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Hello everybody! How´s it going?

Hope you´re happy with the new updates :D

I´m thinking about posting a new poll later this month, but I´m still not sure what the thematic will be. Still, the last poll about the new short term is going nice!

I´ll announce the winner later on :)

Chapter 47

“Nick, I can´t believe it!!!” Maddy was mad. Enraged even.

She placed Nick gently on the floor, her top completely covered with vomit. At least it was all made up of milk… and stomach juices.

“S-sorry…” said a still sort of nauseous Nick, with his lips covered on white vomit, but now he was starting to feel better.

“Sorry? Sorry! Nick, you just puked all over me! Why, Nick. Why!” she removed her blazer, with a face of anger, mixed with disgust.

Nick felt a little threatened. He backed up. An aura of anger could be perceived all over Maddy. Now it wasn´t the time to be there. From his point of view, Maddy was a mad, twenty-feet giantess. Thick, strong, and upset. Not quite the best combination.

Rachel could feel that it was time to intervene. She was a little upset that she was creaming at him, well at least raising her tone. But to such a pampering woman like Rachel, this wasn´t fair.

“Oh, Maddy, come on, don´t be so hard on him. He was feeling sick. Maybe you could´ve asked before you picked him up. Did you ask?” Now Rachel was blaming it all on her? No way.

“No, I didn´t. But that´s no excuse. At least he could´ve give me a heads up.” Said Maddy as she was making sure there was no vomit on her hair.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. That´s not ok. Come on honey, is momma mad at you? Come to mommy. I´ll keep you safe.” Then, Rachel walked towards Nick, bent over and gently, but mostly slowly, picked him up. Placing him on her fleshy hip.

Maddy rolled her eyes. Also, had she just called her “momma” and called herself “mommy”? She took advantage of the moment to refer as herself like… the good one? The sweet one?

“Aww, it´s ok, sweetheart. Let´s take you to the bathroom and wash that cute face of yours.” She cooed at him. “And don´t worry, Maddy, we won´t bother you. I´ll take him to my personal bathroom. Feel free to use yours.” Was she taking Nick away?

Rachel took this as an opportunity to take him away, and he didn´t say a word? Maybe he wasn´t the one to blame. If he was ill, then he was too dumbfounded to speak, plus, vomiting doesn’t leave a person eager to talk.

“Fine. You won this time, Rachel. But don´t you think I don´t know what you´re up to.” Maddy thought to herself. So, Rachel wants to give the impression that she´s the “good” mommy, then so be it.

“We´ll see who´s truly the good one here…” Maddy knew it, game on.

After not so long, and with a now serene mind. Maddy went to Rachel´s room. To see why had he vomited all over her. She wanted to know if he was fine, plus, she couldn´t be the temperamental mommy. That wasn´t good.

*knock* *knock*

“Is everything ok?” she asked, standing at the door´s frame.

“Everything´s great! Right honey?” Rachel asked Nick, who now seemed much better. “How about you, dear. Have you cooled down?” The look on Rachel´s face, as she made Maddy that question, it was obvious what she wanted to do. She was almost mocking her for her short temper.

Maddy took a deep breath. “Yeah, I´m cool.” She replied, smiling.

“Are you sure, dear?” Rachel said.

“SHUT UP!” Those words came to Maddy´s mind, she was smiling, but her smile was hiding the fact that she wanted to zip Rachel´s lips. She knows exactly what she´s doing. She wants to make her look bad in front of Nick. That was inconceivable.

“Yes, I´m sure.” She replied, with a sweet tone, hiding her anger. “Nick, baby, I´m sorry. Rachel´s right, I should´ve asked. Can you forgive me? Hmmm? Can you forgive MOMMY?” she made an emphasis on the last word.

Nick knew it was his time to speak. As he was sitting in Rachel´s bed, he could tell both women were expecting an answer.

“S-sure. I… I forgive you, no problem. Uhm… I´m sorry about your top. I should´ve told you I was so full, and… if you want, I can wash it for you.” He wanted to make amends.

“Oh, no. Nick, don´t be silly, honey. My shirt´s way too big, and you can´t reach the washer. I´ll take care of it, don´t worry. However… what do you mean by… full? Did you, I don´t know, had a big lunch?” She knew Nick was really full after breakfast, and if his lunch was likewise, then, maybe, he was overeating. Or overdrinking.

“I…” Nick turned at Rachel for a second, but he knew better to speak the truth. “Yes. I was.”

“Hmmm…” said Maddy as she drove her finger to her lip, and with a thoughtful, yet ironic look, she said: “It seems like momma Rachel here could have OVER fed you, isn´t that right? Rachel, don´t you think those BIG boobs of yours may produce a lot of milk for our little cutie? I don´t think you´d wanna give him a stomachache, would you?” Payback time.

Rachel knew exactly what Maddy was doing. A taste of her own medicine. Well played.

“Of course not. I just felt full, you know. And I wanted…” Rachel started, but Maddy didn´t waste her chance.

“Oh, so you were full? Don´t you think that it may be too much for him? I mean, from my point of view, and I don´t mean to be rude or anything, that bosom of yours, I think it can carry more than he can drink. And if you´re full, well… maybe you should avoid feeding him. I´m just saying.”

Rachel was getting mad. But she won´t lose this battle.

And for Nick, well, he can feel the growing tension between the two of them. He swallowed, knowing exactly where things can head.

“Don´t be silly, I´ve fed him before. I know how much he can drink. The thing is… do you? He told me he had a lot of milk on breakfast. Who knows, maybe it´s you the one who´s overfeeding him, hmmm?” Rachel made her comeback.

“No, nah-ah, he was fine this morning, but after he came home, after you took care of him, well…”

“What?” Rachel now frowned.

“Oh, I don´t know, maybe you could´ve taken a better care of him. I´m just sayin´.”

This was a battle, and to Nick, he knows there would be no winner.

“Excuse me?” Rachel was outraged, had she just said she was not taking good care of him?

“I mean, he was full. Instead of, I don´t know, letting him rest, I assume you pushed him to drink from your milk.” Maddy had the upper hand now.

“I didn´t! I offered it to him, and he accepted it.”

“You offer or persuaded him to drink it? Let´s be realistic, Rachel, he´s a fool when it comes to milk, or breasts. All men are, they just can´t do a thing when they spot a pair of big, fat tits. Am I right, Nick?” Both women turned at him at the moment.

Nick´s eyes opened widely. He was the main reason why they were fighting. Even if they were not yelling, they were clearly arguing. And now, he was a part of it.

He was concerned, even if both women were not fully mad, they were not far from that. The look on their faces, it made him quiet. Anything he said could be an argument against either of them.

If he said he was in fact pushed by the roundness of her tits, then he was on Maddy´s side, and if he said the opposite, then he was in Rachel´s favor. This was a lose-lose situation to him. He could either lose Rachel or Maddy. And he didn´t want to lose any.

Both women could tell he was nervous, even a little scared. But who could blame him? They were literally two mad giantesses. His gut was telling him not to move, and that every word, any word, would upset either of those feminine beasts. He didn´t even wanted to move, he couldn´t even blink.

“There you go again, you´re scaring him! Can´t you see?” Came Rachel´s now slightly desperate tone.

“I am? It is you who caused all this! Why did you overfeed him? It´s your fault I was all covered with vomit before!” He wanted to disappear.

“My fault? I´m not even producing that much milk anymore. I think the fault´s yours!”

“Oh no, you´re blaming me? And what do you mean by anymore? OH, you´ve fed him before? How… you did, didn´t you!” she had the idea that she had already fed Nick, no one starts lactating so much from one day to another.

“So what if I did? He needed care, and I just gave it to him. EVERY. SINGLE. DROP.”

This was now a battle of titans. A showdown.

Maddy upset because she had to share. Rachel, mad that she now wanted to retract the agreement they made. Weren´t they supposed to be co-mommies? It seems this isn´t working the way they thought it would.

Both women were arguing with each other, stating that it was the others´ fault things were not working. Blaming the other, arguing she was bad for him.

“You don´t know how to treat him nice. You´re always mad, upset, moody.” Rachel spoke.

“No I´m not! You´re the one who just… spoils him! That´s right, there´s a difference between loving and spoiling, and you, ma´am, are a huge SPOILER!”

“How dare you. I just care for him. Unlike you. What would you do if I wasn´t there, what would you do to Nick if I hadn´t intervene. Hmm? I could see it in your eyes, you´re mean, Maddy, you´re a bad mommy!”

“Take that back, take it back!” Nick couldn´t take it, this was now hostile. Both women, red on their faces, yelling at each other. This was bad, really bad.

Deep down, even if he was afraid of it, knew he had to speak up. This was all about him, maybe he could be the one who stops this.

He was almost sweating. But he had to do it. He had to speak up, or else, these two women will do something they might regret.

He clenched his fists, stood up, and from the bottom of his chest, he just screamed.

“STOOOOOOP!!!” Loud enough, and both women could hear him.

Both, Rachel and Maddy, had reached the point where each was not listening to what the other said and just continued with whatever argument they had in mind at the moment. But even if they were not paying attention at each other, Nick was totally above them. He was still a priority.

The room was quiet. Out of a sudden, everything was in silence. But he knew it wouldn´t last for long. He needed to speak up, and say something smart, enough to resolve this.

“I… I think… I don´t think you both should be fighting.”

“Aww, sweetheart…” Started Rachel, who felt they were breaking his heart.

“Don´t start with that…” Complaint Maddy.

“No! Don´t argue. Please! I… I don´t want to see you fighting. Let´s… let´s just… sit, ok? Let´s talk about this in a civilized way… please.” Bot could see the distress on his face. Pain, it really hurt him to see them fighting all over him.

He had the attention he wanted. Now, it was time for this man to settle things down. Look for the best way to resolve this issue. He was the victim here, sort of. If they were both looking for his well-being, for his happiness, fighting for his care. Then he´s the one who should say what goes and what doesn´t. What´s good for him and what´s just not working.

“I´d like to say that, this is none of you girls´ fault. If there´s one to blame, that should be me. Blame it on me, for not saying anything before. Blame it on me for being shy, for not speaking for myself. If you want to know what I think is not working, just let me speak.”

Both women knew they had to let him speak. They turned at each other for a moment, knowing he was right. And then, they turned back at Nick.

Maddy crossed her arms beneath her massive bosom, pushing her tits up.  And Rachel just grabbed her hands in front of her crotch, pushing her boobs together.

Nick felt relieved, so far, it was working!

“I think…” He had the attention but, does he have a speech good enough? An actual solution? Both women were willing to listen, however, can the message be the right one?

For a second, he felt that the words were about to come out of his mouth on their own. But now, he´s not so sure.

“Come on, speak up!” he thought, trying to encourage himself. This was not a big step. Moving in to Rachel´s house, that was a big step. Accepting both for what they wanted to become, that was another big step, and having both work their maternal ways into him, that was an even bigger one. But this? He only had to share his opinion.

Something they never mind to ask. Him, the one who´s the actual “victim”, the one who´s actually struggling the most by their decisions. He knew he had to speak up, if not now, when? This was the time.

Nick took a deep breath. Stood straight, looked up at both of the plump amazons before him and decided this had been enough. They´ve been playing their game as if he was just a pawn, but he was no pawn, he was a king.

“I think both of you are wrong.” With all the pampering, all those cooing words, all those decisions made for him, he forgot he was a man, and not any men, the men both women wanted, cared for.

He forgot about one thing. His opinion, that´s the one that really matters. It is him who has the real power. Hopefully, he´s right.

“Wrong? What?” Came Maddy´s voice as she frowned a little, and then pointed at Rachel. “She´s the one who made you vomit.”

“What? Hold on, he didn´t just vomit my milk, you know…” Rachel placed both hands on her hips, a bit offended.

“Stop! I don´t… listen. You can´t blame one-another. It is both of you who caused this… discomfort on my stomach.” Both women were to blame, but he didn´t want to blame either, at least not directly.

He had an idea. Maybe they don´t quite love it, but it´s the only way to guarantee this won´t happen. They had to make a schedule. Not to be with him, but to feed him.

“I´m just a man, and… my stomach is too small. I cannot hold all the milk coming from your… ehm… your… you know.” Breasts, their huge, milk-filled, soft tits. He was right.

With his current size, and the lack of physical effort, he couldn´t take three full feedings of these women. Therefore, he´ll have to skip lunch. Otherwise…

“But… Nick I don´t think this is fair. We have needs. How am I supposed to wait a whole day to feed you?” Came Rachel´s voice, things were already not working how she wanted, and now he was putting more boundaries?

“She´s right, Nick, we´re producing a lot of milk. You certainly don´t expect us to just stop feeding you, right? Lactation is not just something you can stop, you know. It takes time.” Came Maddy´s voice.

“I know. But no one said anything about stopping. We´ll just… regulate it. Besides, if you´re full, well, I think there´s this pumps designed for women´s breasts. You know, to drain your… ehm, breasts.” He could suck on them, but he was shy when it came to talking about their boobs in a more “casual” way.

He could see the discontent on both women´s faces. Rachel looking sadder than Maddy, who was actually rising an angry eyebrow at him. But this was the only way. Besides, no one had ever asked him what he thought.

“That´s my solution, and honestly, I think it´s the best, and only one so far.” He was right, both women were more interested in seeing who´ll stop feeding him, but he found another way.

Maybe it´s not what they wanted, but it was a fair solution.

“Now, if you both excuse me, I´ll be on the living room. When you both have, ehm, cooled down, you can meet me there.” He liked it, maybe he was acting a little more arrogant, but he knew one thing, this is what they deserved.

Perhaps, playing by their game rules was not quite what he needed to do. He was a player, just like them. In this unknown game, all have to accept new rules, not just play by their owns´.

He walked out of the room, he may not be the 6´2” man he used to be, but he felt just as tall now.

“Who does he think he is?” Complaint Maddy.

“I know, he can´t just say that and walk away. He´s not the boss of us.” Spoke Rachel.

“Yeah. Although, I think he´s got a point there. He´s not capable of sucking us dry all day. He has a limit. Still, I think we should teach him a little lesson there.” Both women stopped fighting between them, probably they can live, or ignore, what was said so far. But there´s one thing, he can´t just walk away after dropping such bomb, he must understand who´s really in charge.

“What do you have in mind?” Said Rachel as she approached.

“Well, first, we must pump ourselves. You know, he won´t be able to keep it up, I assume you´re producing a lot of milk too,” Rachel nodded to Maddy´s question. “So, this will be the plan. We´re going to do what he said, we´ll get some breast pumps. BUT, for him to respect us, we´re going to let him see the other side of the coin for a while.”

“What do you mean?” Rachel understood, but not to the fullness of her plan.

“You see, he´s full, all day long, but what will happen if he´s not? What if we make him starve a bit. Just so he knows what it´s like.” He was acting arrogant? They will show him what he just got himself into.

“Aww, but Maddy, we can´t let him starve, he´s…” As always, Rachel was soft on him.

“We won´t, at least not just now. I have a plan, have you heard about fasting?” Maddy was mean, a mean planner.

So he doesn´t like it when they fight? That´s ok. But he can´t tell them what to do. Even if his resolution was good enough, he can´t just order them around.

Her plan goes like this. Nick will skip lunches, both women produce enough milk to get him through some nice eight hours without the need for more milk. And then, he can sleep the other eight. However, he can´t just go from one extreme to the other.

Over the next few days, his meals will go something like this. He´ll wake up, and wait for a while until Rachel feeds him “breakfast” near to lunch hours. And when he´s back home, after let´s say six hours, Maddy will take care of dinner. Which should make him sated until he goes to bed.

However, that will be at the beginning, after that, Rachel will start feeding him earlier, and earlier. And then, Maddy will start feeding him later and later. At first, he may take it, but there will be a point when he´s starving.

“Trust me, he´ll beg us to feed him. That way he´ll understand to value what he has.” Maybe this wasn´t fair.

Rachel doubted, but she knows that this will only strengthen their bond. Make him a bit more dependent on her, on both actually. Maddy knew it, and she could already picture Nick begging her to feed him.

He just wanted to solve their problem, but it seems he became their target. Poor guy, there´s a lot coming in store for him.

They decided to let everything behind. Well at least for now. Maddy knew Rachel just didn´t started lactating. She´s been feeding Nick, and she´s sure since the very first day she left him at her care. She was so blind. But there´s no point on crying over spilt milk. She made this plan out of nowhere, but now, it seems things can take another direction.

In the end, to who will he beg for the milk? Rachel? Maddy? He´ll get closer to the one who he truly loves. Maddy´s just hoping Rachel doesn´t ruin this plan, she´s too soft.


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