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After a party the bath time conversation turns to a sensuous and trusting moment.

Script by u/ambidentrous



this was so good 🤭




This sort of experience could only exist in fiction and fantasy I think. It just seems beyond anything possible in real life.


This is quite intense, powerful. Of course as an American just now attempting to get over a girl in Oz I didn't intend on falling for, I might be slightly addicted to the accent as well 😉 No shame in weaning myself off her loveliness slowly I suppose, she didn't want to say goodbye either and so I hope she has someone to ease her through as well. In the meantime while I dilligently work in therapy to try to overcome my lifelong habit of rescuing damsels in distress...I do appreciate this opportunity to stay out of the bars clubs social groups what have you, luckily I enjoy my own company and I'm not a person (or 🐺, I kid) not normally prone to loneliness. Long days of work & school in the winter and coming home to an empty bed can occasionally make one feel it moreso though, or maybe it's just me getting older (bday last week) having returned from Army deployments and being smart enough to stay out of the gay bars and no longer interested in pursuing the drama one night stands can often bring. Who knows? In a fews ways I'm not as hardcore as I used to be, recovering workaholic as well, but we as Soldiers never fully escape that need for a meaningful mission, that inherent drive to care for defend and protect our loved ones, neighbors, and all the innocent if we can-I reckon it's a hard habit to break *smh* it's an adjustment, but every new chapter in our lives seems to be, doesn't it? No instruction manuals. And although military service can shake up ones ideals, force us to question our own governments foreign affairs policies, and experience that everything isn't as simple and black/white as our politicians would have you believe, the foolish romanticism of youth never completely leaves you *sigh* Even if we learned the hard way that American exceptionalism is a myth and it is not our job to police the world as it's never purely about human rights...resources and occupations and all those things to trouble one's self about...I still stir when i see/hear this quasi propaganda piece on the air. Course I went in before 9/11 was in during and after, I feel sorry for the high-school kids going in now ☹️ Not that I'm *that* old mind you *chuckles* you can't even see tiny starts of a few grey hairs at the temples under my 🤠 I'm told https://youtu.be/NBPhIhb6E_U


Thank you for sharing. I’m glad to know that my audios could possibly help in the weaning process 😉


I do indeed, very much so. Before I launched my Patreon, I'd already recorded 200+ audios in 9 months. It was, and still is, a cathartic process and a wonderful creative outlet for me. Starting a Patreon enables me to be able to do it on a full time basis.