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Here we go! 

Towards the end of my deadline, but hey. I'm glad we got here. So updates:

- In this version I moved all navigation buttons in the apartment to the left hand side of the screen, but you have access to all rooms from any room in the apartment. They are still pretty gaudy and take up a lot of space, but I'm working on that too. 

- Kim got an upgrade, I like her new model.

- More dialogue has been added to the "first date" scene, explaining a bit about Danielle, and what she does for a living.

- Dialogue has been added to the "stuffed at dinner" scenes to try and emphasize she does not like being pushed (yet).

- Sprite size was increased so they take up more screen space and "fit" better with the backgrounds.

- I added a menu option to the end of workday and end of day, this effectively stops the game from skipping on repeat. I'll try to find a more elegant solution for the next update.

- I added time blocks so there are two "afternoon" time slots and two "evening/night" time slots. 

- Of course the next weight stage and next reveal (I added special end scenes for the good ending and the bad ending this time.)

Things I want to work on for the next update:

- Make the nav buttons prettier, I'm trying to find a visually distinctive way of doing this without pictographic representations, nothing against that but I don't want to steal that idea from another game.

- I want to add at least one activity, probably the gaming option that was suggested on the site Weight Gaming.

- I want to add "chat" options that have nothing to do with weight gain, but inform the character of Danielle more.

- I want to add more to do at the office, to make it worthwhile, since there is no money in the game.

- Of course the next stage and reveal.

Rather ambitious goals, but that's my plan. I'll pick a deadline for myself later, but if I were to hazard a guess now, I'd say end of Feb, beginning of March-ish. Still no shoes for Danielle for now, but the hunt continues.

Happy Holidays/Solstice/Festivus!

- HH


170.22 MB file on MEGA


Lol Lmao

Is this playable on mac?


Not currently, but I do plan to make it available for Mac as well! Hopefully for this next update.


Is there some kind of good option? I don't give her anything extra when cooking and choose reassuring dialogue options but Danielle still ends up saying that I hate her extra pounds when going up a size.