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Chapter 8

Larry wasn´t having his best day today. Now, everyone was aware of his shrinking. He knew this day would come, but he never thought it would be this soon.

Everyone, in the whole building knew about him and the fact that he was getting shorter. Of course, the “illness” was made up, an excuse Evangeline told him to say. But for everyone, it was real. At least they bought it.

Now, he was a 5´6” man stuck on his office. Not literally, but he knew that the moment he stepped out, a rain of questions will fall over him. A dozen people were waiting, merely to spot him, but still, he wasn´t there for his amusement. He was there to work, nothing else.

And working was what he must do. On top of being shrunken, Mrs. Davis had also assigned him the task to improve. Improve his numbers, be more productive. He was the one who was told, but it all was for the whole floor.

But that wasn´t the worst part, to make sure things are done, she sent Violet down there to assist him. That´s right, 6´2” Violet was now his assistant. If he felt short before, picturing the amazon next to him only made things worse.

5´3” Lexie was ok, great even. At least she would still look up to him. But Violet, he had to look up to her, very up. She was Eight inches taller, a very noticeable difference. And that wasn´t the main problem, she was hot too.

Through the window, he could see Violet sitting on Lexie´s tiny desk. Her long legs spreading on a desk a tat too short for her. Her chair, lowered all the way, adjusted to have a better fit. She was not suited for a regular desk, this one was meant for a woman a foot shorter, who seemed to have more than enough space. But Violet, she had a bigger desk.

And her height wasn’t the only thing, her ass. He turned to glare at the firm round cheeks of her butt, swaying gracefully as she walked. Her long shapely legs, today, she was wearing a skirt. A short one, and her legs were covered by a thin layer of stockings.

Her look, her outfit, she seemed so hot. He couldn´t get her out of his mind, but he should. Cause she hates him, right? He couldn´t forget her message. “I´ll assist you ;)” those were her last words written, he checked on that several times.

Was she trying to be friendly? Start things all over since they´ll be working together until who knows when? Or, was there something else? He wasn´t sure, but she didn´t seem so annoyed. She was sitting on her desk, always looking at her computer´s screen. She was productive, he could tell.

“Has she even blinked?” he wondered, he had a lot to do, a ton of work assigned by no one else but Violet. Well, she didn´t exactly assign him the work, but she was making a schedule on everything. And it seemed she wanted to keep him busy.

He finished the first thing on the list, something easy. And he turned back at Violet, even if her height was kind of intimidating now, she was still pretty, and hot. But when he turned, she stood up.

He quickly turned at his computer, pretending he wasn´t looking at her. Although, there´s no chance she could´ve seen him.

The tall woman rose from her chair. Higher and higher. Then, she walked into his office, first knocking on his door, gently.

“Come in…” he said, pretending he wasn´t looking at her a second ago.

“Hi…” she greeted him. She was smiling.

“Hey, how´s it going…” he replied. She was pretty, her eyes, her smile, even the towering part made her seem much more attractive. But he was at work, and she had already rejected him, hasn´t she?

“Well, I´ve been working on tomorrow´s schedule, but I think we should work on… other things first. I´ve been looking at the duties and tasks of every employee, and I think I may have found out who´s… slowing the process here…” she spoke.

“You have?” he was impressed, was that even possible?

“Yes I have, so far, I´ve located the three people who have been, per say, turning a little lazy, and I think we should have a small chat with them…” He was amazed, and also not paying much attention.

She stood so high above, he couldn´t turn down to glare at her full shape, but he didn´t had to. As he had his eyes fixed on her, he could peek a little at her breasts. Making sure to move his eyes in an almost imperceptible way.

Her boobs were big, round and firm. Her blouse seemed a little tight even. When she stood there, he could tell there was a mild bounce of her chest as she stopped. She was beyond hot right now.

“So, do I have to go and… talk with them?” he asked, he really didn´t want to come out, much less come out and walk between his employees. It will be so humiliating to wander around as they all take a look at his reduced body.

“No, I´ll take care of that.” She said.

“You? Really?!” how convenient, shell take care of the dirty work while he stayed there. It was fantastic.

“Sure, that´s what I´m here for, to assist you. While you work on the list I gave you, I´ll make sure to check on everyone. And don´t worry, I´m not firing anyone, if that´s what you think…” fire? He never thought on that, everyone did their jobs, some better and faster than others, cutting people out seemed unnecessary.

“Haha, sure, ok I´ll continue with my… work while you go ahead and check on them… thank you.” He said.

“You´re welcome…” she replied as she turned and left.

And now, time to stare. The second she turned, he fixed his eyes into her swaying hips and the flesh of her butt. So round, filling that skirt like no one he knew. She was so hot. So sexy. So…

“Are you done?” said a voice behind him.

He jumped in his chair as it was turned around. By Evangeline of course.

“I can see you´re… enjoying your new assistant, aren´t you, Lawrence?” she asked, looking down at him from a standing position.

“Hey, I was just… looking, you said that was fine…” he protested, looking up at the angel who was now one inch taller than him. How silly he felt.

“Yes, I did, but remember what we said, you have to be kind to her. Then, I can help you with your cloth´s size issues.” They had a deal, if he was kind with Violet, she´ll make all of his clothes fit. That was something he couldn´t waste.

“Ok ok, I´ll be nice. But I´m being nice, I thanked her for her job and… well, we haven´t talked much. What do you want me to do? Buy her a cake?”

“Well, that could do, but no, that´s not it. But I´m sure you´ll find out soon…” and so, she vanished.

Evangeline was more like his continence now. If a continence could materialize and shrink you. And he hated her, but also needed her. If he ever wanted to get back to normal, then he must do what she says. She´s more like a second boss now. But he has no choice.

Violet was finally back, and he seemed to be doing good with his work. So he stood up and went to meet her. He needed some courage, walking towards a woman who used to be only an inch taller was not easy. Now, he was looking straight at her collar bone. This felt demeaning, but it had to be done.

“Hey, Violet, how did the chat go?” he asked.

“Very well, I made sure to let them know they´re running a little behind, and if they needed any help, they could always come here for assistance.” She seemed friendlier now than before. Still, there was a little something in her, he couldn´t tell what it was, but something felt off.

As if this was all part of a prank. Maybe she was setting everything up and by the time he went to his car, a huge rain of glitter will fall on him. Or water. Whatever it was, she seemed to be up to something. But the deal was to be friendly, so friendly he´ll be.

“Well, thank you for that, you´re… ehm, doing a great job here.” He said, trying to sound thankful and amazed.

“Well, thank you.” She replied, then, he stood there, for a moment.

He had no idea what to do or say to be kind. He never thought this could be so hard. For a few seconds, which felt like minutes, he stood right in front of her, simply looking at her face, smiling, which then turned into an awkward smile.

“Do you… need anything?” she asked. Of course he needed something, but he couldn´t tell her he needed to be nice because of an angel´s orders.

“I… uhm… well…” he had no idea what to say.

Then, before he could do anything, she stood up. Little by little, her head was rising, meeting him eye to eye, then, she kept going. He swallowed as her head started to loom higher. Her eyes were now looking down at him, but she didn´t stop until the top of his head was leveled with her chin. Now he really felt short.

Then, she bowed a little, and with a whisper she said: “Do you need any help? Any… special help?” what did she meant.

“I… well, I am…” he was confused now, what does she mean by “special”. Before he gave any reply, she grabbed his hand into hers and pulled him inside his office. It was incredible how easy she could drag him.

Once inside, she turned thru the windows, and when she confirmed no one was looking, she shut the blinds. Larry´s eyes opened widely. What was going on? His heart started beating harder inside his chest.

“Ok, I think no one will be able to see us now… much less listen. So, I assume you already read the small message I left for you on the list I gave you…”

“I have, yes.” He said.

“Very well, so, are you struggling with anything? Is that too much work?” she seemed like a teacher now, kind and warm.

“I´m… not quite, I mean, everything´s been done… as it was supposed to… ehm…” he had no idea that trying to be kind would led to such thing as seeming needed. Was this what she perceived from him?

“Ok, then, is there any concern about your… condition? Like, are you feeling ill, tired, maybe you need water, have you been drinking enough water?” she asked, then, she placed her palm over his forehead. He felt shivers thru his spine.

Her large delicate hand was touching his forehead. Of course, she was looking for any sign of high temperature. But other that the hot´s he´s got for her, he was fine.

“Ok, you seem fine… a bit hot but, that may be because of your blazer.” She took the blazer off of him.

He was elated, he couldn´t say or do anything. She just let the tall woman take the thing off. Her hands, her large feminine hands removing his clothes off. Even if it was just the blazer, it made his member tingle in his pants.

How sensuous the moment felt. As a dim sparkle of tease coming from her. When she removed the whole thing, she just placed it on the rack and walked back to him. Smiling.

“I… t-thanks…” he said, nervous and turned on.

“I thought you´d feel more comfortable with that off, now…” she turned at him, he seemed shy, she´s never seen him like that before. A once proud man who walked as if he owned the building was shy before her. It was kind of… worrying.

“Mrs. Davis said that I should make sure things are done the proper way here… but she also told me to keep an eye on you. Your disease seems really concerning. She´s worried by you, and me too…” she confessed.

“W-worried?” he asked. He could see that coming from the boss, but from her?

“Yes, I´m worried, this isn´t normal, and you seem to be… a little down…” Was this pity?

Violet seemed… concerned? But why was that? He thought she disliked him. She´s never even turned at him when she stepped into the room. Was she worried about him or… worried it may be contagious? But he said it, this was not a contagious illness… not even an illness but that´s the excuse he gave. And now, she cared?

“I… I´m not… I can assure you I feel fine…” he stepped back, “I´m completely fine, except for, you know, the shrinking…” he admitted.

“Yeah, I can tell…” she said as she reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder and sense how big his clothes were now. The non-fit they had.

This whole thing felt so odd. Unsettling. He couldn´t take it, he had to say something. So, he spoke.

“I… sorry but, I thought you… kind of hated me, why do you seem so worried? Listen, if you need to pretend for m…” she cut him off.

“No, it´s not like that. I… uhm… I…” she blushed for a moment. What was happening?

He blinked. What was going on?

“Ok… *sigh* I´ll tell you…” Violet started. “I don´t hate you… I just… I´m shy, ok?”

Shy? Was she like… did she had a crush on him? Like rejection towards him to hide the love she had? But that was too good to be true.

“You remember that time when… you asked me out?” she said.

“I do…”

“Ok so…when you asked me out… I just… I didn´t know what to say… but then, you walked away and… and never asked again. I thought you were upset…”

Drunk, he was drunk, but upset was not in his mind by then… maybe vomiting. Up to this date, he thought she had rejected him. But it seems he was the one who walked away… how funny.

“Ok but… why didn´t you said anything before? I mean, you´re always kind of… ignoring me when I´m around.” He needed to be comprehensive, but was that just because of Evangeline´s orders or did he wanted to know what was on her mind.

“Sorry but, I´m always busy and… I don´t know, I guess I just didn´t want to find out the real truth…” her confession was really something. Now, he wasn´t stuck with an amazon assistant who hated him, just with a large woman with whom there was a mild misunderstanding… it happens.

“I see…” he said, looking up at the apologetic giantess. But what was he supposed to say? Like, ask her out again?

Things had turned upside down to Larry. He wasn´t trapped with a towering assistant who hated him, he was in the company of someone with whom he had a misunderstanding… but of which type?

“So…” he started, letting the shame and doubt aside and just… act like himself. He pulled a cocky smile and, even if he was looking way up to her, he said: “If I had waited… would you have said yes?” he was curious about it.

Violet blushed, she wasn´t expecting that question. Now her face was red and she was laughing nervously. Not a huge chuckle, but he could catch her discomfort.

For a moment, Larry wondered, does he still have it? Is he, at his reduced 5´6” frame, still capable of seducing a woman? The easy answer´s yes, but can that apply to a woman who´s as tall as Violet?

He felt proud once more, slightly arrogant, so he added: “Well, if you´re shy, then…” but she answered out of nowhere.

“Yes!” now, her face had turned into a naughty smirk.

“Yes…? I mean, of course… and I can´t blame you, for real…” he knew it, why would she reject him in the first place? Now, was there also a misunderstanding with Cathy or…

“But…” she spoke, “I think I would rather go out with you… as in, the current you.” She declared.

Larry was confused, the… current him?

“You mean… like this? As a… 5´6” man?” he felt nervous.

“Yes, I mean, before… I think I was still a bit taller than you… but now… I guess I wouldn´t need any heels to make the difference more obvious, hehe, just look at… your head´s leveled with my neck, you can´t even reach my chin… don´t you think this is… never mind.” She seemed amazed, but just when she was about to speak the real truth, she cut herself off.

“I… you… W-well…” this really caught him off guard. And what´s more, why was she pointing out their heights? Was there a need? But, the truth is… before, she noticed she was taller, of course, anyone can notice they got an inch on someone… at least those who focus a bit on it. But heels? Why did she need heels?

Does this tall beauty want to become a much taller beauty? But no, if she wanted to, then she would´ve been wearing heels all day long, at least during office hours. But she wasn´t. She always wore flats. Every time he lured at her long legs, at the very end, he noticed the flat-soled fancy shoes she was wearing.

“Making the difference more obvious?” he thought for a moment. Does that mean, she wanted to be even taller than him? Why would she?

“Everything ok?” she asked, looking down to him, patting his head. Why was she?

“Uhm… I, yes. Everything´s cool…” he assured. But it wasn´t.

She smiled at him. A calm, easy smile, but to him, it wasn´t like that. He could feel something behind that, and then, she spoke.

“In fact, I think you´ve got more chances with me… at this height.” He swallowed.

More chances? At this height? What does that even mean? While he was fixed on her face, her body approached. She was pushing herself closer. Pressing her now gargantuan tits right below his chin.

Larry could feel her soft bosom´s flesh on him. It was arousing. His member was stiffening in his pants. To his luck, the blind´s were shut, else, everyone could see how his new assistant is way more… pushy.

“Uhm… Violet, I think we should… get back to work?” he backed up, but why? Was he scared of her? Was this too sexual? He would´ve never rejected something like this. The next logical step was to say a few romantic lines and then, sex on his desk. But he didn´t want it. The reason, her.

She was too tall, to straight at the moment. He wanted to be the one who started things, not the one flowing with the mood. It seems, she´s the one in control. Even if he would be ok with that, her height “advantage” was making him uneasy, shy even.

“Ok… I get it, maybe this is too soon…” she stepped back.

“Is it? I mean, yeah…” Did she say soon?

“Well, I´ll let you work, and I´ll get back to work myself… but…” and so, she walked towards him, this time, pinning him to his desk. He panicked for a second. “But, if you need… I don´t know, a massage or… another way to relieve the stress hard work may cause you…” she brushed her teeth with her tongue in a sexy display, his dick hardened with that. “I´ll be right outside, ok?” she winked and just turned.

Her long legs walking away, her sexy ass. Her gluts bouncing so firmly, he couldn´t take it. His heart was beating with arousal, and concern. What had happened?

She opened the blinds and then stepped out of his office, shutting the door slowly behind her.

“D-did she just… offer me… sex?” This was really unexpected, he had made some insinuations to Lexie, but she never did something so bold.

“I think she wants to… how´s the word, blow… you? Is that how you called it?” said an angel´s voice behind him.

“Are you sure? I MEAN, what? Hold on, this is not going to cost me any inches, is it? Cause it was totally her, you saw it, didn´t you?” he panicked, for a second he forgot this angel always had something to do, or maybe something to take.

“No, I´m not.” She said, slowly, trying to cool him down. “An office affair, well, it could be forbidden, if you were married, but to me, that´s ok.” It seems this wasn´t such a big deal.

“Ok? For real?” fantastic.

“Yes… but, just make sure to treat her well, I don´t want you to go to her place and just ditch her like you did with that woman, Tina.” She declared, referring to last Saturday´s date, when he just left after sex, while she was sleeping.

“Hey, don´t you think I´ve learned that lesson? She rose an eyebrow on disbelief. “Besides, I´m not gonna end up in her apartment… am I?” he asked.

“I can´t see the future, dummy… but, I can tell you, she thinks you´re… how´s the word? Warm?”

“You mean hot?” he said.

“Yes, she feels attracted to you.”

“And who wouldn´t, haha… But, why? I mean, why now? She mentioned I had more… chances now, w-what does she mean? Do you know?” he wanted to know, and this mind-reading angel will give him the answer.

“I know.” She spoke.

“So… are you going to tell me?” he stepped closer.

“No.” as easy as that.

“No? But, why?” He frowned.

“Because, Lawrence, you don´t need to know… or maybe you wouldn´t want to. But I´ll tell you what. Even if you fail more of my lessons, she´ll still like you, maybe even more. Now, I´ll leave you. Your tall friend just left you a lot of work to do, and I know you hate it when I come at your busy hours… bye…” she vanished in the air.

“Hey! Wait, what do you mean by still like me if I fail your lessons? Evangeline!” he was yelling in vain. She won´t come back, but someone else was.

“Did you call?” Said Violet opening the door.

“H-hey… I was… no, I was just, you know, thinking out loud, hehe.” He blushed in embarrassment.

“Oh, sorry, I´ll leave you alone then…” she stopped for a second, but he made no sign on wanting her to stay, so she just left.

“Fuck, I hope she doesn´t believe I´m crazy… And what´s on her mind… if she likes me, why saying such thing until now. Stupid Evangeline, she knows and she just wants me to go crazy about it… I better get back to work.” He thought, but he resumed in leaving things as they were, he´ll have enough time to figure things out later.

But back in Violet´s desk, she wasn´t exactly working. She was the best, she had all her job done way before lunch, now, it was her time to think on something, him.

“How cute, he´s not even as tall as my chin, and I´m in FLATS. Where can I learn more about his condition? Did he mention its name? I can´t tell.” Her reason to like him was, he made her feel taller.

She knew she was tall, but not absurdly tall. Above average, but just by some much. But this, Larry was shrinking, she had never thought about this. Now, she can spend a few days, or maybe weeks, working with a man who´s constantly shrinking.

She blushed by the mere thought of that. “Now, am I going to be a gentle giant… or a naughty giant…?” it seems she´s got some plans on her own. Maybe a list of things somewhere. This new assistant will be maybe too much for Larry, but soon he´ll see.


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