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Hello everyone!!! I hope you´re doing awesome!

Today, I have new chapters, and some news, concerning this particular story.

I´ve reached chapter 35, which is awesome! I never thought I would get this far. Honestly, I pictured the story would go for around 25 chapters or so.

And now, we´re ten chapters above that. But, I have some news to give.

I felt like the story was coming to an end. Which I don´t quite like. I know most of you love this story. And that´s why I didn´t want it to finish yet.

So, I brainstormed a few ideas. At first, I thought of a sequel. Like, making a pause and publishing "Hi... Neighbor 2", but I wasn´t sure.

THEN, I came up with an even better idea. It goes like this:

 What if we give Jonathan a little time off, letting him rest for a while, away from Lillian. It´s completely her choice, She doesn´t want him shrinking into nothing.

It will be just a pause, she says, until she´s "safe" for him. Therefore, Lillian lets Jonathan in the care of a lady, and we all know who she is.

But now, Lillian´s alone, with the hopes that her boobs will stop producing this shrinking milk. she has to be sure it´s safe, and the only way to test it is... drinking it. Just a sip, making sure not to grow more than an inch. But her testing goes for a while.

And how will she make it without Jonathan? He even left his house. At the size he is, he can´t live alone. BUT, someone else moves in next door. Another young man.

Lillian notices him. He looks so small, even if he´s 6´2". But she has to hold herself, she´s preparing for Jonathan. She can´t pick up just another guy and start over. OR, can she?

This new guy sees the giant neighbor. She´s colossal! And she´s got his attention. the thing is, what will happen when he tries to approach her?

I would like this to be like... extending the plot. Sort of starting over with this new guy while Jonathan lives soemwhere else, with a woman who´ll look after him. 

Meanwhile, Lillian grows, and it´s inevitable for the new neighbor not to shrink. When will he try her milk? And how?

Now, I already have a lot of ideas for this new chapters, and I hope you like the idea.

Plus, what if this guy does like the pampering? Plus, Lillian´s growth. And, what will happen to Melissa?

A lot of this coming up. I really hope you like the idea, and if you do, please leave a comment. I´ll be happy to know if you, my patrons, like the idea as much. 

Chapter 35

Lillian is having a really hard time today. Actually, she does every day.

Reducing the breastfeeding sessions with Jonathan only has one effect on her. Worries. She´s constantly wondering if this is making him feel bad.

He doesn´t seem like it, but maybe he´s just being nice and not speaking his real truth. Maybe he feels left aside because she´s no longer with him all day long. She misses those days too.

Right now, he´s with her, not counting the time when they sleep, for about three to four hours a day. This is killing her.

“My poor little thing, he must feel left aside…” she thought as her eyes went teary.

Lillian was standing in front of the sink, one that was barely reaching her crotch. She was too big for a lot of things around the house. Her feet even hang from her bed. But that´s easily fixed.

What´s not easily fixed is the relationship she´s now making with Jonathan. He´s away from her. She cannot make a strong, lovely bond if she has to cast him away for long periods of time.

But this is all for his own good.

She´s trying to avoid his shrinking. Lillian doesn´t want Jonathan to shrink any more. He´s perfect the size he is. Yes, she planned things to be like this, keep him at 1´6” for her 6´6” self. But things had changed.

Now, he´s a 1´3” man living under the care of a 7´7” amazon. This isn´t perfect, but it´s still working. However, if he keeps shrinking, then this won´t work that well.

Lillian doesn´t want Jonathan to get any smaller. She´s already afraid of hurting him with her larger body. She´s way too strong for a fella like him. She has to be careful.

“Ok, Lillian, just hold it for a bit longer, maybe… maybe he´s not shrinking anymore!” she thought. It´s been a week since she last measured him, long enough to check on his height again.

She was excited, her gloomy thoughts were washed away with the hopes that he´ll remain 1´3”. She had been feeding him only twice a day. If he´s still the same size, then she can get to three times a day, and if things keep the way she thinks, he´ll be feeding from her tit just as much as he first did.

She can barely hold it. Lillian already feels the milk churning inside her enormous breasts. She´s ready!

Jonathan has been stuck in the same crib, on the same room, for hours! To him, it feels like days. But the light coming in from the window tells him it´s only been a few hours.

The sun is still up, and the shadow of the furniture inside the room has only moved a little. If he had any idea of how to define time judging by the sun´s position, he could get a more precise estimate. But he is no cowboy or scout. He can only tell some time has passed, how much? Who knows.

“I need to get out… she´s been leaving me here, alone, for weeks. She doesn´t know, but she´s giving me the perfect chance to escape.” He´s desperate.

Being left alone for so long, during so many days, he feels as if he had wasted more than enough chances to break free.

If he had more freedom, and a spoon, he could´ve already dug himself a tunnel on one of the walls to escape. Like on those prison movies. But he hadn´t done a thing.

He´s trying to build a plan inside his mind. So far, he´s failed. But he had not lost any hope.

However, he can listen to some stumps approaching.

“Here she comes…” thought Jonathan as he heard the unmistakable sound of Lillian´s heavy footsteps.

Like every other evening, she´s come to feed him. And then put him to sleep. But she won´t succeed now. Yes, he has no word, or way to avoid her breastfeeding. But she won´t put him to sleep like those other days.

He´s a man. A man with an iron will. She won´t break him, not today!

The steps keep approaching, louder, deeper. The echoes on the walls are more constant, heavier. She´s definitely about to appear. To cross that same door.

He turned at the door, grabbing the bars of the crib. Looking at the bottom of the door. There, Lillian´s big shadow obscured the whole space between the door and the floor. Her enormous presence was about to make it through the door. Once more, to force him to do something he didn´t want.

But, he doesn´t? It´s been over a month since he´s under her care. He can´t deny her milk is quite tasty. He can´t say he´s looking forward to her feeding sessions, but he´s not resisting. In fact, he´s hungry, and he could use some milk.

“Jonathan, baby, I´m back!” Cooed Lillian as she opened the door and her enormous body made it through.

We can´t say she´s as big as she used to be. Yes, she´s exactly the same height. But she´s managed to lose a few pounds over the last few days.

During the last week, she´s been active. Much more than before.

Lillian has returned to her work out habits. She can´t leave the house to go for a jog, since Jonathan may need her. But she does have a few other ways to work out.

Some “little” 25-pound weights she uses; they don´t weight a thing to her. A jumping rope, that when she uses she makes the whole room quake. Some bands and other things a woman her age would use.

She´s not looking forward to getting ripped, or becoming a female body builder. She just wanted to keep an active life. And even if some of her “small” weights are heavy, to a woman of her size and strength, they are just like those five-pound weights meant to make you sweat and not swell.

Must of the stuff she uses is designed to be heavy-duty for beginners and even middle-level people. But for an amazon like her, they are nothing. And she´s not a huge muscular amazon, she´s more like a hefty, mom-bod woman.

Nonetheless, this mommy has been working out. Her waist is quite more defined. Making her wide hips look much wider, and making her breasts look impossibly big. She´s shaping up into a hourglass shaped milf.

She´s still fleshy, plus, well super plus, sized. But proportionally, she´s got a thin waist. Even if you can fit two, or three very slim, women´s waist in hers. But who can blame her? She´s HUGE! She can weight and look the way she wants. In the end, no one will be able to turn their eyes away from this woman´s healthy body.

Plus, she´s been burning some extra calories with all of the “cardio” she´s been doing. She may have quit jogging, but her pumping sessions, the ones that come with something extra, those are helping too.

She finds herself covered in sweat, and milk, by the time she finishes pumping all of the extra milk out of her. But this is one of the only ways she´s found not to be so tense.

If she has to calm her urges by using masturbation, then so be it. She drains her heavy, milking tits at the same time she pleases herself. This can´t be that bad, right? It´s like, killing two birds with a stone.

She´s releasing the pressure of her tits, and as her nipples are stimulated by the pump, she can also toy a bit with her pussy. Always with a happy ending.

“Did you miss me, honey? Was mommy gone for too long?” she spoke as she slowly made her way in.

Her enormous, round breasts jiggled uncontrollably on her XXXXXL sports bra. Boob flesh distending to the sides of the tight pink bra. And the deep line of cleavage up front, the one that was not really supposed to be there, it was so deep, so fleshy. Her breasts quaked like jelly.

Lillian couldn´t wear anything that didn´t made her look as the extra large amazon she was. Filling every single one of her clothes in the sexiest of ways.

Her body was thick, fleshy, firm. She was a goddess amongst men.

Jonathan had no other choice.

“Yes… mommy. I missed you.” He gave up, he had to play her game in order for her not to suspect on his plans to escape. Plus, it would be better if he´s friends with the giant captor. Just for now.

“Awww… mommy missed you too, sweetheart. Are you hungry?” Lillian´s tender voice said as she began to pull one of her tits out of her top.

What were those bra´s made of? The fabric was impossibly elastic. Well, if it can fit her, then it must be like 100-percent spandex. He´s sure he can use her gigantic bra as a tent, or like a hammock. For sure.

Lillian walked the room with a kind look on her face. Warm, sweet, tender. Smiling at him as the only thing he could do was fake a smile.

He didn´t quite liked this yet. To him, Lillian was not the mommy she wanted him to see in her, and she was no longer the tall, hot neighbor he peeked at. Now, Lillian was the inevitable. A force, much stronger than him. She was like a goddess now.

Jonathan stood there for a second, watching her engorged nipple move as her enormous breast bounced. Her tits were dripping, just like they always did at this time.

The room felt empty for a moment. He couldn´t perceive the walls, see the door, look at the floor. For now, the only thing he could see was Lillian. The giantess approaching, her tit dripping. More milk. Milk that caused him this.

Milk that shrunk him down to what he is. That took away all of his life. Now, he´s just Lillian´s baby. Or that´s what she wants.

“Come on…” cooed Lillian as she grabbed him from under his arms and picked him up.

Jonathan could smell the thick, creamy fragrance of her milk. Was there a pitch of vanilla there? He was used to this, but at the same time, he wasn´t.

Lillian´s strong, long arms were now his bed. An arm long and strong enough to cradle him while he fed. And in front of him, there was Lillian´s tremendous tit.

Her soft, swollen boob-flesh. The blue veins all over her skin. The big areola around an impressive nipple. Thick, hard, milky. He was used to being carried, but he could never get used to the milk.

Even if he wanted to fight back, this milk had some sort of spell on him. Once he started latching, he won´t be able to stop. Just like the very beginning, when he shoved down all those gallons of milk. But now, the milk was not on a plastic container from the store. It came straight from the source.

Straight from Lillian´s big, soft, jiggly breasts. They were like giant mountains that trembled. Planets of flesh filled with milk in the core. Alluring.

“Ok, now, time for your meal. Say, ah…” Lillian was nice, she cared for him. She fed him, dressed him, bathe him. And now it seems she´s giving him some privacy. The only problem is that she keeps coming back to fill him to the brim with her milk.

He can´t deny he likes the taste. But the feeling of fullness. Having his stomach more and more bloated after each session. He didn´t quite like that part.

Also, he could already feel the effects of indulging in so much milk. His whole body felt softer. He was sure he weighted a fraction of what he once did. But he can feel his arms have been getting a bit softer. And so has his torso.

His whole body felt soft. Was it due to the lack of exercise? Lillian had him sitting on that crib for hours. Plus, could he be gaining weight? Even if his meals are all milk, that still has some fat, protein, nutrients. In the end, it´s meant to make someone grow big and healthy.

He knows he ain´t fat. He´s just… unathletic.

Jonathan had Lillian´s nipple in his mouth. Again. He can´t get rid of the feeling, her big, squishy nipple inside his mouth. It was like having a huge, soft, silicone tube on his mouth. Filling up all of the space his lips could give. And just like a hose, a stream came out of it. A milky one.

Little by little, swallow after swallow, he emptied Lillian´s first breast. He was so full already, and he knows what comes next. Her other tit.

He tried to protest, to explain her he was about to pop. But she never seemed to listen.

Maybe she thought he wanted her to beg him, to play a little game, make it a little hard for her. In the end, she always persuades him to go for the other tit.

He knew there was no point on arguing anymore. She made up her mind. The giant, mommy-Lillian made up her mind. And as long at that´s “good” for him, there´s nothing he can do.

By the end of this feeding session, he felt like exploding. He could see his stomach swollen, round. He was so full. He had no idea he could drink that much.

“Aww, look at that. You´re full my love…” she poked his stomach with her index finger. Making him complaint. He didn´t want the milk to come out, not back from his mouth. “Oopsie…” she said.

Now, time to sleep.

She cradled him in her arm. Slowly, not wanting to agitate him. She wouldn´t want an accident to happen.

This time, Jonathan won´t give. He won´t let this woman put him to sleep. He was a man, a grown man, she can´t rock him like that! He decided to put up a fight. But a silent one.

He had this idea, he´ll close his eyes. Fake some snoring. And when she believes he´s asleep, she´ll place him back on the crib. Then, he´ll have some more time to plan his way out of here.

“Time for your nap, you drank a lot of mommy´s milk. You need to have some rest…” her angelic voice spoke as she rocked him on her thick arms.

He said nothing, he just closed his eyes, as if he was saying “go away.”

But his plan didn´t exactly work. Yes, he closed his eyes and stood there without talking back. But staying awake, that part was not going on so well.

He wondered when she´ll leave. When she will believe he´s asleep. He took some deep breaths, playing his part, but those deep breaths only helped him get relaxed.

His stomach was full, but the milk was easily digested. Once there was some room, he felt a bit better.

Her cooing, his breathing, the slow, gentle movement. It all did one thing, put him to sleep.

He can remember he was trying to struggle. To stay awake. But he failed to do so. Little by little, his thoughts started shaping into some things he hadn´t quite thought. Were they dreams? Was his brain wandering on its own?

He was losing continence, forgetting about the real world and just, dreaming. He fell asleep before he could tell.

Once Lillian heard his soft snoring, she knew he was good to go.

“There we go, have a nice sleep, my love.” She gently placed him on the crib. And she took a moment to watch him.

But she couldn´t help to have some thoughts.

As she watched him sleep tight. She recalled something. A thing that made her tender, mommy smile go away. Replacing it by a gloomy look on her face. Was he still 1´3”?

Lillian left Jonathan on the crib for a moment. She went straight for a measuring tape. She needed to know. She must. More than doing this for her own sake, she was doing this in order to take care of him.

As days past, he seemed smaller on her hands. If not by much, she noticed. And knowing he´s still shrinking, it made her fix more into it. She was paranoid.

“Ok, slow and easy…” she stretched Jonathan´s legs, softly to make sure not to wake him from his sleep.

Then, she pulled out the tip of the tape, making sure not to make any noise.

She was nervous. Much more than the first day when she gave him some of her milk. Even if it was on a glass and not straight from her tit, she knew what it did. But she never thought it could come this far.

“Let´s see…” she thought as she stretched the tape, from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. She felt like breaking in sweat. Was it hot? She feels it hotter.

She´s so nervous, so worried. So guilty!

Lillian took a deep breath, calm herself down. Then, she read the measures. Her lip quivered as she confirmed her worries. The shrinking has not stopped.

It´s helping to keep him away from her tit for long periods of time. He´s not having as much milk as he first did. But now, as she sees that it´s not having the effect she wanted. She can´t help but to feel a deep sorrow.

“1´2”…” she thought. His shrinking hadn´t stop.

He was 1´2”, and a small fraction. But it wasn´t 1´3”. She felt sad, she felt depressed. She´s been making so many sacrifices, for what? Things are not working the way she wanted them to do.

What would be her next step?

She turned at him, resting on the soft cushioning crib. He didn´t seem to have a care in the world. And that´s what she wanted him to feel. However, she was failing to take care of him.

Lillian covered his body with a blanket. Making sure he was warm. She brushed his hair with her long fingers, and walked away.

She feels devastated. She walks out of the room with an empty look on her face. She hasn´t change anything. He´s still in danger! And why? Because her big tits can´t stop producing shrinking milk.

She walks down the hall. Standing tall, too tall for this place. Things around her look toy sized. Her wide hips sway from one side to the other as she dejectedly makes her way to her room.

It may be sunny outside, but inside her house, it feels as if it was the midst of the night. Nothing has light, shine, color. Everything has turned grey for her.

She opens her door, takes a few steps over the puffy carpet on her floors and just falls over the bed.

She makes a loud noise as she falls. Her whole bed shakes, the floors tremble. If she does this again, there´s no guarantee the bed won´t crumble. It is not designed for a woman her size, much less for someone of her weight falling over it.

But she doesn´t care. Right now, she only sees herself as a disappointment.

Lillian buries her face on her pillow. She´s failed again. Who wants a mommy that´s constantly hurting him?

Her eyes are red. Teary. Soon, tears began to wet the pillow.

“I… everything was going so well… now, now I ruined it! Poor Jonathan, he needed a mommy, and the only thing he got was this huge monster who can´t get anything right. I´m a failure, a big, fat, failure.” She was hard with herself.

Right now, she felt like isolating herself again. She´s put Jonathan through so much, and why? Because she wanted to prove to him she could take care of him. But she´s not fulfilling her promise.

But she can´t feel this way. She has to be strong. For her, for him. She has to face the consequences.

Lillian has to face the truth, for as hard as it is. She has to take a much harder decision. She needs to give the final solution to this thorny problem.

She knows it, she can still be the mommy she wants to be. Give him all of the love and pampering she knows she can. But to do so, she has to avoid one thing. Breastfeeding him. If that´s the main problem, then the best resolution is to avoid it.

She´s only hoping he doesn´t take things the wrong way.



I think it would be better if you flip the power dynamic for a bit. She goes back to her original height she grows him back to normal. And to keep him silent from going to the authorities about what she did to him. She gives him whatever he wants. Maybe they hook up and the bigger he gets the more he misses her being so gigantic?


I love the idea of a sequel. Had you thought about something different, though, than just another young handsome neighbor? What if instead it was someone else, maybe a boss from work? Or, if you want to keep it in the neighborhood/centered at her home still, it could be someone who's come to stay with her (an exchange student? the son of a friend who's going to college in the area and needs a place to stay?). I love the idea of them being someone who actually secretly -likes- the changes, maybe even they're sneaking her milk without her knowing (from a supply she has in the freezer - when they find something labeled 'breastmilk' they just can't resist - maybe?) and when she finds out, that's when things get really exciting. Just ideas!


Hmm, I like the idea of him missing her. I did planned that to happen later on. But I'm not so sure about him growing back. But maybe playing with the power dynamics will be fun! Thx for the comment :D


How about a young ugly Neighbor? LOL, just kidding. But you're right, what if it's someone else, rather than a new neighbor. I'll have to think about it. But the part of the milk will work, other than sneaking, what about mistaking it for real milk? I appreciate the ideas :D thanks.