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Hello Everybody! I hope you´re all enjoying the holiday season, we´re really close to the end of the year now, how quick, don´t you think?

I hope you like this chapter, it´s kind of... you´ll see ;D

Chapter 32

Jonathan was kind of losing it now. He was with Lillian ALL day. And the worst part was, the things she did to him to keep him “close”. Why couldn´t she just leave him in some chair while she washed the dishes or cooked?

As long as they were on the same house, they were together, right? Why did she had the need to suffocate him with her enormous body. Squash him into her, press him towards her soft, large body. Why?

Right now, as she was sitting on her desk, working in something on her computer, he was tired, annoyed.

“Tell me, why do I have to be here?!” he claimed to the woman above him.

In reality, his new reality, she was surrounding him with her enormous thighs as he was nested in front of her belly. He could feel her uncomfortable warmth all over him. This was too much.

“What do you mean? I have work to do, mommy needs to produce money if she wants to support her little Jonathan.” She said.

“I… that´s not what I meant. What I mean is, why do I have to be inside your pants?” He was… located inside her pants. His torso, half of it, was outside, his arms were free, but seriously, why did he have to be stuck there?

“What? You don´t like it? This is how a mommy kangaroo carries her babies.” Lillian said, she was still looking at her computer, even if she turned down, her enormous breasts would not let her see him.

“Kangaroo? You´re not a kangaroo, just… isn´t there another way to do this?” he asked.

“Well… I don´t know, I do feel kind of comfortable this way, but if you want… I can place you under my shirt, and you´ll be lovely squished in the middle of my boobies… would you like that? Being pinned between mommy’s boobs?” her tone was tender, but the idea made him cringe.

“NO! Just… why can´t I be sitting somewhere else. I´ll stay in the room, just… let me out.” He said as he tried to pull himself out.

Jonathan was trying to release himself form the pants of hers that got him trapped. But it was impossible. Either Lillian´s clothes were incredibly strong or he was surprisingly weak. Whatever the reason was, he couldn’t move, not one bit.

Lillian noticed, and she didn´t like what he was doing. “Oh no! You´re not going to throw one of your little tantrums at me, no sir…” Her huge hand reached for him down there.

Before he could do a thing, Lillian pulled her pants, it was easy because they were yoga pants, she pulled them away from her and used her other hand to keep Jonathan in place. Right after, she simply sank him deeper, sinking his legs right over her huge thighs.

The feeling, so warm, so big, so soft. He tried to move, to kick, but it was useless. Before he could even try to escape, she had let her pants cover him. Now, the only thing that could be seen of him was his head. From the neck down, he was imprisoned in her pants. How humiliating.

“This will teach you better. Now, be good and wait there, I´m almost done… maybe in an hour.” This was hell.

The rest of things were the same. Even on the bath.

“What if I soap my boobies and give you a nice good bath, hmm? Like a massage, you´ll be nice and clean right after, would you like it? I promise I´ll be careful.” Things were simply getting out of control.

Jonathan needed to get out, at first, he thought she was lonely, but now, he had some second thoughts about how sane she was. These things, these ideas of hers, they should be kept just for her. He didn´t have a need, or wanted to know what she was thinking the whole time.

She was open to him, but it all meant ways to be closer to him, stick him in her. Push her soft, gigantic body to him. He didn´t like it. Space, he wanted some space.

Yes, she was kind, attentive, but this was too much. She wanted to be a mommy and she projected all those feelings to him, but she was suffocating. The bad thing is, there´s no chance for him to get out of this, not alone.

“My phone… where is it?” He thought as Lillian´s titanic nipple came closer.

“Open up, here comes my titty!” She cooed as she inserted her enormous nipple into his mouth.

His jaw was completely open, any more and she´ll dislocate it. But she was careful. She held his face right in place as she squeezed her nipple to pull some milk out. He couldn´t fully seal his lips around it, he needed some help.

Not always, sometimes her tit just shot her milk straight to his mouth. And at those times, the stream of milk was too fast for him to properly swallow.

Every now and then, he found himself soaked of the milk that fell out of his mouth. But Lillian didn´t mind.

“Aww, you made a mess, didn´t you? But that´s ok, I won´t punish you for that, I´ll go change you before you catch a cold. My milk´s warm, but it won´t stay warm forever.” She chuckled.

Jonathan had it hard, well not really. Yes, he was not capable of taking any decision on his own, or eat other thing that wasn´t milk. But she was looking after him, caring for him. But this had to stop, he couldn´t live like this forever.

Sometimes he wondered if this relationship they had, if it could be called in such way, would evolve. Will he be treated as an equal one day? Or live the rest of his days like this. Like a symbiote feeding on what the bigger organism provides?

In his case, the bigger organism was Lillian. In all of her thick, curvy flesh. And what she provided, it was pretty obvious, her milk. Her thick, creamy milk. Even after all this time, the taste of her milk hadn´t lost its sweetness. It was so rich, warm, nourishing. He could live only drinking from her tit, but he wouldn´t!

One day, Jonathan couldn´t take it anymore. He was frustrated. She was doing something on her computer, he couldn´t quite see what it was. She was just typing above him as she, once again, nested his whole body between her thighs. Why did he have to be inside her pants? She said this way he´d be warm, supposedly…

He was bored, tired, annoyed. He could feel the frustration as his heart beat harder, faster, enraging. Enough, this has been enough.


“Hmmm? What is it?” Came Lillian´s soft, maternal voice.

“I… I want my PHONE!” came his voice, now that he encouraged himself, he may as well go for it. “I´m tired of this, I… I need to do something while I´m sitting here, waiting for you to finish who knows what. I can´t be left here as someone who can wait for you at all times. You heard me?!” he wasn’t sure. He was looking up, but as always, he could only see the enormous underside of her tits.

Her huge, protruding breasts casting a shadow on him, keeping him in the dark, annoying space as always.

He really couldn´t see it, but her hands, they stopped typing. He could quite hear that, but he thought she was finally listening to his words. As soon as her hands left the keyboard, they clenched. Hard, strong, mad.

Lillian´s smile vanished and now, a frown came to her face. She took a deep breath. Jonathan could feel her belly inflating as he was pinned to the wall her pants were. What was happening? He had no idea.

“Jonathan,” Her sweet tone was gone, right now her voice was stern, “What have I told you?” she asked, hoping he´ll regret what he said and that they could pretend this didn´t happened.

Jonathan could perceive the seriousness on her tone, but he didn´t care. He was mad too. “Listen, I know what you said, but this isn´t ok. I need interaction with the outside world, you… you can´t keep me stuck here forever. I know the game we´re playing here, but this has gone WAY too far now.” Lillian listened to him, to his words, but as soon as he made a pause, she spoke. And she was not going to let him talk anymore.

“Game? A game? Sweetheart, THIS is no game. Games are that stupid shit you play online, games are the puzzles and board stuff sold to people. This, oh, this is no game. I can assure you.” She guided her hands to him, pulled him out of his pants in one go. She was too strong, she didn´t even needed to make the slightest effort to do so.

Jonathan rose, passed her pelvis, passed her tummy, passed her boobs. Now, he was looking at her. Her face was red, this may not have been the best idea. But he wouldn´t let her know he was scared. No way. He stood there, in her hands, looking at her without breaking eye contact.

“Let me tell you this. That phone, that stupid phone of yours. It is gone, you heard me? GONE! So, stop asking me about it.” His eyes opened widely, he knew she had it, but he ignored what she had done with it. She continued, looking down at him.

“And about that thing you said that there´s no way I can keep you here, baby, I can and I WILL. Have you seen yourself lately? You´re tiny! Not just compared to me, you´re diminutive. There´s just no way you can live a normal life on the outside world anymore. You need someone to look after you, and who will? Tell me, that girl Melissa? Ha, you think someone like her will ruin her life to look after a shrunken man like yourself? Of course not.” She was mean, a side of her that wasn´t so pleasant to see.

“She came here, when? A few weeks ago, she was asking for you, but after that, she didn´t came back. She hasn´t even been at your place after that. She´s gone, she already forgot you. And the rest of the people? You said it yourself, your friends live far away, and you have no family. I´m everything you have, the ONLY thing you have. So, be careful with what you say, ok? Because this is the last time I´ll explain you this, so make sure to listen properly.” Her face was lit, and everything she said just pissed her more. Much more when she mentioned Melissa´s name.

Jonathan couldn´t believe it, Melissa had been here already? When? His heart sank when she spoke those words. There´s no way she had forgot him, right? She was helping him, both were looking for the cause of this size change, and he already knew it, the thing is, does she? He had no way to tell.

“Y-you´re… lying! She wouldn´t give up on me. I… I bet she´s still looking for me!” he claimed.

“Sweetheart, look around. The door on this house doesn´t even have a lock on. If I was her, I would´ve already made my way in and rip you off from whoever´s hands had you. But her, she´s just not that decided. Her goal, it isn´t you.” Her words sank on his chest like knives.

And she finished her sentence with: “Be sure that, I´m the only person you have.”

This couldn´t be, there´s no way. He couldn´t be trapped there. Not for real. There must be a way out.

Besides, how can he be so sure she´s telling the truth? What if Melissa has come everyday looking for him? What if she´s been there? What if she´s sleeping at HIS place, waiting for the day he comes back? He must have hope, he can´t give up, because if her gives hope up, then he has nothing.

Lillian could see the distress on his face, he had no more arguments, nothing to say. She wasn´t mean, or bad, but this sudden show of disrespect, it bothered her.

There´s a chance she forgets him easily, but right now, she must keep that stern look, that feeling of betrayal, of annoyance. She can be all hugs and kisses at all times, if she proved him she was soft, then he´ll get all over her. But if she proves him who´s in charge, then things will go the way she wants. Besides, he´s tiny, there´s no way he can compete with the 7´7” amazon.

But now that she looks at him with closer attention, does he look… smaller?

Lillian was worried the rest of the day, is he somehow smaller? She knows exactly the size he was when he first moved in, well… when they started living together. He was 1´6”, and that´s the height he should remain.

At her sheering size, 1´6” was the right size she wanted him to be. And that´s the size he should remain; however, things seemed to be going some other way.

“No, there´s just no way he´s shorter, 1’6” that´s… that´s the size he should be, the size he should remain. There´s no point on having him getting any smaller…” Lillian was worried.

Her milk was powerful, she knew that, but it was meant to shrink him until certain point, not shrink him forever. Otherwise, Jonathan will vanish by her breast milk.

She hated it, but she could already picture it, Jonathan diminishing away with each passing, and lactating, day. She was paranoid now, but there was only one way to be sure. She had to measure him.

She didn´t want to make him any worried, so she avoided talking about it. And since she was mad at him, she hid her worries behind a mask. A pissed aura remained on her during the whole day. While cooking, in the bath, while watching TV, even while she breastfed him at night, she made sure not to speak a word to him.

But when night came, she knew this was her chance. Jonathan was so full with milk that he fell asleep in a matter of minutes, but she stayed up. Watching him, monitoring him. She needed to make sure he was deeply asleep. Gone.

When she heard his low, soft snoring, she knew that was it. This was her opportunity to check.

She gave him the benefit of the doubt. She could still be growing. Maybe. There was no chance, but she would prefer to become an even more gigantic woman than having him diminishing away.

She went to the kitchen, silently. Well, as silent as a woman her size can. Each creak the floor made under her heavy weight just made her curse at the floor as it was ruining her plans. But Jonathan didn´t notice.

She went straight for the measuring tape and a pencil. Then, she leaned her back at the wall, stood as straight as she could and drew a line on the wall.

Lillian pulled the end of the tape and begged to be bigger. She wouldn´t mind having to buy new clothes, moving to a bigger place, being taller, heavier. Having bigger boobs, a bigger butt. She could take it, she would. This was better than having the poor guy disappearing from her view. From existence.

But that wasn´t the case, the tape said 7´7”, her same, new, height. She felt down, she was sad.

“No… no, no, no…” she whispered as she was about to break into tears. She wasn´t growing. Which wouldn´t make sense, she hadn´t drank from the milk since that day. But him, he had been drinking from her, several times a day. Latching on her as she fed him generously with her huge mammaries.

Now, it was Jonathan´s turn. This was the hard part. Hard to her at least. And also, harder than measuring herself, she had to make sure not to wake him up. That was the hard part.

Lillian scattered to her room, something she wasn´t used to do on her own house. She gently opened the door and went straight to the bed. She couldn´t really see so she took the decision to turn on the night´s table lamp.

She was worried that the click on the lamp, the sound, could wake him up. She made sure to turn it as slow and carefully as possible. And after that, a huge beam of light illuminated the whole room. The light was dim, at most, but it was enough to make him move, a little.

Lillian froze in the act; she didn’t even breathe. He couldn´t wake up, no way. To her surprise, he didn´t. He was far too asleep. She felt relieved. Now, it was time for the hard part.

Lillian uncovered his body, removing the covers from him. Could he feel the lack of warmth, feel the cover coming off? How deeply asleep was he? She was worried as she tried to be as sneakiest as possible, removing the cover really slow. Half an inch, no a quarter of inch per second.

After a couple minutes, she had succeeded, his body was uncovered. Now, time for step two, measure him.

She wouldn´t risk picking him up and get him standing on the wall. She wasn´t stupid, there´s no way to pretend “this is a dream” if he wakes up. No one falls for that.

The most logical thing to do was to measure him while he was laying in bed. With his legs stretched and his whole body straight. The thing is, he wasn´t like that. He was sideways with his knees bent.

Lillian had to be surgically careful now. She used her huge hand and grabbed both of his legs, little by little, she stretched them. This was very hard, when she was half way done, he moved and returned to the initial position. This was annoying, but she had to be careful not to wake him up, else, she´ll have a lot to explain.

For as mad as she was with him, she couldn´t risk freaking him out. The main reason why he stayed, according to her, was that she´ll keep him safe. How safe could he feel if she´s still shrinking him?

After a long moment, an hour, she had succeeded. He was laying on his back, looking up to the ceiling with his whole body stretched. Time to pull out the measuring tape.

She made sure not to make too much noise with the tape. Slowly, she placed it next to him. Inside her head, the words “Please be 1´6”, please be 1´6”…” went on and on, repeatedly as her hysterical self was taking control.

She placed the end of the tape on his feet and took it to his head. This took forever, she was taking her time, she really didn´t want to find out if her worries were true.

Maybe she was just paranoid. Perhaps, she was just realizing how small he was. Maybe her eyes were playing a trick on him. But she knew better, she was with him at all times, plus, her maternal instinct could tell when things were off.

When the tape was fully stretched, she read the measure.

“No…” came a whisper from her as her eyes went teary.

Lillian was overwhelmed. She turned off the lights, covered him back and laid next to him. She would not be able to sleep, she had too much to process now. 1´3”, Jonathan had lost three inches in the past few weeks.

“How could I be so blind?!” Thought Lillian as she was now punishing herself.

She should´ve checked, measured him to keep a track of his height. What if he was growing back? There was no chance, he was having too much milk. But the shrinking, she should´ve made sure it was over. And apparently, it wasn’t.

“But how… he was not supposed to get any smaller. The treatment was supposed to… that´s it, the treatment!” she needed help, he needed help. To her, he his wellbeing was above hers. He was first, and that was no lie.

Right now, it was 1:00 am, she couldn´t call the doctor. She´ll have to wait, wait until tomorrow morning. But she was not very patient. Much less when Jonathan´s life was in danger.

Now she knows how Melissa feels.

“I´m a terrible mommy!” She said as tears went down her cheeks. She was devastated.



I love this story so much! I have been waiting to see if she is going to make a nursery for him. Lol


I´m happy to hear that :D Just hold on a bit longer, cause it´s coming...