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She went to sleep on her apartment´s bedroom, as usual. Sleeping cozily on her individual size bed. Surrounded with sheets. She was sleeping as she always did, laying on her back, looking up at the ceiling. Why?

Well, she likes to keep the right pose at everything she does. And sleeping that way, according to her, can guarantee a better sleep. A better pose, better for the back, etc… she´s just a perfectionist.

But this won´t remain for too long. She´ll see in the morning…

*beep* *beep* *beep*

The alarm on her phone was beeping, over and over. Normally, she would´ve been awake a little before it starts ringing, but today… she feels kind of tired. More like, lazy.

Taking a look at her, she doesn´t seem to be sleeping in the same position, not even on the same bed. The room´s a little different as well. And her bed, is no longer an individual, but a king-sized bed.

Over the bed, there´s this big bulge, it seems someone´s sleeping sideways today, in a fetal position. But there´s something off… this person in the bed… she seems… bigger?

“Uuughhhh…” she said as she rolled over and reached for her phone. But when she did, her hand seemed a bit… inflated.

Her hand, with her pretty manicured fingers, was thin, with elegant fingers and a slim wrist. But it was not the same hand that reached for her phone on the night´s table.

Her hand was HUGE, puffy, her fingers were… fat. Thick, longer even, but fluffy all over. And her wrist, well… it seemed a bit… chunky?

“Come on… just shut up…” she grunted, her voice sounding a bit huskier, kind of deeper. But that could be because she just woke up. But it wasn´t.

She rubbed her eyes, still too asleep to notice that her hands were not the only puffy thing on her; that if she had noticed her hands were not thin anymore. And her arms, thick, hefty soft arms.

She rolled once more, but this time to get up of the bed. Slowly, she felt heavy, but she didn´t stop to think about how much heavier she was.

From beneath the bed, you could see a pair of feet, but not Olive´s tiny feet, this were larger feet. Thicker, and her legs, what could be seen from there, were thick. Much thicker, sturdier calves.

Olive stood up, but she was no longer the 5´9”, fit, lady she was. She was bigger. Her legs were thicker, her thighs were massive, and her butt was mesmerizing. Her body, more than fat, was simply thicker, but kind of built, and not muscular either. She was firm.

Above those massive legs, a pair of wide, heavy hips. Her torso was not trimmed, but soft, carrying this puffy belly. A soft, mushy stomach, forcing her shirt to go up.

Her arms were thick, not the slim, toned arms she once had, they were chunky, thick all over, and with this fat bicep, with an overly puffy triceps behind. Her shoulders were wider, and soft, carrying a pair of big boobs.

Her boobs were now massive. Before, she had big boobs, which she was proud of, but now, a single one of her tits is at least twice as big as both boobs together. Stretching the fabric of the tank top she´s wearing.

But that´s not the only thing bigger on her, you can forget about her old height because this lady, who thought was already perfectly tall for a woman, is currently standing at 6´9”!

Olive´s no longer the fit, sexy woman she used to be. Now, it seems she was turned into this amazon, a big, heavy, round amazon. Her body doesn´t resemble the one she was so proud of before. Now, it seems that the strict diet she was on could really come in handy.

She made her way to her bathroom, still a bit asleep. She felt heavy, but she didn´t stop to think on why. And everything seemed different, but she blamed her tiredness for it.

Besides, couldn´t she notice that everything´s a whole foot below? She´s so much taller and she hasn’t realized it yet?

Not even realize that her bathroom´s located inside her room? She didn´t had a bathroom on her room when she lived on her apartment… why could that be?

She turned on the tab and washed her face. All of her creams were there, but the mirror seemed a bit off. Maybe the fact that she can barely keep her eyes open is the cause?

She washed her hands and then her face. Taking deep breaths, inflating her chest and making her huge knockers go up and down with every breath. Right now, she was finally awake, FINALLY!

The first thing she noticed; her hands seemed a little… off. They were… pale? But that´s not the thing, each hand´s twice as big as it used to be. Her fingers are longer, but they are so much thicker that they don´t seem that long. However, she can realize her knuckles are… gone? The back of her hand is completely… puffy?

Was it swollen? Were her both hands swollen? What happened? An allergic reaction? Did something bite her while she was sleeping?

But, when she looked straight at the mirror, she realized what was going on…

Her heart skipped a beat as she looked at this lady in front of her. Who was this? She was… massive! Fat, wide. Soft all over. Shoulders, breasts, and the face… that round face, it was… HER!?

“WHAT THE FUCK!!!” she yelled, putting her hand in the mirror. She was shocked! That big, fat lady, it was… her? This was a mirror, there´s no doubt; what´s going on?!

She touched her face, her soft, pink cheeks. Her defined jaw was gone, replaced by… a double chin? Oh no, she stood straight, there was definitely NO double chin. Unless she lowered her chin.

Her thin neck was replaced by this thick… thing, connecting her head with her shoulders. Those wide, soft shoulders.

What was going on? Was this a tricked mirror? Was she… swollen? Had she had an allergic reaction? She even chose to believe this was a dream. But when she pinched herself, on her big, fat arm, she realized it wasn´t.

“No, this can´t… this can´t be me!” What had happened? Why had her formerly sexy body been… inflated into this big, fat one?

“Honey, is everything ok in there?” came a voice as they knocked on her bedroom´s door.

“Oh… yeah, everything´s fine.” She replied, with a huskier voice… but wait, who was that?

Doesn´t she live alone at her apartment?

“Ok, sweetheart. But don´t take too long, breakfast´s ready at the kitchen. I made your favorite, chocolate chip pancakes! And don´t worry, I didn´t forgot about the bacon.” Or the extra bacon.

“Sure, mom. Be right there!” Wait… MOM?

What´s her mom doing there? In fact, what´s going on with the place? This is not the bathroom on her apartment, this is… her old room´s bathroom. The one on her… parent´s house!

“What… what am I doing here?” it seems things are not quite as she remembers.

Her body is not the only thing that´s changed. Everything has! A few things remain, like her studies, her college, the place where she´s working on her internship, the gym she goes to. Still, there´s a few differences she´ll soon find out…

“Oh my…” she said, stepping out of the bathroom. She didn´t realize it before but, her hips are almost brushing the sides of the doorframe. She´s wide, definitely.

And she´s walking, in horror, as she feels how her body giggles. Not the pleasant bounce of her boobs, and maybe a bit on the butt, no. Her whole body feels heavy, and so soft. She´s concerned, what´s going on? How is it possible that she´s become this… giant jelly?

And that´s not it, she realized that the top of her head´s also disturbingly close to the top. Seriously, what happened to her?

Her clothes are tight, and not fitting her body. Her boobs are massive, threating with spilling out of her tank top, which doesn´t cover her soft belly. Her hips seem too wide for the pajamas she´s wearing, but… are those cupcakes on her pajamas? Is she actually a fatty so obsessed with food that she wants it all over her?

Her butt, which is swaying from one side to the other, bounces with each of her steps. She´s so uncomfortable. She can feel every inch of her giggling body. This isn´t right!

She walked down the stairs, the impact of her descending feet making her breasts bounce so heavily. Maybe she should´ve changed before coming down, at least put on a bra.

As she made her way downstairs, she had no doubts, this was definitely her parent´s house. What was she doing there?

Does it have something to do with the current state of her body? Did she develop a condition and was now in the care of her parents? Was she in some sort of coma she just woke up from?

She needs answers!

“Good morning, sweetheart. Take a seat, mommy will hand you some warm pancakes in a second!” Said her mom. Who was standing in front of the stove, with a plate in hand. A big one.

“Good morning, princes.” Came his father´s voice, who was already sitting at the kitchen´s table. But he was only eating a toast and some coffee. Reading the newspaper as he took a sip from the cup.

What´s the matter with them? Can´t they tell she´s HUGE? Someone can´t gain that much weight, or grow that much taller, and have people act so casual around her. They are her parents, can´t they tell her thin body has been replaced for this cow´s one?

She´s even bigger than the fridge! This can´t be right.

She sat at the table, making it creak a bit. This has never happened to her. She´s never been heavy.

“Ok, here you go…” Said her mom as she placed a HUGE plate in front of her.

Her eyes went wide as she saw the plate. A pile of at least eight pancakes, big pancakes, topped with two big cubes of butter. On the side, at least half a pound of bacon.

“Let me help you with the syrup, honey.” Her mother said, holding a huge bottle of syrup in hand; and then, she just poured, and poured the syrup all over the pancakes. About a full cup of it had fallen over those chocolate chip pancakes.

This can´t be right. Those have a ton of calories. The chocolate, the butter, all that syrup. And let´s not forget about the bacon on the side.

“I know, I know, they are not much. But remember, you´re on a diet.” What! This is not a lot? This is beyond a lot, this is insane! “I´ll go get you some milk, but try not to finish the whole gallon this time.” Her mother added.

“Come on, dear, let our little girl eat, she´s been working so hard at the gym, she deserves a treat every now and then.” His father winked at her. But he was wrong, “little”? She was nowhere near little.

“So… uhm, no one´s having any? I mean… is this really all for me?” This was a ton of calories sitting on the plate in front of her.

“Not at all, it´s all yours.” Replied his father, as if this was something good. To her, it was a nightmare.

What was going on? Her parents, they were… the same. His father was a regular man, of a slim complexion, who ate healthy and kept a flat stomach. And her mother was kind of the same, a thin waist and the hips of a grown woman. Overall, they were kind of a couple you´ll put on an ad, one that states you can keep a healthy life, at any age.

They are both on their early 50´s, and they are making her look so unhealthy. Plus, they look kind of… small.

Before, Olive and her mother were about the same height. Olive being an inch taller, and her father, he´s a 6´1” man. So… why is she so big!

She chose not to pay too much attention to it. It all seems things have always been like this. She´s 22-years-old and she still lives with her parents? Didn´t she moved out when she started college? Things were not right.

Another thing that wasn´t right was her appetite. She dug in, took a fork and started with the pancakes. There´s no way she´ll finish them. She´ll just eat one or two, and that´s it. She doesn´t even need to touch the bacon.

But she wasn´t counting on her new self. She´s 6´9”, and weighting what she estimates is over three-hundredth pounds. Which is a really big number to her.

In the end, she ate all eight chocolate ship pancakes. And she also munched the bacon. Bite after bite, one sip of her whole milk after the other. She drank half of the gallon before she noticed, and by that time, the pancakes were gone, and so was the bacon.

“Wow, it seems you really were hungry, dear.” Said her mother. It hit her hard that she did it without even noticing.

But it all smelled amazing, and the taste. Every bite made her crave for more. Or was it the fact that she was now… fat?

The worst thing is that she doesn´t even feel full. What´s wrong with her body? She could still eat some more. Probably drink the rest of the milk on the gallon and still ask for some more pancakes, and that greasy bacon.

“I… did…” she cleaned her mouth with a napkin as she looked at the plate, with eyes wide open.

“Would you like some more, princes?” asked her dad.

“No, Richard, she´s on a diet. She can´t eat more.” Her mother said, not so pampering now.

“Oh, come on, breakfast´s the most important meal of the day. Why don´t you give her some more pancakes? You know she likes them so much.” He said, turning at her as if he was trying to convince her.

“No. There´s no more pancakes. Plus, if she´s still hungry, then she can eat some fruit. You know, an apple, a banana. Something HEALTHY.”

Her new reality is disturbing. It seems her mother really wants her to lose weight. But she´s not quite giving her a dietary breakfast, at least not the type of diet meant to lose weight. And, as always, his daddy is on her side.

What worries her the most is the amount of food. Both acted as if it was nothing, so… how much can she really eat?

She excused herself from the table. When she stood up, she hit it with her belly. She turned bright red with embarrassment. She was big, and clumsy, she´s not used to her actual size.

She rushed upstairs, and locked herself in her room. Her body jiggling, even if her legs were longer, running upstairs was not as easy as it should.

“Oh my, I´m just so fat…” It seems that the physique she bragged about so much was gone. Replaced with a much bigger one.

All those times when she was proud of her toned body, her sexy curves, those days were gone. That´s if they ever existed.

“Just look at this…” she said to herself, looking right at the mirror. She rose her arms, just to look at what she called an “armbutt”; all that flesh hanging from underneath her arm, that´s supposed to be her triceps, and there wasn´t any fat there when she last checked.

Then, she took a closer look at her legs, stretching the fabric of those pajamas that are supposed to be lose fitting. But not now, her wide hips stretched the fabric so much, and she could see the waistband sinking on the flesh of her waist. Right below that big belly.

She´s never had a belly before, and this one, it was huge! Soft, pale, jiggly.

“This can´t be happening… why? Why me?!” And the worst part was… she was hungry. She heard a grumbling coming from her stomach. It seems that the breakfast she had just augmented her appetite. Now, her body was craving for sugar, salt, for fat.

Was this a nightmare? It felt like one. Or, were her parents playing a trick on her? That can´t be, her body looks so real, feels so real. What happened? She can´t believe, she refuses to think, that she´s always been like this.

Now, there´s only one way to check on that. She needs to get out of the house and meet other people. Only that way she´ll be sure about it. Her biggest fear, find out this is real.


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