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Hello Everyone!!! I hope you´re all doing well today :D

Today, I´ll make some posts, like right now, but also, later today... or perhaps really early tomorrow depending on your time zone, I´ll post some polls, and the new chapter of "A Big Boss", I´m still working on it...

Now, here´s the chapter, enjoy :D

Chapter 39

Neither of them could believe it. There they were, at twelve o´clock, completely awake. Of course, no one was aware that the other was awake too, they were quiet.

In their own sides of the bed, Nick to the left and Maddy to the right, they were both meditating about what had just happened. And both had their own reactions.

To Maddy, it was like music to her ears, a lullaby that elevated her soul to a place she never knew existed; and one she´ll never want to let go. She´ll hold into it, with all her might, until she´s certain that there´s no one, nothing that can take her away from the heaven in which she currently is.

Maddy was smiling, looking straight at the ceiling in the gloomy darkness of the night. She couldn´t believe the joy she was feeling, his words, Nick said it. She didn´t have to force him, not even ask him, he just said it. Nick had just accepted Maddy as her maternal figure. She won.

And on the other side of the bed, Nick was covered with the sheets, from head to toes. In a sort of sheet cocoon. He was in his own, isolated shelter. Worried.

He said it, he called her mommy, finally his lips had pronounced those words for Maddy. He couldn´t help it, he had said it so many times for Rachel before, his mouth just knew what to say. He didn´t have to think too much into it, she wanted it and he knew it.

The thing is, now that he had finally said it, will this be a secret or is Maddy going to let everyone know? If not everyone, Rachel, will she make her point and let Rachel know Nick had finally accepted her as mommy?

As if she was establishing her domain, letting Rachel know Nick was hers. Her property, her follower, her baby? This was just all messed up to him. He could maintain Rachel from telling Maddy, as far as he knew, Rachel also wanted this to be a secret. But Maddy? What if she wants to brag about it? He´s in trouble.

Nick was in his “shelter”, wondering what the future will bring for him, and suddenly, the “roof” started to fall over him. He couldn´t quite see it, because it was too dark, but he could feel the covers coming closer to him, and above all those covers, something big, heavy, was wrapping him up.

He could make up what it was, an arm, one that suddenly pulled him closer to this enormous presence. Maddy.

“I can´t sleep, my cute little love, can you? Are you awake? Or is my baby asleep already?” Came Maddy´s voice as she abruptly pulled him right into her tits. He could feel her inflated breasts behind him.

With boobs that big, and a body as smooth and warm as hers, it didn´t take long for him to feel surrounded by her, by her love, her care, and whatever she wanted at the moment.

Nick knew Maddy very well, whenever she felt loved, she just wanted the other party, him, to feel the same way.

“It´s ok, you don´t have to say a word, my love, mommy knows. I can feel your little heart beating inside your chest.” Perhaps, being a man who had been shrunken all the way to two feet tall is not the best way to feel safe whenever your girlfriend, who´s still big, cuddles with you.

He knows she´s not a threat, but he can´t help but to feel scared, at least a little worried about her actions. He can´t even speak right now.

Maddy just hugged him tighter into her. Tenderly, carefully. “It´s ok, I know you´re nervous, but you don´t have to worry, I´ll be the best mommy there is. You know, I never said this before but… I´m glad you shrank, Nick. I am.” Was she really saying that?

“Y-you are?” he spoke, out of nowhere, the words came out of him. He was curious, why was she saying so?

“Oh, Nick, it´s easy. I love taking care of you. Believe me, I don´t mind if you´re a little clumsy, a bit dependent, I don´t mind if you´re completely dependent on me. Trust me…” Nick didn´t felt quite good about it. But she continued, he allowed her to explain herself, maybe he wasn´t seeing this in the way she was.

“I… I want to tell you something, the real… not the main, but something that was kind of… vital for me to fall in love with you. But before I continue, trust me that it wasn´t the main reason, just a little factor that made me sure you were the one… ok?” She could tell he nodded his head beneath the sheets.

“Well… you´re just so… cute. I mean, you´re smart, sweet, a gentleman. But… there´s another side of you that just… just pulls the mommy that´s inside me. You never liked to cook breakfast, so I cooked it for you, you needed me to tell you when it was a good time to go to bed, because you always wanted to stay awake all night just watching series or playing your videogames. When we moved together, I… I don´t know, I just thought this could be a way for me, for us, for our relationship to grow bigger. But it was also a chance for me to show you I can provide for you.”

Maddy had always looked for a way to be that big mommy she always wanted to be, for him, and his shrinking, it all just helped speed up that process.

“When you started shrinking, I just… I knew you´ll need me so much more. At first, you were still big enough to do everything you needed, but then, when you started getting shorter, and shorter, I just… I knew this was my… my chance to show you what the real benefits of having a maternal girlfriend…”

This was not quite what he wanted to hear. Maybe, she just meant this was like having a girlfriend who´ll be all sweet and tender with him, but he had no idea what she really wanted.

“And… I… I have something to confess… the… the other day…” Maddy wasn´t sure if she really wanted to say it, to admit she wanted this, for him to shrink. She didn´t, not quite, but the universe just seemed to align everything for her. And now, she had her cute shrunken Nick.

“I… I…” she couldn´t do it, she couldn´t say it, could he blame him? She wasn´t even sure, she just made her wish to that shooting star, and then, it all started. Both made a wish, and her wish, their wish, it was granted. But maybe it will be a confession for another time, she just made something up fairly quick. “I don´t like it when you´re with Rachel all the time.” That wasn´t a lie.

“She… I´m your girlfriend, I am the one you´re supposed to look for, to care for, the one you´re supposed to want by your side at all times. Now, right now, I… I just feel like that roommate you sleep with, ok? I feel… left aside.”

“But, but Maddy, I… I don´t want you to feel that way…” he said beneath the sheets.

“I know. It´s not your fault. It´s Rachel´s, isn´t it?” she asked, now pulling him a bit tighter to her. “She´s making you stay with her, right? Tell me, tell mommy, is she… forcing you to leave me?” it sounded as if she thought Rachel wanted to set him away from her, to somehow persuade Nick to leave Maddy.

Nick had to be fair, it all kind of seemed that way. But what had she done to deserve it? Nothing.

“She… she´s not, I… I know I hang out with her more… more time that I´m with you but… that´s because, she´s my boss, you know…”

“So? You´re not working with her all day, just from nine to five, and yet, there you are, at midnight, watching who knows what, sitting next to her… I´m, you know I´m not the jealous type but, that gets me thinking…”

Apparently, he couldn´t “save” the “fight” they were about to have. If not a fight, this was certainly a talk he didn´t want to have, or at least one he wanted to avoid.

“I know, I know I´m just wasting this lovely moment you just gave us… now that you… accepted me as, you know, your mommy, I should be spoiling you with my love and all of my affection, and yet, here I am, nagging you with assumptions. My poor little Nick, I´m sorry, but I´ll make sure this doesn´t go on any longer, starting RIGHT NOW I´ll just be the mommy you need, ok, dear?”

This was all happening so fast, she went from vulnerable, to suspicious, to about to knock Rachel out of his life, to sweet. Was she bipolar and he never really knew it? Or could this all be blamed on the fact that this relationship of them will take a turn. Make a twist and change forever.

“Now, close your eyes and get to sleep, ok? Mommy will be here, all night long, taking care of you, and if there´s anything you need, anything, I´m right here…” She felt so good now. And a little, mildly worried. She almost made a confession she didn´t need to make.

After a while, both were asleep. But this was just the early beginning of it. Now, Maddy could call herself Nick´s mommy. What will be the difference now, from having just a mad, annoyed, girlfriend to having a mommy-girlfriend. Was this better, or worse? He had no idea, but she did.

As soon as he woke up, this was all going to change. But the doubt remained, will both women, both “mommies” find out about each other? Rachel knew exactly what she was doing, but she only wanted someone to love; however, Maddy was actually the outsider here, something he´ll hate. But that´s if she finds out. But, according to Nick, she will NEVER find out. She simply can´t.

This all gave Maddy a blast of emotions, a rush of feelings that made her feel as if she was now levitating on the bed. Or was it another thing that gave her that feeling?

She knows it, now that she officially got the role she wanted, she needs to be more, give more. She needs to provide more for him. But what can she do? She´s got a very tight schedule now. Even if she´d like to be with Nick 24/7, she can´t. And neither can he.

But there´s something that can pull them closer, or at least seal the bond she wanted to have. Her body, the changes going on it, inside her, it´s just half way gone, now, it´s time for her to move to the next phase. Such as their relationship, she has to move on too.

She´s just accommodating herself in bed, rolling from one side to the other. But, there´s the pain again, an itch, one that cannot be scratched. A feeling that, even if it didn´t woke her up, it certainly annoyed her in her sleep.

This was the first night, and even if she didn´t realized it, this was the very first time that something came out from her. More specifically, from her tits. Deep beneath the covers, beneath her shirt, at the very tip of her erect nipple, a drop, a tiny drop of milk came out.

How? Why? She won´t get to know, however, she won´t even realize. This was just a drop, and by the time she wakes up, it will be dry. The drop was too small to leave a noticeable stain. As if it never happened. But that didn´t meant it didn´t happen, in fact, it will happen again. This was just the beginning.

Maddy woke up first, as always, before her alarm even made a sound. She was excited, the sleep vanished as soon as she realized this was the first day of many waking up next to the man who had just called her by the name she so badly wanted to be called.

She turned at Nick, and there he was, still sleeping. She wondered, should she wake him up? Carry him all the way to the kitchen and make some special breakfast? Perhaps, it could be a better idea to let him sleep, show him how carrying she was. That´s right, that´s the correct way to start the morning.

She woke up form bed and went straight to the bathroom. She took a quick look of her body, her new shape. She didn´t liked to be thick, but she didn´t mind either. She blamed it all on her diet, her constant stuffings after a long period of holding herself. It was like fasting, only that this was not making her lose weight.

Maddy had gained quite some pounds. But it all went to the right places, right now, she´s grabbing her thighs. Her thick, soft, healthy thighs. Anyone would tell she´s just getting hotter. Thicker, fleshier, sexier.

If this wasn´t all caused by her wish, well, the extension of it, she would only be carrying an inflated belly. Kind of bloated, to be honest. But this wasn´t it.

Her constant hunger, her voracious appetite, her body was growing, and it needed more. More food, more calories, she was growing, expanding; in order to create more mass, she needed to put on a few pounds.

This wasn´t over, even now, she was starving. But she always made sure to have a nice breakfast. Generous even. But today, she was just so cheerful that she may as well make a whole breakfast for all. Nick, her and… Rachel.

She didn´t love the idea of cooking for Rachel, but they now lived on her place, and Rachel had been doing some cooking for all, as a good guest. She´d feel kind of selfish, or even mean if she didn´t make some extra for her.

“Breakfast for all, heh, I mean, Rachel´s still the chubby one here, right?” she said to herself as she turned and looked at her full body. Her hips were wider, and her torso was fleshier, huskier even, but still, she could tell this was not a fat-bod. She was only retaining water. Or that´s what she thought.

“Yeah, I mean, she´s loosing weight, I can tell, but come on, she´s still wider than me… besides, I´m the young woman here. She´s how? Forty something? I bet I can gain more and lose it faster, yhup, easier for someone like me to lose this weight…”

She wasn´t wrong, technically she could. However, this wasn´t “normal” weight the one she was putting. This was a whole transformation. Besides, she was also taller. Two inches, she had grown two inches. How come she hadn´t noticed?

Maddy went straight to the kitchen, being careful not to make much noise. However, Rachel was already awake. She woke up a bit earlier these days, to get some work done before going to the office. That way, she could spend more time fooling around with Nick.

Maddy was sure of one thing, she´ll make pancakes. Easy, tasty, and sweet. Perfect to receive Nick and give him a good morning. She went for it, went to the pantry, the fridge and grabbed all of the ingredients.

“Now, how much should I make…” she thought as she checked on the box, telling the exact amount she´d need for a certain amount of pancakes. Six pancakes? Ten?

If she chose six, then it will be one for Nick, two for her and three for Rachel. She eats more than her, right?

But before she fully made her mind, her stomach, it growled audibly. Loud enough that, if she wasn´t alone there, everyone in the room would´ve listened. But she was the only one to do so, and she felt so embarrassed. Embarrassed and sure of one thing, she should go for ten.


“Ok, maybe a bit more…” she said to herself as she poured more of the flour to the mix.

She had everything on, but then she recalled one thing. Bacon. “No one can make pancakes without frying a few bacon…” she went to the fridge, but then, she saw those tiny sausages standing on the fridge, quite a compliment for the meal. That way, she could give everyone an option, right?

“And what about some fruit? Orange slices, yes!”

She went on, and before she even realized it, she had two dozen of pancakes, half a pound of sausages, half a pound of bacon, like five oranges sliced in four, coffee, chocolate milk. And what else? Hunger. She was starving. She was sitting on the table, looking at all the food she made, her mouth, watering.

“Maybe… maybe I can start without them… everyone should be here in just a little, right? They won´t mind…” she reached for a plate, and a fork, and then put one pancake on her plate. And then, the smallest sausage and a strip of bacon. She´ll have just a little before everyone comes down.

She grabbed the syrup and covered her pancake with it. Just one, she thought, she´ll have just one and then wait for everyone.

But she couldn´t resist it. One pancake became two, then three. Then she had two at the same time. Then three. She pulled the bacon plate closer, then the sausages one. But it all made her thirsty, so she had coffee, but she wanted something sweet, so she drank chocolate milk.

She went on, and on. She couldn´t help it, she was a growing woman after all. She had finished half of everything before she even realized it, and then, she just went on.

“I… can´t… believe… it…” *BUUURRRPPP*

She did it, she finished the whole thing, alone. How much was it, a meal for four? Five maybe? Either way, it was all inside her now.

She sat back, and rubbed her stomach, she wasn´t feeling good. Physically, she was satisfied, satiated. Everything was delicious. But morally, she felt bad. Greedy even.

She had lost her thin waist, for sure, but it was only temporary. After a while, she´ll lose that big gut and everything will accommodate and give her a much astounding figure.

Wider hips, thicker thighs, and of course, larger boobs. Huge, round, soft mommy milkers. All for one purpose, Nick. He is and had always been her goal. And after this transformation, that may as well be called a transition. Maddy will carry a much maternal figure. She´ll be taller, wider, fleshier. And overall, she´ll be able to provide for Nick.

Give him what Rachel has been giving him during all the past weeks, without her knowing. She´ll provide, with milk.

“I… I should clean this mess… but, should I start over?” she thought, maybe she could make some more, for the others, and just walk away before anyone saw her in her bloated state. But it was too late.

“Oh, do I smell pancakes?” came Rachel´s voice from outside the kitchen.

“It smells nice!” Said Nick.

“Oh… SHIT!” Maddy thought.

“Good morning, Maddy, did you make…” Rachel could tell that, anything that had been done, was now gone. The table was full, but with empty plates. And on one side of the table, Maddy was just sitting back, with part of her belly showing from underneath her blouse. “Well… I, I guess you´ve… finished… right?”

Rachel couldn´t really blame Maddy, she had gone through her own “Eat everything” phase. But she went through a treatment that had stimulated her mammaries and allowed her to lactate, what was Maddy´s excuse?

Maddy was so embarrassed. And the worst part was, she couldn´t even stand up. She tried but, it seems she was simply too full.

“Don´t worry, dear, I´ll make Nick and myself some breakfast. Just… take a rest, ok?” she was smiling, which Maddy hated. She´s the one that should provide for her boyfriend, not her. However, she just stood aside, well sat aside, and allowed Rachel to take care.

The whole morning had been awful. There was no time when she could be alone with Nick. By the time she was finally able to get up, both had been gone. Each went to get changed, while her, she was simply annoyed.

She had no idea, but she was magically capable of putting her new pants, of course, they were larger than the ones she used to wear; but she still struggled a little to button them up.

In just a few time, she was ready for work, and so were Nick and Rachel. And each took their own separate ways. Not literally, Nick went along with Rachel to work, and she went her own way. But now, she hated this even more.

“WHY? Nick, why are you doing this!?” she said as she clenched her hands on the steering wheel, Nick had just called her mommy, finally accepting her for what she wanted. But now, he just went away, with Rachel, AGAIN.

Maddy was not a patient woman, and he must already know that. But what he doesn’t know is, she doesn´t like sharing. Much less when it comes to him.

On her way to work, as she was sitting, waiting for the red light to turn green, the food she ate was “accommodating” itself.

Her thighs expanded a little, taking more space inside her pants, all of it. Her butt was growing too, rounder, bigger, cushioning her seat even more. And her breasts, her round, perky, bra-ripping tits were starting to push her blouse even further.

The clothes that fit, were not so fitting. In fact, it seems like, if she wasn´t careful enough, she could end up tearing her pants while sitting. The problem is, she was officially a glutton, and food was just making her bigger.

The main question is, when is everyone finally going to notice?



The tenderness in bed, alone with their thoughts, was marvelous. I like how happy Maddy had become, and yet how quickly her mood turns.


Haha, yeah, she´s constantly being left aside by him. As if he opened the gate just to shut it right on her nose. But the feeling´s still there, she loves him no matter what.