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**The following story is intended for mature audiences. All characters on the story are 18 or older.**

Mark woke up, he waited a couple seconds for his sight to clear, his head hurt, but it should be the hang over from last night. “Fuck, don´t tell me that I passed out and didn´t fuck this girl… shit” he knew nothing had happened the night before, and he hated it.

Suddenly, Agatha stood in front of the couch where he was laying. She was wearing a dress now, a short black dress with ¾ loose sleeves; still, the dress embraced her body very well, accentuating her thin waist and making her hips and breasts more pronounced.

“Good morning sleepy head” she said.

He just ogled at her body for a few seconds before he realized she was talking to him, he rubbed his eyes and said: “Oh, good morning to you too” he said as he sat on the couch, but it all seemed different, he could swear his sight reached higher last night.

“Say, are you feeling ok? Maybe a little different?” she asked, she totally knew what was going on, but he decided to ignore it.

He knew they had not fuck the previous day, but he was craving for it, so he decided to try it, maybe some morning sex will do it. He cleared his throat and started:

“I´m feeling find, but you know what´ll make me feel better?” he said with a smile.

“What is it?” she said leaning forward smiling with a satisfied look on her face.

“Well, nothing else, but you…” he said, “maybe we can start the day with something sweet, like… I don´t know… some sex maybe?” he said things straight, he was sure she´ll say yes, there was no other reason for her to invite him all the way here if it wasn´t for sex.

“Haha, maybe we can little pumpkin, but first… I believe there´s something you need to see” she said, she knew what was about to happen will shock him.

“Ok, just let me take this covers off and then…” there was a problem, there were no covers over him, when he pulled, it turned out that it was his shirt what he was pulling. At the height he was and weighing 250 pounds of thick muscle, his clothes had always been tight enough, but now, his shirt was awfully loose on him. “What the?” he started.

“I think you should stand and see for yourself” she said, and suddenly she stood up, it turns out she was bending in front of where he was laying, when he found out she was on her knees, a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

“What´s the matter? Come on, just stand” she said extending her hand towards him.

He did as he was told, and then, he jumped to get off the couch, his eyes widened when he realized something, this woman was gigantic, he didn´t even came up to her waist, she leaned and added:

“What´s the matter, did you see a ghost?” she said mocking at him.

He couldn´t even talk, what had happened? His clothes where all baggy, everything rose way higher than it should. He wondered if maybe, just maybe, he had shrunk? That was impossible, he didn´t believe in any of that shit, no men could shrink just like that, there must be a logical explanation.

“Do you want me to explain you what´s going on?” she asked, judging by the addled expression on his face, he had no clue of what was going on.

He just turned at her, only being able to watch her eyes and forehead, the feminine mounds on her chest obstructed his view; he was standing too close to her, under other conditions, he would´ve thrown himself over her and tried to make out, but at this size, he was too small to even try.

“I´ll tell you anyways…” she started, “Well, first of all, there´s something you need to know… I´m a witch” Mark´s face showed a contemptuous expression, he hated when people started pretending as if all this fairy tale creatures existed.

“Bullshit” he said, “there´s no thing such as witches or whatever, just tell me what´s going on already”.

She bent down and said: “Listen, THIS is what´s going on, the drink I gave you last night was a potion, one that… well, I guess you already noticed what it does…” he just watched his reduced limbs as she continued, “The reason I shrank you, and this is the sweetest part, the reason I did so it´s because you deserve a punishment… you wanna guess the reason why?” she asked thinking that maybe he´ll reflect on his life.

“Not at all” he said crossing his arms over his chest. “Just turn me back already!” he said still not believing a word she said.

“Not yet mister, you´ve been nothing but a mean man towards women, I´m very sure that if I don´t instruct you during the next few weeks, it´s most likely that you will continue to disrespect woman the way you already do” she said from above.

“What the fuck do you mean by “instruct”, I´m not a fucking dog you can train, now listen you bitch, I want you to…”


Agatha had slapped him hard in the face, cutting him out harshly, he just stood there silently; he couldn´t remember the last time someone slapped him, even so, never before he had been hit that hard, he felt as if his head was about to spin.

“NOW! YOU listen, I´ve been nice, actually very nice towards an obnoxious man like you… this is what´s going to happen, and listen very carefully, because it´ll define whether I turn you back to normal or not…” he was still in shock, not daring to speak, so he listened to what she said.

“Like I said, before being interrupted by YOU, I´m a witch or an enchanter, necromancer, or however you wanna call it, and I´ve noticed the kind of man you are, I don´t think you have ever noticed me before, but every now and then, I see how you treat women when you visit that bar, the way you try to impose yourself, as if you were the big deal… you may seem like a big man, but deep inside, you´re only a tiny little man, so why not turning you into something that fits better? Right now, you´re standing at 2´5”, a generous height if you ask me…” he felt chills on his spine as she talked, how can he be so small?

“This is how it´s going to work, you´ll stay that size until you prove to me you´re a new man, a different one from the arrogant jerk that came with me last night. There´s a limit though, you have until October the 31ST to change, your attitude, your manners and what´s most important, the way you treat women. Until then, I´ll teach you how to, because I mainly think that you´ll learn nothing by yourself.”

His heart started beating inside his chest, he had until then to change? How could he… he needed to know, so he steeled himself and spoke: “S-so, uhm, what´ll happen if I don´t, you know, meet your expectations?” not feeling very sure if he´ll like the answer.

“Well, if I don´t see a fine young man by then, it means you´ll stay that way forever and ever.” She just looked at him with a neutral expression.

“WHAT?! But… what about my job? My friends? I can´t stay like this forever” he said.

“I already took care of that, right now, no one ever remembers you existed, and that´ll keep that way until I decide so” she grin at him.

“B-but, I… you?” he couldn´t even make a full sentence come out of his mouth. Besides, how was that even possible, he wasn´t sure if he could trust her word on that; but if she had shrunk him, then that could be possible as well.

“ENOUGH! No more questions, from now on you´ll do as I say and nothing more, if you want to return back to normal then you´re going to learn how to listen to what woman says, learn what they want and how to be respectful and attentive, otherwise, well… you´re gonna end up living here with me for the rest of your life” she coldly said, smiling at the last thing she said.

She couldn’t, could she? There was no way she could private a man from his freedom, he was already reduced in size, but maybe there was a way he could escape, what she said couldn´t be real, maybe she was just an animatronic, with all the technology nowadays it wouldn´t be hard to create such an immense robot, but still, how were his clothes changed into such big ones? There must be an explanation.

“You still can´t believe it, right?” she continued watching him with an arrogant smile, “why don´t you take off your clothes, then you may see what I´m talking about”.

He was confused, what could she mean by that? She wanted to get somewhere, but where? He just did as she said, he started removing his shirt, his pants had fallen as soon as he stood, so there was no need to worry about that, now, he was holding his oversized briefs, preventing them from falling.

“Come on, you can take those off too, don´t be shy” she said smiling, he could´ve told her a ton of things, but he decided to take it easy and just decline her offer. “Find” she answered as she pulled a mirror from behind her, he wondered where did that came from, but he didn´t care that much.

The mirror was about waist height compared to her, but for him, it was a full height mirror, and he didn´t like what he saw. His body had changed too, even if he didn´t believe that he had been shrunk, his complexion was a totally different one, his once toned and muscular body seemed now a slim and soft, even if he flexed, there wasn´t much muscle to show. “It must be one of those circus mirrors, a tricked one” he thought.

“There´s no trick honey, that´s you” Agatha said from above, holding the mirror.

How could she know what was he thinking? Then he examined his limbs by himself, it was true, they were soft. His eyes widened in shock, how could it be possible? There was just no way something like this could happen, he placed his hands in front of him and just said: “How?”

“I already told you…” she continued, “I´m a witch… and you´re under one of my spells. From now on, if you ever wanna get back to normal, you must do as I say” she loomed over him, and now that he was thinking about it, there was something dark on her, he could´ve sworn a sparkle run thru her eyes the night before, but he thought it were the road lights; but maybe he was wrong.

“Listen Mark, if you cooperate, we can make this work, I don´t have to be mean all the time… maybe we can make this whole learning experience a more pleasant one, it´s up to you. But believe me, if you try something stupid or push me to the limits of my patience, I´ll make you regret it… I may seem to be a kind person, but there´s an evil side in me, and I know a bunch of ways to discipline a little guy like you” she said as a dark aura filled her face. He just took a step back and swallowed.

“And in case you still can´t believe it, or come to the conclusion this is some sort of virtual reality or whatever, let me show you…” she said as she leaned down and extended her arms towards him, for some reason, the mirror was still and didn´t fall; he tried to escape, to avoid being caught by this enormous woman, but he failed. She was too big and it all happened very suddenly, she caught him off guard, now, her hands where on the sides of his torso, and then she held him below his armpits.

Mark closed his eyes as she drove him closer to her face, then she placed a hand on his butt and the other one on his shoulder. She was carrying him. “Open your eyes” she said, “there´s something I need you to see, only then you´ll be fully convinced” he shut his eyes tighter, trying to turn away from her.

“It´s ok, you´ll like it” she added, a part of him was trying its best to avoid it, but the other part really wanted to know, what could she have in mind? He was curious about it. His heart bit strongly on his chest, he felt as if his throat was closing. In the end, he did as she said and opened his eyes slowly, fearing what was about to come.

“Good…” she started looking at him with a proud smile, “Now, I want you to feel me” she said.

“W-what?” he asked.

“Touch me, that´s the only way you´ll know I´m real” she explained. It was a weird request, she was already holding him, and he could feel her, her smooth body, her soft hands, touching him.

“Come on, don´t waste this chance, just…” she said as she unbuttoned her blouse and exposed a big part of her breasts, “you can touch them if you want, you know, to feel that I´m real” his eyes widened in shock.

Was she really allowing him to do it? He had wanted to do this since the night before, and now, it was happening. Yesterday she had a big pair of boobs, but now, at the size he was, they must be over twice the size of his head, even bigger. Never before he has had the chance to touch such an immense pair of boobs. He decided to take his chance and go for it.

He slowly placed his reduced hand on her immense soft flesh. She felt soft, warm and smooth. He then squeezed her heavy breast with his hand. Then she placed him right in front of her so that he could have a better view, and he did. He was now suspended in the air in the presence of her huge feminine mounds. He stretched his arms and tried to grab as much boob flesh as he could.

He decided to take advantage and drove his hand inside the fabrics of her dress, he caressed her breast with his hand, and finally, he found her nipple. It was hard, he could tell she was getting stimulated by this. For a moment he thought she was going to allow him to have sex with her. But he was wrong.

“Are you having fur over there?” she asked. Mark looked up at her and nodded.

“I´m sure you do” she said with a pleased look on her face. Then she placed him back to his original position. She placed him over her hip and buttoned her blouse with her free hand. He didn´t notice before, but he was hard on his pants, and what was worst, he was poking her. But she didn´t seem to care.

He was too overexcited and now, he felt the urge to watch her naked, to be with her in bed; even if she was so much taller than him, it only meant there was more of her to touch. He stretched his arm and tried to grab her boob again, but she grabbed his hand and stopped him.

“Nah ah, no more…” she started looking down at him, “This will be your first lesson, you´ll only get as far as a woman allows you to, and nothing more” she said as she waved her index finger on his face.

How could she do that? She was literally allowing him to touch her and now she was just stopping him? He was mad, he frowned no woman was going to tell him what to do. So, he decided to go for it he leaned his body forward and stretched both of his arms, but then she stopped him.

“Ouch, Ouch, s-stop” he said.

“NO!” she replied, she was pulling his ear, something not too harsh, but at his size, it really hurt, who knows how much stronger she was than him, but at the moment, he felt as if his ear was going to be teared apart.

The more he moved the harder she pulled, after a moment, he decided to give up and just stay still. Then, she released his ear. “Now, listen, THIS is my house, which means I´m the one who´s going to set the rules, and YOU don´t have any right to go against anything I say. If I allow you to do anything then you´ll get as far as I want” he just saw her as she spoke, he could tell she was upset, she was actually lecturing him.

“And believe me when I say that there will be consequences towards your actions…” then she placed him down back to the floor. “Just see for yourself, imagine for a moment, what a big woman like me can do to a small man like you…” she bent down with her hands on her hips, “I won´t be this patient anymore.”

He swallowed hard, it was true, she was gigantic, he had to crane his neck all the way up to look at her in the eyes. He feared what this woman will be capable of. A small part of him believed that she was going to kill him, yet, she had only said she will punish him; how far can she go with those?


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