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Hey everybody, I wanted to give you all an update with plans I've got for the channel and some things that will be changing now or in the near future!

First of all, I hope you've noticed it but I've been drastically increasing my video output over the last weeks! I think I'm currently doing around 10-12 videos a week and I hope to be able to keep this pace up.

One decision I've made is that for main shows I choose to react to from here on out, I'm gonna do at least two episodes a week. In the past months I had started a bunch of shows like Mushoku Tensei, Re:Zero, It's Always Sunny and FMAB initially doing them all once a week, but I just came to realize it's better for both myself as well as my viewers to do less shows while covering more episodes simultaniously. Obviously, I've already increased uploads to twice a week for Re:Zero & It's Always Sunny. Mushoku Tensei will probably have to sit out the weekly schedule seeing as we're getting somewhat close to the current end point anyway, FMAB I might be able to increase soon.

Another decision that I've made for productivity reasons and to allow for the greater number of videos, is that most reaction videos are going to include only one talking segment from here on out. I will keep the intro sections, but reviews after episodes are going to disappear. I might make exceptions for some episodes (like premieres and finales). I usually record episodes in bulk now and I already find that I'm basically repeating my outro and intro talks a lot, plus I noticed that the reviews after episodes tend to get less than half the amount of watch time as the intro talks do. It's basically a waste that gets in the way of me being able to make more content so I hope it's understandable! Obviously, I will continue to cover as many of my thoughts as I possibly can in the intros and always reflect on the previous episodes to take everything into account.

Reaction requests and new weekly show reactions are going to be an exception to all of this! The currently requested shows like No Game No Life, Fate/Zero, Great Teacher Onizuka and Harley Quinn as well as new shows Jujutsu Kaisen & Spy x Family will continue to have intro and outro talks as these are shows I only do once a week or month. The reaction requests have been a great success so far and I especially want to thank Julian, floxer, Ugly Pig & Jojo for generously supporting my channel with these and allowing me to put all this time into the content! I hope to have more slots available soon, or perhaps an option to request an entire season of a show at once as has been asked about to me by some of you. When I do, I'll let you all know here on the Patreon feed!

As I'm sure you've all noticed, Patreon has also been making some changes to their website. I'm going to do some experimenting with the new "free" option, trying to bring people over from YouTube to Patreon by giving them one week of early access. This won't really affect any of you who are already here, except that some of you will notice you'll start receiving an additional notification post summarizing all the new content on a daily basis. This is something that gold early access members already used to receive from me every day as they weren't getting notifications when I updated access to old posts otherwise. I'm also putting up another post today for free members with links to their content, but this will all be irrelevant for you all as you've long seen these videos.

Okay, that should cover about all. I hope all these small changes make sense and I'm sure for most of you it hardly means much anyway as you're just here to enjoy the reactions which I totally understand! Thank you all for the continued support. I'll continue to look into ways to up my game, like new content formats or increasing the output even more! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out in the comments or via DM! Thanks again :)




Thank you for the update and I think this is only positive stuff. Changing it to one "review" section per episode is a good change I think and I can only imagine how much time it will save going forward I hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself man, been really enjoying your videos, even for shows I've not watched personally Happy to support you to continue what you do!


Since you watch several episodes of the same shows on the same day, I was thinking of recommending that you only record the intro on the first episode and the outro on the last episode of that day. I agree with the idea of watching fewer series but twice a week. Thanks for the update.


Glad to hear it man! Yeah I'm also thinking about starting a really long anime soon enough for which at least two but maybe even three episodes would seem better to do. A lot of people tend to stay around only for a single show and it's probably just better to give people a higher rate of uploads, especially if I want to make them subscribe to a Patreon. Thankfully you and some others here are an exception to that though so I really appreciate you for staying around here all this time! :)


I totally agree with you about not getting too spread out with shows and that it's a far better experience to go through a few shows quicker then many shows over like a year. I'm a bit disappointed to lose another talking section in each video though I understand cutting them out. I personally prefer analyses to be at the end and skipping / severely shortening the intro, but that's just me. The most important thing to me is your thoughts on the anime, obviously I've seen all the anime I watch your reactions for and thus the main reason I subscribe is to hear what you think about them. I particularly worry that since you do timer reactions and thus don't pause, that we'll lose analysis for things that happen quickly and thus don't have time to really discuss in episode. But I totally get that they sort of feel the same, and especially while recording, doing both sides back to back. I might suggest keeping the analysis at the end the same, and cutting down on the intros. Cause personally it feels off to me to start a video about episode N talking in depth about episode N - 1. But that's just me. I'm glad that you're taking advantage of the new free tier, it's a great way to give people a taste of Patreon and hopefully make it easier to convert them into paying subscribers. I think a week early access is a very appropriate perk for this.


I think it's indeed way better to do less shows at the same time but more regularly. It's rough to wait for one entire week each time for some particular animes.