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New video coming in a little bit before I sleep today. I'm getting the sound on it and rendering it. For now I wanted to update on myself.

TLDR mode: Thank you everyone for your support the last 3 months. I'm relieved and happy by the support everyone has given here! With work and a bit of creativity I can keep doing this instead of getting another job.

Long version:

Hello everyone. It's been about almost 3 months now since I've been away from my old job and working on this (mostly) full time... I have had a lot of things to do aside from this IRL, and I'm very glad everyone has been supportive and understanding.

To keep myself going, I'm still doing weekly small content if I'm in the middle of a bigger project. This has been extremely successful on many levels by helping me still learn more new tricks to do and keep content steadily rolling in as promised from when I said "I'm leaving work to do this full time".

I may in the future request for a week to relax if I find myself a bit swamped. I don't forsee this any time soon as I do regularly take breaks and I still have time for some gaming. I also have taken up cooking again. I have taken a liking to making my Grandma's homemade sauce, with pasta and meatballs especially. I took up some breakfast specials from my dad also and have come up with my own just random pot lucks with whatever we have lying around the fridge and freezer.

I do live with two other roommates and they do cook too and we do take care of each other. It's because of them that I'm able to do this with a low monetary overhead. It's all teamwork and I appreciate them a lot. (They're also into inflation by chance so it works out that way too)

I've been coping with a few minor issues this week, mainly sleep issues, and I was physically sick for a little while due to either a mistake I made while cooking or bad food I got one day while I was out. I'm pretty sure I figured out what I need to do to fix my sleep problem and antacid took care of my nausea. I should be back to normal sleep pattern this week.

I really appreciate everyone that is helping in any way. Retweets, sharing my videos, linking to me, patreon and ko-fi contributions, commissions, and feedback on what I'm working on.

Aside from me getting sick and sleep deprived this last week for a few days, I have absolutely no major bad news or problems to report for once!

The only thing is I feel I'm a bit behind on my commission list clearing due to making new rigs. So I might not be exactly ready for January for taking new commissions. But I am going to start doing commissions alternating "Big" and "Small" in order to not burn myself out. Not everyone wants an epic huge thing. Some people want smaller or simpler stuff.

Future plans not involved directly with what animations are next:

I want to get a new regular outfit for Lindsey... I mean the sports shirt and bloomers I made for her are cute and all, but it's not really everyday attire for her. So it's about time I fully separate her from that minor/background character. One of my old friends on discord got me her model knowing I was addicted to her design, and I think it's time I get my own version of her. Like if you know Imbapovi how he has iMiku. I'm going to alter Lindsey's clothing so she's my own fully. I'm keeping her main traits on her don't worry :D she's still going to have her glasses, horn barette, and that vial of "mystery bubblegum juice" she keeps on her choker.

I am going to try to get more OC characters going too. I've got some edits I've been making for some old models. I fixed May-chan, I have Gumi and Chui with new planned things. Prissy is coming back too. And I have two other characters that you might not know about, Nishichie my cute reploid and Merry my shortstack puff buff arsenal devil, who I want to do things for too.

Yes I'm going to be doing more Non-OC regular characters too XD I'm not going to be all greedy here. With the addition of my idea channel on discord for the $12 tier, I've been getting and discussing ideas to do for short videos in between commissions and my own stuff as a group project. I did try the poll tier, but there was no interest, so I brainstormed with some people and came up with the idea and render tier. This is a bit more open than full poll so I and others can actively talk and work together to help create new short video content. For the last year or two I've been wanting a "board of directors" like this, so to speak, and I think I figured out how to do it now with this.

I have been eagerly learning how to make new inflation rigs. While I don't think modeling full characters like I used to back 10 years ago would be a good idea... (the three ar on my regular non-fetish youtube channel from that long ago)... I do enjoy coming up with new rigs to help make the inflation fun.

Okay! That should be all for now. Enjoy the new short video coming out in a little bit here before I go to bed, and I'll discuss the new projects coming up after that in the next few days.


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