if you say it…” Not so kind, however, it´s not that much of a deal. Cory just didn´t want t play his game right now.

If he wanted him to say it, just to hear it. Then Cory will say it and that will be the end of it. But if Andrew wants to make a point about it, then the true annoyance will begin once he says it. Anyway, there´s no winning situation for Cory.

But, in order to get rid of Andrew, to get him to stop insisting, he´ll have to give up and say it. Else, he´ll be bugging him all night long…

“4´9”.” Cory said. Not so happily, but he said it.

“An inch? Just an inch shorter? I could´ve sworn it was more than that. Are you sure you´re not 4´8”?” Andrew asked. Looking at Cory from head to toes.

“No! four-feet-nine-inches. There! Happy?” Height was a more delicate topic nowadays.

“Ok, don´t get mad. I was just saying. Still…” Andrew now grinned a bit naughtily and added: “How´s the weather down there?” A joke like that? That was low.

Cory wanted to share a piece of his mind with Andrew. An inch, even two, or three. Cory can kick Andrew´s ass if he wanted. And right now, he just wants to shut his smart mouth.

Lucky for him, the girls were done talking. Right on time, and also, one of them had heard the conversation… Lena.

“Andrew, if you really want to know, I can help you with that…” Lena´s voice came. Andrew froze in place as Lena´s long arm reach for him. Wrapped around his neck, gently, and as she bent, she added: “You´re not bothering our neighbors, are you? Because, in my opinion, you´re not that much taller.” It was time to put Andrew in his place.

By now, Andrew was a little scared of Lena. She crossed the line, beating his butt the other day, it had set new rules. They never spoke about this before, but now, it was clear who was in charge. Her.

“From my point of view, you and Cory are about the same height. But, if this is how you act about being just an inch taller, maybe we should change that. Tell me, do we need to do it so that you´re polite? Hmmm?” Andrew swallowed.

Now, Cory was the one smiling. Lena winked at Cory, letting him know she´ll take care of him. She didn´t like bullies, and now, Andrew was acting a bit like one.

“N-no! I… I mean. I wasn´t…” Andrew started.

“What? Mean? You were not making a fuzz about who´s taller? Andrew, can you apologize to Cory? It´s not nice to annoy people about their heights. Much less when you´re not that much taller. For real, what did you want to prove?” Lena said. A sweet tone, but with some assertiveness on her body language.

“But… babe, I wasn´t bothering him. It was just a question.” Andrew said, looking way up at his 6´9” girlfriend.

Lena frowned. “Andrew, apologize. NOW. Or, next time you meet him, you´ll be the one looking up at him.” She wasn´t lying.

“Fine! Cory, I´m sorry man. I wasn´t… trying to annoy you or anything…” Lena could be really stubborn, or that´s what he thinks.

Everyone else was holding some laughter back. To watch the towering Lena, intimidating Andrew. That was fun to watch. He might not have realized it yet, but sometimes, his knees tremble a little. All due to the fear he feels for Lena.

It cannot be helped. Sometimes, he needs someone to put him in his place. And right now, it was one of those times.


William Wyrosdic

I want to see Blythe over 10ft tall, she is wonderful, let her grow bigger and taller.


That would be nice! Although, it would require time. Let´s see how the story goes ;D

Daniele Mereu

Let Blythe grows and expand more, she is the best