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Golly, it was real close this time!

Our beloved Grunt has grown her team so fast. She's gonna be a PokeGrill Master! ;_;

Ideas so far: 

Cynthia - " Since the Pokemon theme is big, how about Pokemon Champion Cynthia?  http://www.pokemonacademylife.com/wiki/images/5/52/Cynthia_art.png  She can be the Grunt's main hitter, so she gets the hardest training  with ballet heels, inflatable mitts and a posture collar while doing  forced training exercise " 

Spider Gwen - " How about Spider Gwen? https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/001/149/484/large/jeremiah-skipper-spider-gwen-by-vitali-iakovlev-d97m422.jpg?1441087950  She could be captured by her friend-turned-villain, Silk. https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/8/8e/Cindy_Moon_%28Earth-12131%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20150904210621

Elma - " How about Elma from Miss. Kobayashi Dragon Maid?  https://i.pinimg.com/736x/fb/b4/3b/fbb43bc238a1789caedb1118558f3f5b.jpg   Perhaps she got caught stealing too many snacks from the office break  room and got tied up with office supplies, cords, etc and some tape to  keep her eating anyone else's snacks.  "




I love the idea for Cynthia, and add a nice heavy duty muzzle to keep that Dragon Breath in check lol


I love the sound of this Cynthia prompt!