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It’s a considerably windy day out in the whistling grassy forest. An autumn-coloured Sylveon wanders through the pleasant fields, far away from civilisation, with no real direction in mind.

Well, he did have a destination that he wanted to visit; an old abandoned stone site that hadn’t been visited in a long time. The place was old, very old, the grass had overgrown into the stone tile ground, and even a few trees had grown into the crumbling walls.

“Hmm…” Thistle examined the old stone carvings on the walls. To his knowledge, the site used to be held for the worship of a fertility god, and the music and dances that would be held here were supposed to give everyone involved high fertility to create the next generation. Thistle didn’t want to sound like he was undermining the culture of an old civilisation, but god worshipping like that was a little out-there to him. Besides, the only real gods that he knew existed were legendary pokemon, and to his knowledge, there wasn’t any “fertility” legendary pokemon…unless you could argue Arceus herself was the fertility goddess, creating life and all.

Before Thistle could ponder more, his eyes caught a strange carving in the ground, which immediately caused his eyes to widen. There on the ground was a clear musical scale, with notes that followed a simple melody.

Flicking his tail, he felt proud of himself that he found something that he could immediately understand. His paw moved up to the ocarina slung around his neck as his eyes scanned the music track, imagining the tone and how it would play, before taking the ocarina and sitting on his rear, closing his eyes, and putting the mouthpiece of the ocarina to his mouth.

The hollow, yet soothing sound of the ocarina swept through the trees, as if guided along by nature’s wind. Thistle's ears twitched as he listened, it’s quite the pretty melody. He wouldn’t be bothered to play this again in front of someone…

But right as he finished, his body suddenly felt warm. A pleasant tingling flooded the lower section of his body as if he was dipped in a warm pool of water from his waist down,

“W-wuh?” he opened his eyes with a blink, looking down. Between his thighs, he found a glowing yellow light, which swirled around his crotch and around his rear. Instinctively, he swatted it away with his paw, but it only grew brighter and brighter, until…

Thistle felt a sudden flood of pleasure wash through him as his canine shaft began to grow quickly out from it’s furry sheath, becoming stiffer and stiffer on its own as if Thistle saw a very breedable mate in the heated middle of mating season. As it grew, Thistle’s whole body shuttered in pleasure, reaching all the way from the tips of his ears to the back of his tail, which was pointed straight up as if getting ready to receive someone else’s stiff shaft.

But it wasn’t done growing. As Thistle was panting, he watched in awe as his knot just kept expanding, growing up to a foot long, then longer…and longer! His balls behind him were also churning with heavy amounts of seed, becoming wider and fluffier by the second. His breath was hot and steamy as he watched his cock grow further up his midsection, and his thighs spreading more and more to fit this growing beanbag chairs of a fluffy sack.

Thistle let out eager, stifled moans. His cock was now well over his head, reaching a hefty four feet of thick canine shaft. This, finally, was when the glowing began to slowly fade, leaving Thistle with a truly massive package which was drooling precum at a constant, unending rate,

“W-what the heck…?!” Thistle groaned, trying to stand back on his four legs, only able to fall onto his cock which pulsated under his belly, “h-how am I supposed to move now??”

The glowing light still seemed to fizzle around him, moving around him in a circle like will o’ the wisps. Thistle didn’t pay too much attention to the wisps as he was trying to move with his new giant package, but the sudden flash that the wisps made caused his eyes to dart to them. They were positioned behind him, floating around his rear,

“H-hey! What’d you do to me?? Make my cock back to what it was or-”

But the wisps only responded by suddenly morphing into a glowing, outlined object which Thistle immediately recognised. A long, canine cock made out of glowing forest magic, rubbed right up against his tailhole. This teasing caused his cock to shoot a heavy shot of precum, splashing the ground in front of him. His paws wiggled a little, trying to get away while also getting ready for the penetration, but nothing prepared him for how it really felt. The push felt nearly instantly orgasmic, warming his whole body. His massive sack churned and grew even larger as his rear was spread tightly. Thistle let out a pleasured moan, his paws gripping his cock beneath him as he was ravaged by the lights,


His body instinctively thrusted forwards as he was used as a toy, his cock rubbing against the soft, yet uneven grassy ground. Seconds later, Thistle was overcome with a powerful orgasm, his cock spraying buckets of cum all over the ancient worshipping site, unknowingly providing his own lustful energy to the invisible god watching from afar.

Thistle was exhausted after such a body-wrecking orgasm. His panting nearly made him pass out if it wasn’t for how much his body tingled from the powerful shots he just gave the whole place. With a huff, he looked back up at the lights,

“S-so…” he muttered, “th-this is still reversible right…?”

The lights only seemed to glimmer a little. Thistle groaned, hoping his cock would soften soon…


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