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Each time Zane Leveled now, it was a challenge. Killing Monsters did not feel like enough anymore. Like trying to fill up a lake with buckets of water. Toward the end of it, demolishing an army barely gave him a few. 

But the vat he’d just gotten was filled to the brim with the densest essence he'd ever felt.

He dove in eagerly.

It still took half an hour of chugging or so before—

Level up!

Essence Level 298 -> 299

He felt like his Core felt was starting to run up against some impossible wall. A natural barrier. The more essence he took in the more started leaking out of him.

He was getting close.

He grabbed the thing and started dumping it straight into his mouth. He put it down, wiped his face with the back of an arm, took a couple of deep breaths, and went straight back.


He needed more.

Much more. 


Not long after, though—

He looked up. The day was changing over, the skies darkening to a witching purple.

And stars started streaking again. 

Their gifts were coming.

Reina got an essence treasure—just a basic Essence Vial, but it was a high enough grade she couldn’t complain. It would boost her to the mid-Level 280s. Avery and Evan both got comprehension boosters—Evan, a ‘Great Fortune Cookie’. He gasped as it dropped in his hands. As he started munching he cheered up again. He had the attention span of a small fish, which turned out to be a good thing—he forgot all about being scared, at least for now. Evan would be okay. 

Avery got another serving of spring water. They really liked giving her spring water.

Zane’s treasure crash-landed right in front of him, sinking a good two feet into the ashes. The light faded.

Raiyin’s Elixir of Purification [Earth (S+)]

The signature Elixir of the great Alchemist Raiyin, concocted of a mixture of Godbeast Bone Marrows. Purifies the body of all impurities for a brief period, preparing the vessel to receive the Nascent Soul. 

It came from that one fellow from the Steelheart Conclave according to a hastily scrawled note. 

Zane looked up. “Thanks.”

He still wasn't sure what Nascent Soul really meant. Then again, he hadn't known what Core had been either when he went into it. And that had worked out fine. 

He scratched his head, looked around. It wasn't like there was anyone here to tell him. Reina’s best guess from what they’d seen was that it involved somehow bringing the soul into the body. Fusing the physical and the spiritual. He took her word for it. 

He told them he was going to go for it. He wasn't sure how long it would take. But historically speaking, Zane going for things tended to mean explosions. Often in his own face. So they quickly shuffled off, gave him a safe distance. Reina went off to ponder a Mid-Tier Concept, Evan and Avery their Levels.

Leaving Zane there to try to hammer this thing out.

First he uncorked the Elixir. And drank. 

It felt like a sauna within. His insides felt hot all of a sudden, like he was running a high fever—he felt his blood start burning, lighting up his veins. Then his tendons. Then his muscles, too—a kind of pleasant pain. Like the sort you get after hard exertion. 

He let out a breath. A steam-cloud wafted over. His skin went red, like he’d been sunburned all over.

He started to sweat—not water, but a cloying black ooze… 

When it stopped he was caked in the gunk. 

He had to set himself on Stormfire to get it all off him. 

He felt like he had been scrubbed clean. Every inch of him—from his skin to his bones to his organs. There was a certain lightness to him. Like he had just woken from a long restful sleep. 

So far, so good. 

At last, he stared down the barrel of essence. At that last swill of it sloshing away inside. Took a breath. Tipped it over. And drank.

The essence gushed down his throat. Hit his Core. And filled it to the brim.

His Core shuddered. And its spin began to slow, sagging under its own weight, nearly overflowing. More and more… 

Until it ground to a final halt.

Zane blinked.

…Was that supposed to happen?

“Hmm,” said Zane. 


“HNGGGG,” groaned Zane. 

He felt very strange then—a lurch, an unsteady, wobbling feeling, a sense of vertigo deep in his soul. He didn't really know what to make of it—he was sure he had never felt this before. He would’ve remembered. 

Then he doubled over. 

It was still going. Growing more intense, a little earthquake going off inside him, rumbling away… he felt the tremors not in his body but his soul. His body felt perfectly fine. 

The one place it showed up was his Core. The very center of it. There the sensations were strongest. 

His Core began to shiver.

…He really hoped that was supposed to happen.

He felt a sudden connection. 

Right at that point. It had always been there, Zane realized. Just distant, faint. So faint he hardly felt it. But it was clear to him now—that was where his soul attached to his body. His center in physical and astral space. The core of Zane.

It was where his Core formed—and that connection, that link to his soul, was what set it in motion. Gave it its power. Granted his essence its vitality. Without it, his Core would be little more than that vat of essence he had just drunk.

His soul gave it life. Made it his own. 

He felt it happening even now—more strongly than ever before… 

It had always animated his essence. The way the sun heats you from a great distance. You never really notice until you look up.

Now it was getting closer.

That heat of it was intensifying. Growing quite noticeable; Zane felt the connection more and more intensely—

His essence began to burn.

And there—right at his center—there was a breakthrough.

His soul broke through. And claimed his Core.

Just a little at first. Like a splash of new color on a blank canvas. But it was there. 

He felt that connection solidifying. 

Its influence was quickly growing. And it started to change the very character of his Core. 

Not its aspects, or its Laws… it just started to feel like him.

You could sense it in his new aura. There was a sense of great weight, of strength, an unyielding stubbornness, and above all, a sense of vastness. If you stood in its presence, it’d feel like staring up from the foot of a mountain at a peak lost in distant clouds. 

It began to give his essence, his very being, the character of Zane.

It began to claim his essence as his own. Claim his body for his own.

That sense only grew stronger.

His Soul began arriving in this world. Not merely as some distant connection—it was here, fully present, powering all that he was.

Body and Soul were merging as one. 

That was Nascent Soul.

Soul Created!

Mortal-Grade Nascent Soul

But Zane was not done—not by far. He was just getting started. He could sense a new strength, a new heat, pouring down his limbs already. Imbued with a sense of himself. He knew if he powered any attack—with Stormfire or Steel—it would gain a boost. The strength, the vastness of his essence. A boost unique to him. 

The more of his Core his Soul claimed, the greater that boost grew… 

Already it had spread to a good tenth of his Core. But he could will more in if he really tried. His Soul right now was crossing some barrier, the gap between the physical and the spiritual…

Zane frowned. And focused hard. 

He focused his desire on willing his soul through. On claiming his body wholly.

Instantly, he began to sweat.

It felt like he was fighting the nature of the world itself. He had to tear that barrier wide, force his way through—and it was tough going. There was a lot of him to fit through. 

Once he did, though—that color only started spreading faster and faster.

Soul Grade Increased!

Mortal -> Earth

He kept forging ahead.


“He’s at Earth already,” said Burnwater faintly. The old Sage shook his head. “My Heavens—how much of his soul has he gotten through? 10%?!”

"Perhaps," said Noughtfire.

The two of them watched their scrying glasses in tense silence.

By now they were aware they were not the only ones in the Azure Flame faction watching this. Word had spread shockingly fast—this was a once-in-a-Chaos-Cycle event, after all.

Burnwater had just gone to the Spring Banquet hosted by the Rising Phoenix Sage, and had heard of this super-talent ‘Zane Walker’ spoken of between Elders in the Inner Faction. 

Even top-ranking Outer Faction Chosen hardly got such attention from the Inner Faction. A Pre-Integration Candidate was unheard of! If Burnwater didn’t know who Zane Walker was, what that man was capable of, he would’ve thought everyone had lost their minds.

He was sure there were just as many skeptical Inner Faction Elders watching as curious ones. Wondering what all this fuss was about. If this so-called once-in-a-thousand-generations talent was all he was cracked up to be. 

Nascent Soul was a critical foundational stage.

It was the stage that determined your potential. Once you fused soul and body, that fusion could never be changed. Manage something poor—such as low-Mortal-Grade—and you would be forever capped under Level 400. You would never glimpse Tier 5 Laws.

Something average—say, high-Mortal or low-Earth—meant you had hopes for Level 500. Sky and Profound talents often wound up in the Inner Faction. 

And those Heaven-grade talents, the rarest of the rare… they had Patriarch potential. They could shake the Dragonspire Galaxy. 

Just what would Zane Walker turn out to be? It was the question on everyone’s minds. 

“…You could be right,” said Burnwater. “Regarding his potential soul grade.” He could hardly believe he was saying it. “If the grade depends on three things—the size of the soul, the size of the Core, and how well he can merge them… at this rate, a 75% merge could be enough for Heaven-grade! And with what willpower he’s shown…” 

Burnwater hesitated. “Perhaps it’s possible?” 

It was still quite unlikely. A 75% merge would require an effort far beyond most men. And Heaven-grade was one of those nearly mythical grades. Burnwater almost didn't dare admit it was possible still with any confidence. But as Zane Walker set his jaw, and frowned, and kept on bulldozing ahead… Burnwater began to doubt. 

Noughtfire stayed silent.

“What is it?” said Burnwater, since he could tell his master was turning something over in his mind.

“It’s possible,” said Noughtfire slowly. “When I predicted Heaven-grade… I may have even underestimated him.”



Sorry about missing a chapter yesterday folks! Had to take an extra plotting day to nail some things down. I try hard not to miss chapters but it happens. In this case the extra day has clarified a lot for me and will benefit the story long-term.

Just so y'all have a reference point, looking back over the last half-year or so, missed days seem to happen ~3-4 times a month! Good weeks = 7 chapters a week, bad weeks (rare) = 5 chapters, most weeks tend to end up ~6


Ben Waschuk

Maybe change to 5 days a week so you can start collecting a backlog. Then you could take vocations and days off without missing posting days. Its a win for everyone then :)


If you need a day take a day. I can wait


I love how you worry about only 5 chapters a week. I’ve read stories where we get about 2 (4 if lucky) chapters A MONTH. So don’t worry you’re showering us with chappies even on a bad week.

Benjamin Mukasa

Forgot to add this to the collection


If Seamless Core put him ahead of everyone on earth, I’m betting Nascent Soul stage with his monstrous soul will put him in a truly absurd league.