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update time! This has been one of my favorite scenes to work on so far, and I’m really happy with the result. Robin’s issues run deep and he’s much more vulnerable than he wants to admit... but Noah knows. They’re both affected by supernatural things and their spirit past, without them knowing. But... it’s easier together. 

We’re close to wrap up the flashback and my plan behind it all (hehe) and the build up will be complete, thank you for your patience as always and for your wonderful support this month as well!!




They're so sweet. 😭😭😭 I think I'm due for a reread.


Ahhhhhh Sad Baby Robin hurtsssss 😭😭💔 But it’s soooo sweet, those little sunshines between them at the end, and ahhh! The chest-sun! These two, I just love them so much.