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Chapter 26

Larry was quiet during the drive home. He crashed with Nellie, but not just crash, he hit her butt, hard!

Hard enough to stumble and trip, to fall, and to… to feel her sexy glutes. Her butt was fit, yes, firm, yes, and sooooo soft. Plus, she was just so tall now that she felt like a giant, and her butt felt tremendous.

Still, that was very embarrassing.

“Come on, relax, I said it was fine. You just bumped into me, it happens, you know…” Said Nellie, knowing that Larry was so concerned.

One would think that, as a grown man, and as the “gamer” he used to be, he´d just smile or laugh about this. This is not the first butt he touches.

However, doesn´t this fall on the “inappropriate touching” rule of Evangeline? He was staring right at it, craving for it, and then he bumped into her. It may seem like it, but it doesn´t. You see, touching on purpose is one thing, but crashing with her is quite a mistake. Besides, he didn´t use his hands to grab it so… the angel chose to be good to him.

Larry didn´t reply. He stood there, looking out the window. Why was he feeling so bad? Was Evangeline really in his mind by now? Making him feel… guilty?

Yes, it´s true that he was staring, and he sure wanted to grab those sexy buns. But he didn´t actually tried to.

The good thing is, they got home soon, to his place, and he could get off the car and spend a little while resting, before Violet shows up.

“Well… thanks for the… run, Nellie. It was… fun.” He smiled, wanting her to say the same and then just leave.

“It was fun, yeah. And a good exercise too. Look at me, I´m all sweaty, haha.” She was, the tall lady was covered in sweat. All over her sensuous body. But he couldn´t focus on that right now. His erection vanished just a couple blocks away, he can´t risk it coming back.

“Yeah, fun… so… see you later?” he really wants her to leave. Let´s just say he´s not feeling so comfortable right now.

“Sure thing, I´ll go take a shower and I´ll be back here in… an hour?” What! She´ll come back? That soon!

Larry didn´t want any of that. He wanted Nellie to leave and meet her, but at dinner time. Not so soon! Violet´s coming! He had to tell her she´s not welcomed. But that will be rude, and probably will cost him some inches. Maybe he can lie and say he´s tired and that he wants some sleep? But she´ll probably say something like, she´s not going to make any noise.

He knows why she´s coming back. To clean. She said it on Friday. “I´ll come and help you clean…” and that was today.

“Ok, see you soon.” He smiled, but deep down, he feels like a jerk. A guy who allows anyone to take control of his life. Is this what Evangeline wants? For him to follow whatever a woman says?

He stood there, next to the car, watching Nellie walking to the house next door. He was smiling, but deep down he´s feeling like a weak guy. Why can´t he just say he´ll have Violet over and that he doesn´t want them to meet?

That´s rude, because he doesn´t have a specific reason why. But he´s worried. What if Violet starts talking about their office affairs? Not likely, but still possible. OR, what if Nellie starts talking about how she takes care of him? Sometimes he feels Nellie is just a huge babysitter, or a nanny. And that´s not nice!

He´s a grown man, admitting something like that makes him feel kind of… useless. Or weak. Needy even. And he´s not any of that, he´s just in sight of an angel that is making his life a mess. It´s not fair.

He showered. Threw himself in bed for a moment. And before he could tell, Nellie was back.

She´s been to his house so many times that, by now, she considers it an extension of her aunt´s house. She´s not even ringing the bell anymore, she´s just opening the door and walking it. Which may seem rude, but things are just this way now.

And there´s really not much he can do…

What happened next? She´s said it before, they will clean.

She dusted, since she said she was “tall enough”, while he got some laundry done. Then, she vacuumed the carpets on the living room while he took out the trash. After that, he threw his clean, wet clothes on the drier.

Nellie was dressed on a tank top, a yellow one, wrapped around her shapely torso. And she wore some denim, probably very worn, shorts. Displaying her long, sexy legs. And she was in flip-flops.

The sound she made while walking, he could listen to her from the other room. This was not quite nice.

Yes, she´s helping him clean. But who said he wanted to clean? This is a decision HE has to make. Not her. This is HIS house. He can´t just walk in and say “ok, we´re cleaning tomorrow.” That sounds as if he was messy, and he´s not! His house is not tide, but it´s fine.

As he takes out the dry clothes, before he heads upstairs to fold them, he´s thinking. How about kicking her out? Well, that will be rude, and Evangeline made it clean, he CAN´T be rude towards women.

But he can be polite and tell her he doesn´t appreciate the way she´s getting things done. She should be asking him if he wants help cleaning, not just popping up and telling him when they will do so.


“Everything ok?” she entered the laundry room. Her long hair fixed on a pony tail, latex gloves in her hands, and her top… she was not wearing a bra.

He could see her boobs, with some extra bounce, as she entered the room. Beneath her top, her nipples were hard, it was easy to see them.

This reminded him the reason why he hasn´t kicked her out. She´s hot, and she deserves some more… patience.

“Yeah… everything´s fine.” Stupid horny brain, betraying him.

“Great. You can fold those and store them while I take care of the dishes. Because,” her tone was a bit teasing then, “someone hasn´t taken care of them in a while…” yes, he did his dishes every other day, that´s not wrong. He lives ALONE, or at least used to. Now, Nellie´s more like… a roomie. One that comes over a few times a day, but never really stays the night.

He just nodded. But he hates it when people tell him things he has to do, when he clearly knows he has to and he´s clearly on his way to do them. She can´t order him around.

Larry was upset, but deep down, he knew he was being silly. She´s not trying to be mean, or bossy. She´s just being polite. And helpful. She´s being a friendly neighbor.

“Maybe I´m just upset.” He thought to himself. Life has changed so much for him. But he shouldn´t take it on the people who are nice with him.

While he was finally easing his mind, the doorbell rang.

*ding* *dong*

Oh no, is it that late? Is it… Violet?!

Violet said she was coming over for lunch. Sunday, at 3:00 pm. Now, it was Sunday, but…

“It can´t be that late!” he cried, did he really spend his late morning and early afternoon cleaning? Had time flown by that fast!

“Larry, I think someone´s at the door, can you get it?” Said Nellie from the kitchen, as she was doing the dishes.

Larry swallowed, of course he could get it, after all, he was right in front of it.

He was nervous. But why? He´s seen Violet plenty of times. At the office, but… how would it be to have her over? As a guest?

Besides, he´s not even dressed! He´s just there in a random, worn, shirt and some shorts. He´s not even wearing shoes. He´s so self-conscious now…

His size, his life. Everything´s changing. And he just… he´s not used to so much.

*ding* *dong*

Came the doorbell again. Larry swallowed; he knew he had to answer. Violet´s been so nice, so sweet. He can´t have her waiting there for too long.

“Yes?” He said, finally opening the door. He wasn´t ready, but he´s got no other choice.

He craned his neck, up and up to meet his amazonic guest. But his jaw hit the floor, Violet was HOT!

“Hi there…” she smiled and waved down to him.

Of course, he knows she´s hot. He works with her. He sees her almost every day. But never like this…

Violet, the 6´2”, hot, pretty, and nice lady was wearing a dress. A pink, short, and tight dress. Wrapped around her thin waist sensuously; lose over her wide hips, revealing her long, thick legs. And on the chest area, well, aside of being tight, it was a low-cut dress, which means, her boobs are on display… a hot, teasing display.

Larry swallowed, amazed by the bombshell that stood at his door. He couldn´t even invite her in. From his point of view, she was colossal, and sooooo hot!

“I brought a salad… and some wine…” she said, smiling down at him. Let´s just say this “lunch” was more like… a date. But… maybe she forgot to mention he was supposed to get food?

She still has a plan B, take out. And they can eat the salad while they wait. Or not. She´s got some plans… for him.

“Larry, did you get the door alrea… oh, hi!” Said Nellie as she was coming into the room to check.

“Hi!” Said Violet, who was not expecting any company…

The introduction was short; Violet, Nellie. Nellie, Violet. Well, maybe not that short, but they got along pretty easy.

“I live next door. I´m staying over with my aunt. And while I look for a job, I´m helping Larry out with. You know, things like cooking, cleaning. Driving him to work, that kind of stuff.” He didn´t need her to say that. He was kind of left aside for a while, even though, he was kind of the main topic.

“Aww, how kind.” Violet said as she drove her hands to her boobs, no, her heart. “I´m really glad Larry had a friend who helps him out. You know, things haven´t been easy for him. The other day at the office…”

“I THINK… why don´t we all come in? You know, sit at the living room…” he interrupted Violet, he doesn´t need her to say everyone laughed about him. Nellie doesn´t need to hear that.

“Oh, sure. Maybe we should.” Said Violet.

“Ok, do you need any help with that?” Nellie asked, looking at the Salad and the bottle of wine. She was going to take it to the kitchen. Plus, she looked up at Violet for a second, she stood out. Six full inches taller than Nellie.

As they walked in, and Larry closed the door. They kept chatting.

“So, Nellie, did you say you were looking for a job?” Larry heard that, what was going to happen?

Next thing he knows, both women are chatting at the living room, about job. Violet explained Nellie she was Larry´s assistant. And after an “incident” at the office, which she explained was when everyone laughed of Larry, she said they had a vacant at the office.

“How rude, who´d laugh about something like this. Can´t they see he´s got a condition? And a very rare one. That´s just… that´s not cool.” Said Nellie.

“I know. And poor Larry just started crying, good thing I was there.” Ok, now he wants to disappear. Why can´t he hide on his clothes like a turtle would with their shell?

Now, both women, who know him VERY well. Or at least, they´ve spent a lot of time with him over the last few weeks. Long enough to know he´s shrinking, and long enough to be part of his life.

“The job´s pretty simple. Most will be done on a spreadsheet, to be honest.” Said Violet.

“Well, that sounds easy. But, I´m like… fresh out of college, do you think I have a chance? I mean, isn´t there a long line of people already?” Replied Nellie, being a bit realistic. This was ONE spot, not the type of job where they hire people by the dozen.

“Hmmm,” Sain Violet as she drove her finger to her chin and started thinking. “Well, why don´t you send me your curriculum and let me see. Maybe you´re more skilled than you think.”

This was just perfect, in the “perfect” kind of way. Larry thought he could escape Nellie at work, and now, it seems she´ll be there too? This is not so good.

He doesn´t hate Nellie, she´s really helpful. But a chance to see her at work too? What if she wants to take lunch with him? Or what if she wants to pay some visits to his office? Sometimes she´s just… suffocating.

And she´s just the neighbor. What if she was something else? Like a girlfriend?

But there´s been cero hints coming from her. If she wanted to seduce him, she would´ve already made a move.

She´s either a kind soul, or… she´s got something else in hands…

Both women kept chatting for a while. Violet ordered something and they kept taking and talking. Part of the chat was about clothing. Another about the job she´ll do if she gets hired. Most of it would be putting numbers in the computer.

And, there were other times when they talked about him. Moments when HE was the main topic.

Violet talked about how things were when he was 6´1”. How he tried to nail all hotties at the office. His pride, his arrogance. But now, he´s a new man.

“I mean, I can´t say that this is a life-changing thing, but, aside of his height, his attitude has changed too.”

“For real? Well, someone sounded like a jerk, haha.” Said Nellie, turning at Larry for a second. And then just laughing about the irony of things.

Larry hated it. He stood there, in silence as they talked about him as if he wasn´t there. Small laughs and giggles on how much of a deuce he was. Nellie couldn´t believe that a man that seems wo weak could´ve been that much of a deuce.

Maybe the shrinking was for the best, that´s what she thinks. Which is exactly the goal of a certain angel.

“Irony, you have two beautiful women at your dining room, and all they do is laugh about you.” Whispered Evangeline, inside Larry´s mind.

“Shut it.” He mentally replied.

“Don´t feel that way. Don´t you think it´s nicer to have friends than just any random, semi-naked woman at your table?” She had a point.

He´s been spending so much time fooling around that he forgot what really matters, friends. People who cared. And these two women did, in their own way. And, of course, because of their own purposes.

“You know,” Said Violet, turning the conversation back to the work matters. “I think I can help you out and get you an interview for tomorrow.”

“For real!” Nellie needed a job, not desperately, but not that far from that.

“For real. Just send your curriculum to this email…” she wrote it down on a napkin for her. “and I´ll take care of the rest. Here.” She handed her the info.

“Wow, thank you! Really, Thank you Violet! I´ll go and get it done right now.”

Well, now it seems that Nellie will officially be part of his team. Larry was not quite happy, but she needed a job, there was a vacancy where he worked… if things were supposed to happen that way, well… so be it.

And, at the sound of the door closing, Violet´s face changed. From happy to… naughty.

“Well… she´s gone…” Started Violet, turning at Larry, she had something in mind.

In fact, she´s had it in mind for more than a while. There´s something she´s been wanting to do since she got there. Since before she got there.

She didn´t brought wine just because. But Nellie was there, being the third wheel. She was a bit of a nuisance. Or, more like in the way.

“Well, Larry, I had a special surprise for you. But that little neighbor of yours took some time from us… and look at the time, it´s almost 7:00…” four hours, Violet´s been sitting there, patiently waiting for Nellie to leave during FOUR hours!

Violet couldn’t kick her out. It was Larry´s place, and she had no idea who she was. At first, she thought Larry had hired a maid, but knowing she´s his neighbor, that makes her happy. There´s more people in his life who cared for him. Good!

She had to think on a way to get her out, since she didn´t lived there… things were easier. She only needed to get her busy, make her return to her own house. Otherwise, she would´ve sent her to the store or something. But things came up pretty well.

“Now, I´m not going to punish you for not telling me you had company at home.” Maybe she could be a stern amazon some other day. She had plans for today.

“Hey, that wasn´t my fault. We were supposed to jog together, not spend the whole day cleaning.” He complaint.

“Relax, I´m not mad. But… now that she´s gone… how about we talk about our… dynamic for today…” she approached, and looked at him with deep, sensuous eyes. The ones that make you feel like melting to the core.

Larry was excited. A little weird, and maybe shameful, but eager. He was waiting right in front of the door, again. But now, Violet was going to come in in a more… sexy way.

This time, she didn´t rang the bell, she just opened the door, almost slamming it.

“Larry! Honey! There´s something wrong!” She screamed, so that he could hear him, but not the neighbors, she can´t have Nellie coming back.

“W-what is it… dear?” He felt so silly.

Violet had an idea. And part of that idea meant role-playing. Today, Violet was his wife. Which seemed… ok. He would love to have a wife like her, but he would also love to be his actual size again.

Today, she was playing the role of his wife. A wife that had an incident… she grew.

“What? Can´t you see? I´m HUGE!!!” He´s not good at role-playing.

“Oh, right… you, you´re TALL!” well, she is tall, but that´s because he´s gotten shorter. “Uhm, why? What happened?” he was terrible improvising.

“I don´t know. I just… drank this free sample on the store and, on my way here, I could feel myself growing. My shoes were tight, so I took them off. And then I had to readjust the car´s seat. The car´s so… confining now. I barely made it.” On the other hand, she´s kind of good.

Maybe she´s run these ideas inside her mind for a while. Plus, she really doesn´t have shoes. To stick to her role.

“Oh, Larry, I feel so… tight. Look at this dress, it´s so… cramped.” She started touching her body, teasing him. She turned a bit, showing off her butt. “Look, honey, look how big my butt´s gotten. How tall, swelling on this tiny dress.” He was looking.


“And my boobs, oh, Larry. They are SO big now! Look, tell me, aren´t they the BIGGEST boobs you´ve seen?” she approached and bent, so that her tits were right on his face.

“Yes…” He was bad with his replies. Violet was doing all the job here, not that she minds.

“And you look so small! I feel so big. I must be about… eight-feet-tall! We´re lucky the ceiling of the house are so tall.”

“Mhm…” He was just looking at her, up and down. He really had no idea what to say. He just agreed with her.

“But… don´t you like it? Hmmm? Don´t you think I look better like this? Taller? Curvier? Don´t I look… sexy?”

He´s not good with his lines, so she´ll speed up the process a little.

“You like it, don´t you? A bigger wife, bigger boobs, a bigger butt. Mmmm, I bet you´d like me to take you to bed? Huh? Do you want your amazon of a wife to carry you to bed? To pick you up? I bet you weight nothing now…” She just did what she said, not giving him a time to reply. She was sure he was only going to nod.

By now she was sure he wanted to get laid. His erection is imminent in those shorts of his.

“Mmmm…” she said as she threw herself all over him, pinning him to the mattress, resting her “bigger” body over his. Rubbing her expanded breasts on his chest. Making out with him.

“So tall… so big… tell me, how big I am?” she asked.

“A… you´re eight… eight-feet-tall.” He said, beneath her heavy body.

“That´s right. An eight-foot-tall AMAZON. Bigger, heavier, stronger…” she had him right where she wanted. He was already horny. Even if he´s not as much into this as her, he´s already hot enough for her. And she knows she´s sexy so…

Violet stood up, looming above him in bed, sitting over her knees. Then, she just ripped the dress off of her.

Larry was amazed by her commitment. “It was too tight already…” she added, before she removed the rest of her clothes and his.

Now, Larry was having sex with this “enlarged” woman. Feeling her body all over his. Her long legs, her heavy tits. In a way, she does seem as if she had grown bigger.

This was nice, he was having sex with his assistant. At his house. On his bed. Under her rules, yes, but that doesn´t mean he´s not enjoying it.

He could feel his hard member, surrounded by her thick pussy. Their bodies, together in this hot, carnal ritual.

And Violet, well, he does make her feel bigger. Taller, stronger. Those were no lies. She wouldn´t mind if he shrinks down to the size of her thumb. There´s plenty of things she can think about doing by then.

Their moans, moans she explained were louder, deeper. They filled the air, the room, his mind. He could only feel her, she was so large, and so fleshy. Larry came hard inside her. And so she did. She was very pleased by this game they played. This role they had.

While he came, she bent over and kissed him deeply, cutting off his intake of air for a moment. But he didn´t mind.



H O T with a capital H. Awesome, brother!