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Chapter 2

Ethan was standing in the living room, wondering how things could turn out for him. Could this be a good thing? It´s just like having a housekeeper, right? And she´s also a huge, sexy woman.

He wasn´t so sure if he liked the idea of her being so big. It was kind of intimidating. Mostly for a man his size. However, it all meant she had bigger assets. WAY BIGGER.

This woman, Judith, she took her blazer off. Revealing the true form of her breasts. Her tits were majestic. Now that they were “exposed” he could see how tight that top of hers really was. So tight, covering her tits as if it was a glove. He could see the round, perfect shape of her monstrous breasts.

What size were they? D seemed stupid! G? H? I? He has no idea how sizes work, but he´s certain of one thing, each tit´s bigger than his head. Much heavier too. Maybe… one and a half times the size of his head? Even two? They were tremendous!

But as he was daydreaming on her tits, he heard her voice from the kitchen.

“Ethan! There´s nothing in fridge!” That didn´t sound so good.

Ethan had no food on the fridge. Just some drinks, milk, water, a half-empty box of donuts. Nothing else.

“Oh, yeah… the fridge´s empty… I… I think I forgot to tell you…” he said as he walked into the kitchen.

“You forgot? I don´t know if that´s true or if there has never been real food inside this fridge. I mean, do you even cook?” Judith said as she turned at the empty bags of delivery on the living room´s floor.

“Well… I…” he had no excuse.

“Don´t. Just don´t answer. We´re going shopping.” She declared as she picked her blazer.

“What? We?” he asked.

“Yes, WE. I´m not supposed to leave you alone. I need to look after you 24/7”

“Ok but… do we need to go like… right now?” he asked.

“YES. Now go get dressed.”

He just did as she said. Now that he thinks about it, it seems as if she´s the one in charge.

“So… when you say you´ll be looking after me 24/7, what does that exactly mean? Is that a way of speaking or…?” He asked as they walked out of his apartment.

“No. From now on I´ll be living with you. What do you think the suitcases by the door are for?” He thought she had just arrived from the airport or something.

She continued: “Your father told me that you have a two-bedroom penthouse, plus some other things. I´ll be taking the other room.” The woman said, looking impossibly pretty, serious, yet lovely.

“Oh… so we´ll be like… roommates?” he asked.

“No, we´re not. I´m only your keeper.” She spoke, matter of fact.

Within a few minutes, they were out of the apartment. Time to go shopping. But first, there was some things to discuss, well, to establish.

“Do you have your debit card with you?” she asked.

“Oh, yes…” It made sense that he paid for his food, however, why was she asking?

“Hand it to me.” She declared as she guided her large hand right in front of him, leaving her palm looking up in an open position, and her fingers just wiggled as if saying: “Come on.”

“But… you can´t just ask me for my card.” He declared not willing to cooperate.

“Listen, this is an order from your father. He told me you´re not good with money. Therefore, I suggested him that I should take care of that matter. Now, you can give me the card nicely, or I can get if from you…” she placed her free hand on her wide hip.

She seemed intimidating, and deadly serious. He doesn´t want to know how strong she actually is.

“Here…” he said as he pulled out his wallet and took out his card. A debit card, he´s not trusted with a credit one.

“Good. Now follow me, I know where the closest supermarket is. Also, we´re walking. I can tell you need exercise.” Just by looking at his skinny body, and all of the junk food around, she could tell he was lazy, plus, his father confirmed it too.

It seems to him that Judith had everything planned already. She was one step ahead of him. This wasn´t good.

She was advised, not to say ordered, to look after him. But in reality, it felt as if she should torture him. His life will turn upside down. Yes, he´ll remain living on his penthouse, but not without some rules.

First of all, they WALKED to the store. All the way there by foot. It wasn´t so bad, but the thing is, they´ll have to go back the same way.

The next thing was that they didn´t got anything he wanted from the store. She apparently picked everything they´ll need for the week. Enough food to cover three meals a day during seven days.

Food for both. Judith will be living and eating there. Which meant they need way more food. A woman her size obviously needs to eat more than him. She eats around three times more calories than him.

But if this had been annoying so far, he had no idea what was coming.

“I… can´t… ugh… rest… a rest…” he was sweating now, carrying two bags. One in each hand.

“Come on, it´s just been three blocks. Now, don´t complaint, I´m carrying the actual stuff here, and am I complaining? No. You seriously need more exercise. I barely gave you anything to carry…” Came Judith´s voice from high above.

She was right. She was carrying around ninety-percent of the total weight. Carrying as if it was nothing. You could say she was lifting his full weight in groceries. She had around fifteen bags in her hands. Seven in one and eight on the other.

While she was carrying the actual heavy stuff, meat, vegetables, sauces, rice, fruits, and so on. She handed him the light things, such as pastas, bread, dairy. She had no idea he´ll be so weak.

She just blinked at him with a disappointed expression as he saw him struggling with the two bags he had. And there were still ten more blocks to make it back to the apartment.

“I wonder if taking the stairs is way too much for him… I´ll give him a break.” She thought as a mental image of him falling from the stairs hit her mind.

“Home… oh, finally home!” He declared as he stumbled and fell into the floor.

“You seriously need to exercise more. We´ll work on that.” She declared as she easily took all of the bags, his too, into the kitchen.

He was amazed, as he tried to recover on the ground, that Judith was so strong. It made sense, she was colossal.

After a while of hearing her getting busy on the kitchen, an aroma came to him. Landing right on his nostrils. A home-cooked meal, the delicious smell of something he hasn´t have in weeks. His stomach grumbled loudly. He couldn´t wait for it.

What was she cooking? What could it be that it smelled so good, so delicious, he was craving for it.

“What’s this?” he asked as she placed the plate in front of him.

He was used to fast food now, a grilled burger, some greasy pizza, fried stuff. Judith placed in front of him, a plate containing rice, pan chicken and some broiled vegetables.

“Lunch.” She said as she placed her plate on the table. Obviously, her portions were bigger.

“This… is this it?” He was used to eating meals made by chefs, if not commercial, unhealthy stuff. This was neither of them.

Judith sighed, stood up from the table, looking at him in the eyes. He feared he had insulted the amazon. However, she turned and headed back to the kitchen, and then came back, holding a ketchup bottle in her hand.

“If you need some more “seasoning”, use this.” She was harsh. But really pretty. Still intimidating.

She dug in as he was still uncertain on the meal It smelled so good, but it was… plain. It just didn´t seem so tasty. Nonetheless, when he tried some of it, he was amazed. It was actually really good!

Well, how good can his sense of taste be? As long as it had salt, it was good for him.

He wasn´t sure if this was more of a good or bad change. For instance, she will literally set the rules on the house. But, she will also take care of cooking, possibly cleaning. Plus, she was so hot!

He had a hard time looking at the chicken breast on his plate when there were clearly some bigger ones in front of him.

She took her blazer off once more, exposing her tremendous tits again. Her feminine mounds were just so big, so soft looking, tender, teasing. Bouncy! He would love nothing more than putting hands in them. Getting rid of the doubt on how soft they were.

When they finished, she declared one thing. He´ll take care of the dishes. He hated that part. In the meantime, she´ll arrange her room.

This was unexpected. A drastic change. He went from living alone to live with an amazon. A mature, stacked, thick, amazon of a woman. He could feel the stares of everyone on them as they walked through the store, she was by far the tallest there.

He felt odd, out of place. He didn´t want anyone´s attention on him, not even if it was dragged by her. In reality, anyone was looking at him. He was more like a reference to make her look even taller. Bigger, heftier, to stand out more.

“This is… why am I doing what she said?” he thought as he went through the dishes, he was half way done when he realized this was stupid. “I have no reason why to follow her orders. She works for ME, not the other way around… let´s see what she´s up to…” he decided to go check on her.

Maybe, if he was lucky, he´ll find her naked. Or at least topless. He could only try to imagine her nipples, right at his eye level. Hard, perky, teasing.

He drifted into her room. Slowly, quietly, like a silent, horny, ninja.

He was lucky that her door was open. About five inches, enough for him to peer. To look at her in the intimacy of her room. He breathed slowly, taking long, deep breaths. Hiding himself in the light shadow behind the door.

There she was. Judith, in all of her seven-foot glory. A muse, tall, thick, sexy. Her shoulders were broad, carrying some HUGE melons beneath them. Her waist was thin, giving her a sexy, hourglass figure. And her butt, huff!

Her hips were wide, matronal, strong. Her thick thighs gave her a much rounder look, but that´s not it. Her ass. Her butt cheeks were just so plump, so round, so tight. He was sure she was the pinnacle of women beauty. If you´re into tall amazons.

He felt so good, so wrong. Just staring at her had him going. He could feel his member stiffening inside his pants. Hard for her.

All the while, she had been taking her clothes out of one the suitcases. Unfolding and placing them right over the mattress. He was sure her feet will hang from that mattress. That bed, that king sized bed, was around 80 inches in length. Four inches short, at least.

“Ethan, have you finished with the dishes?” she asked steadily. Does she know he´s there? For how long had she know?!

“Uhm… I… I was…” How could he make up an excuse? How could she perceive him? She hadn´t even turned!

“If you´re not done, I´d suggest you to go back there. You know, staring at women like this is rude, and sometimes guys who stare have it hard. At least for those who stare at me.” He swallowed, HARD.

“S-sorry, I… I´ll get back to the kitchen.” He sprinted to the kitchen. He didn´t want to find out if she was bluffing.

“These men, leering at me as if I was just a giant piece of meat… I´ll teach him some manners while I´m here…” she said to herself as she continued.

Apparently, her size was the least important thing on her. She cooked, she had a killing body and… she could sense him? Does she have hyper senses? Eyes on her back? A bloodhound´s sense of smell? Judith was certainly an enigma. But a stacked one!



Ahhh I like a good superwoman story, and this one’s shaping up great. The contrast between her fit, healthy figure and his meager one is excellent.


It is, a nice, tall, hefty lady. Looking after him 24/7. The question is... What's going to happen? ;)