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Hi everyone, I hope you´re doing great! I leave you here the latest chapter of the story.

Originaly, I thought the story will reach this point by chapter 9 or so, but I guess that wasn´t right haha. I really can´t believe the story has almost reached 20 chapters!

As I mentiones before, we´re near the second phase of the story, there´s a lot of things coming, which I actually planned since the beginning LOL.

I really hope you enjoy this chapter :D

Maddy had rushed thru the stairs of her building, joyfully approaching to her apartment; she couldn´t hold it, she had great news she wanted to share with Nick. Turns out, they gave her a promotion, and she couldn´t hold herself from bursting out every time she thought of it. She was really happy, she had great news to share with her shrunken man.

Once she was walking in the same floor where her apartment was, she couldn’t help but to hear something at the distance, she wasn´t sure what it was, but she could swear it was someone screaming. As she approached, she realized it was not a normal screaming, but the one of someone who´s in pain.

Desperate, she rushed to the door, fearing the worst, and when she stopped to pull out her key, she heard it; it was Nick the one who was screaming. For what she could hear, he was in an immense pain. Maddy was shaking right now, she couldn´t even find the keys on her purse; she couldn´t really think. Her only focus now was to console his little man, comfort him, but she couldn´t unless she opened the door.

She was desperate now, “Where is it?!” she wondered falling in despair as the screaming became louder, “the key should be here!” But as she was getting anxious, she gave the knob a try, and turn it. For her surprise, it was unlocked, now, there was nothing between her and her precious Nick.

Her face revealed a small victory and a minor amount of relieve as she opened the door, but as she found out what was happening, it turned into complete sorrow. Her eyes widened as she found out her own mother was the one who was causing his small boyfriend so much pain. Maddy could see Nick´s eyes, closed tightly as rivers of tears ran thru his cheeks.

She didn´t understand what was going on, she could only see her mother´s hand rising and falling on Nick´s butt with so much strength. Each blow only made his screaming harder. She couldn´t take it, was it real? Was she actually witnessing this? Tears began to fill her eyes, and as her lip began to tremble, she stood straight, her eyebrows frowned into anger as she spoke and said: “STOOOOOP!!!!”

She couldn´t make put what was happening, she asked: “Mom, what are you doing?” at that moment, the only thing she could see was her mother´s hand stop in the air, ready to blow Nick´s butt off once more. Cynthia turned at her, speechless. And at the same time, Nick opened his eyes, she could see the pain in Nick´s red teary eyes as he turned to her. “M-Maddy… puh… p-please, help me.” He said as he stretched his arms at her.

Her heart broke at that moment, his precious Nick was being tormented by her own mother. She could tell by the sound of his voice that he had been screaming for a while now. Her maternal instincts just pop out as she ran into him, placed her hands under his arms and lifted him up from his tormentor´s lap, who turned out to be her own mother. It only made things harder for her, and confusing.

“Shhh, shhh, it´s ok my love, I´m here, shh shh…” she tried to sooth him as she placed his head on her shoulder, and held him with her right hand as she tried to pull up his pants with her left one. Nick squirmed in pain as she barely touched his butt, red and mangled.

Her face turned into tears as she saw this, but then she turned at her mother, and frowning at her she said: “What do you think you´re doing?”

Maddy was furious, and Cynthia could tell, but in the end, she was her daughter, so she didn´t care enough. With the same sour tone as always, she replied: “What am I doing? Well, I don´t know, maybe teaching your little boyfriend some manners, do you have any idea what he had the balls to call me?” she asked.

“Right, I forgot it´s always about you mom, he´s offensive, he´s annoying, he´s just a burden… when the fuck are you going to stop making those stupid questions and accept the fact that I LOVE him?!” Maddy responded, she was tired of it.

“Excuse me, that´s no way to talk to your mother young lady.” Cynthia said.

“Well, THIS is no way to treat my boyfriend… MOM. Look at him, he´s shaking.” She said as she hugged Nick tighter.

“Yeah, sure, leave your poor mother aside and just focus on your precious boyfriend. You know what, he will only drag you down, you won´t have success if…” and then, Maddy cut her out.

“Stop, mom, just stop. Listen, I don´t care what you think, I´m an adult and I will decide who will and who will not be part on MY life. Now, if you don´t mind, I´d ask you to leave.” She said as she stepped to the side and pointed at the door.

Cynthia let out a smile of arrogance and said: “Excuse me? You´re kicking me out?”

“Listen, he´s crying, and to be honest, seeing the lack of regret on your face makes me wanna cry too. I really can´t believe my own mother just took advantage of him. Can´t you see how small he is? How fragile? And there you were, beating his ass, you know what you are mom, a bully, a big bully… now, PLEASE, leave.” She declared, and that was the end of it.

Cynthia was mad, but she was still proud, so, with her head held high, she picked her purse and walked straight to the door. “I hope you know what you´re doing.” She said before she crossed the door.

“Believe me, I know what I´m doing… bye mom.” She said as she closed the door behind her.

Nick was there the whole time, listening to both of the gigantic women fight about him. It gave him a knot on his stomach. But nothing compared to the pain he felt, he could swear his butt was on fire. He hated it; the pain was too much. It only made him hold Maddy´s blouse tighter and tighter.

Then, he felt Maddy´s hand caressing his head. “Shh shh, it´s ok now, just you and me Nick. Let´s go to the bathroom, we´ll apply some ointment on you, ok? Trust me, it will make the pain go away.” She declared as she headed to their bedroom and opened the bathrooms door.

She grabbed the plastic bottle and walked back to their bedroom, placing Nick gently in bed, face down. She pulled down his pants softly, just to find out how truly beaten he was. Seeing the red and bruised skin on his buttocks only made her want to cry. Scream even. But she knew she had to be strong, she should be the one to whom Nick runs out for help, for support. And seeing how she had failed just made her heart ache.

“O-ok Nick…” she said with a teary tone, trying to hold herself, “this is going to make you feel better, just… just stay still.” She said knowing that applying the ointment will also hurt him. But she tried to do it as softly as she could. She began, but as soon as she touched Nick´s butt, he held the sheets of the bed in between his fists. It hurt, really hurt. Maybe not as much as Cynthia hurt him a couple minutes ago. But the fact that Maddy´s mere touch made him want to squirm only proved that Cynthia had gone mad, and his butt was the proof.

Moments later, Nick´s butt had turned white because of all the ointment that was covering it. It was true, part of the pain had gone away, at least he didn´t feel any excessive heat in his ass, now, it felt kind of cold. He could feel any slight breeze in his cheeks.

“There we go, much better, right?” said Maddy, trying her best to make him feel better. He had been quiet for a while now. She decided to lay next to him and talk, maybe that way he can feel a little better.

She positioned herself right next to him, with their heads at the same level. The only difference is that Nick was completely over the bed and that Maddy´s legs hung from it. But it made sense, he was 3´6” the last time she measured him.

Maddy had so many questions, why had her mother acted that way? But she knew that she should wait a little longer before asking. Nick´s eyes had just dried up from the tears, she wouldn´t want to make him feel upset.

She thought: “Later, you can ask him later, now, just be with him. He needs you.”

Nick smiled at her, the pain was slightly gone and all he could feel now was a warm sensation on his chest, Maddy made all his problems go away. Kicking Cynthia out just proved to him how much she really cares, and that she will never leave him. He was happy.

“T-thank you.” He said.

Maddy just poke his nose and replied: “You´ve got nothing to thank me for, that´s my duty.” She said, pulling a smile from him. She continued, “Listen, I know it´s obvious, but my mother won´t be coming here anymore, at least not for a while… in the end she´s my mother and I can´t really take her out of my life. I know what she did was wrong, and immoral, but trust me, she won´t do it again.” Those words made him feel kind of good, but at the same time bad; he didn´t want to be near Cynthia anymore, but that´s just how things are.

Maddy realized the sadness in his eyes as she spoke, but she couldn´t lie. She just approached and kissed him on the forehead saying: “It´s ok, you´ve got me. You can be sure that she won´t hurt you anymore… not while I´m here…” it comforts him, he felt as if he was taken care of, her words were just great, and then she said: “No one will hurt you my little one… I´m here, mommy´s here.”

Nick felt safe, protected, her words meant the world for him right now. He even regained the confidence to look at Maddy´s cleavage, her breasts seemed bigger each passing day; the only thing he didn´t mind seeing grow. But, as he was lost in the sweet aroma of her perfume, and the warmness her gentle body emanated, he wasn´t sure he caught the last part. He thought: “Hold on, did she said… mommy?”

Time had flown by, minutes became hours and just like that, the sun settled in the horizon. All the while, Maddy had been laying next to Nick, but she fell asleep, she was tired from those long nights where all she could think of was their relationship and the fact that Nick kept shrinking. She was sleeping tightly next to Nick, who did nothing but adore her all the while.

His butt was no longer in the immense pain it was a while ago, and all thanks to his girlfriend. For him, Maddy was the sweetest and most carrying person, the only thing he wanted was to give back for all she´s done for him. But he couldn´t, much less with a beaten ass. He stood there, caressing her hair, smiling.

Nick loved her, and he was sure she loved him too, but there´s still something bothering him. “Did she, no… that can´t be, I must´ve heard her wrong, but still, it was perfectly clear, she said… mommy.” He was freaking out, trying to convince himself he heard her wrong, “Did she said it? No, she must´ve said Maddy, right?” He was puzzled, he couldn´t think of a reason why she spoke those words, it didn´t make sense.

“Ok ok, she did say she will protect me, but that´s cause I´m shrinking… maybe, maybe she was too tired, she fell asleep the second her head touched a pillow, that´s it, she must be tired.” He tried to persuade himself from it. Her words seemed strange to him, all he wanted to do now was to convince himself that things were still the same, nothing else.

Maddy woke up by dinner time and fixed something for the two of them. Nick had to eat standing, since his butt still hurt too much for him to sit. Of course, he could no longer reach the table top, so he used the chair´s seat as a table. Maddy wasn´t comfortable, she was expecting to arrive home and share the good news with him, but apparently, that wasn´t the case. Instead, his boyfriend was over her mother´s lap being spanked as if he deserved it. She got mad at the fact that her mother seemed not to have any limits. But that was it, she had to accept her new role, she had to take care of him the way she should, nothing else. But she was curious.

“I wonder… what did he thought when I called myself mommy? I guess I let that spill, but it´s ok, sooner or later he was going to figure that out… but he´s been quiet.” She thought. Nick seemed to have a lot in his mind now, but she figured out it was because of, well, because of her mother.

“Say, do you wanna know why I arrived home early?” she asked, trying to let aside the fact that she found her mother torturing him when she arrived.

“Oh, ehm… sure, hehe, I should´ve asked before.” He replied with a smile as he tried to look over the table to see Maddy´s face.

“Ok, here´s what happened, are you ready?” she asked as he nodded, “Well, I… received a promotion…” and so she started clapping in excitement.

“A promotion? Really?” Nick said amazed.

“Yes! A promotion, I have been promoted to MANAGER, can you believe that?!” she said as jolts of joy ran thru her spine. “Me, a manager?”

“Well, no one deserves it more than you, that´s for sure.” Nick said.

“Awww, thank you Nick, you´re so sweet,” she touched her heart with her hands as he spoke those words, “I´m soooo excited, I can´t wait for my training…” and that´s when it hit her, there was something particular about the training. Her joyful face turned into a not so joyful one, expressing that something had come to throw her from the cloud of happiness where she was floating.

Nick saw it, how her big smile turned into a regret one. “What´s the matter?” he asked.

“Well, it´s… the training, I won´t be here, I mean, not as here in the apartment, but here… in the state.” Nick´s eyes widened in shock. “I, well, I´ll be gone a few days, starting Friday morning.” She declared with some sadness.

Nick swallowed, if she was gone, what will happen to him? He couldn´t persuade her to be left alone, he knew he´d need a ladder to reach practically anything. What were his options?

“Listen Nick, I know you seem worried, so here´s what´s gonna happen, someone else will come take care of you while I´m at the office signing my papers and checking on my flight and everything, ok… but hey, don´t feel bad, I´ll be back home before you notice, my precious little boyfriend.” She declared. But there it was again, the use of the word “little”, and what´s with her tone? He was an adult, he could take it if she leaves a few days, why is she acting so strange now. Maybe she has always acted this way and he just noticed?

Nick lost his chance to ask her about what she said before, about why she called herself mommy. He figured out it may not be the right time, she seemed really happy about her promotion. They spent the rest of dinner talking about her new duties, her working hours, vacations, the raise! Being a manager comes with bigger responsibilities, but the payment´s better. He allowed her to have this time of satisfaction, she was truly happy about it, he wouldn´t like to spoil it with his question, besides, the fact that he could´ve mistaken what he heard was still a viable response, there´s no need to claim in something untrue.

He laid chest down in bed, making sure not to hurt his butt more than what it already is. He closed his eyes and before he noticed, he was gone, sleeping tight. Maddy came in a little while after that, she was sending message with the big news to everyone, including her mother, Cynthia. Who replied: “I´m so happy for you! Maybe now you can move on and leave somethings and some people behind.” She knew exactly what she meant by “people”, but she wouldn´t dare leave Nick behind.

She went back to bed, and saw Nick already sleeping, so she just laid next to him, turned to kiss him and whispered to him: “Well, looks like my little man needs some rest,” then she caressed her cheek, “I know my mother hurt you Nick, she´s always been the hard type, and I´m sorry for that. But I won´t be like her, no, nah ah, not me. I´ll make sure to be the best mommy you´ll ever have.” She declared as she laid back and closed her eyes.

The next morning Nick woke up, tired, and as he leaned to the side, he realized the pain in his butt was still there. It hurt him to move, but at least he didn´t felt as if it burned. “Ok, it´s ok, tomorrow I should be fine… I guess.” He declared as he stood up and hopped off of bed. Landing made his butt ache once more, but this time, it wasn´t so bad.

He checked the time, 8:37 am, still on time to give Maddy her goodbye kiss before she left for work. He walked out of the bedroom and headed to the kitchen. And just as usual, when he arrived, she found her there. Preparing some pancakes.

“Well, it smells delicious, but I guess that´s how managers get things done.” He said, acknowledging his girlfriend´s new position with a little joke.

“Haha, yes, everything has to be perfect for the customer, nice and spongy, that´s how my Nick likes them.” She was following what he said.

Nick just chuckled, but he really had no clue what to expect for this day. But things will be taken care of alone, well, not precisely alone, but Maddy always took the lead in everything. He just sat on the chair. It hurt, but it was the kind of pain someone can take, more than painful, it´s uncomfortable.

Maddy turned, and as she saw him sitting on the chair she said: “Oh Nick, don´t you want me to at least get you a pillow, you know, it´s softer.” She was worried that he´ll hurt himself.

“No, it´s ok, it doesn´t hurt anymore.” He lied.

“Are you sure?” she asked with her hand on her hip.

“Positive” he replied.

“Ok, but make sure to be careful, I wouldn´t like it if you get hurt again… but I wouldn´t mind spreading some more ointment on your tiny butt cheeks.” She said smiling.

Nick just smiled back, in a semi awkward way. “What´s going on with her these days?” he wondered.

Just like that, breakfast was eaten and Maddy was ready to leave to work. Nick met her on the front door, to say goodbye. Maddy was coming, but she seemed to be carrying something other than her purse. “What is it?” wondered Nick.

“Ok Nick, I know we didn´t do this last Night, but now that you can stand straight…” and that when he realized it, “it´s time to measure you” she declared with a smile as she pulled out the measuring tape.

“Oh fuck.” He thought.

Less than a minute later, Maddy was done, she was smiling from ear to ear while Nick was just standing there. “Ok, what does it say?” he asked, feeling desperate.

“Aww, just look at you, so eager to now… ok, I´ll tell you, but only if you say please.” She declared smiling at him with one hand on her hip.

“She can´t be serious” he thought as he swallowed and said: “Please, can you tell me what it says?”

“Very well, here it says… that you are… 3´3” Nick.” He froze, clearly, he was shorter, but he was really close to 3´ tall. It was insane, he was almost half as tall as he used to be.

He freaked out for a moment. But as Maddy realized it, she bent down and hugged him, embracing him with her big long arms saying: “Don´t be sad Nick, I´m here for you, everything you need and everything you want, I´ll provide for you… just be strong, ok?”

Then, she stood up and headed to the door. But Nick was curious, he said: “Maddy, stop! Who… who´s coming?” he asked.

“Oh right, well, I called someone this morning, and I must say this person seemed not too “awake” as you´ll think at this time, but she agreed, she said she will be arriving here by 9:15 or so, ok?” Who was it? And why didn´t she said her name? “Be careful Nick, take care.” She said as she closed the door.

Who was coming today to join Nick during Maddy´s working hours? He had no clue. “What´s with so much mystery? She could at least tell me who it is… but I guess I´ll figure that out in just a couple minutes.” He thought.


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