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Tags: Extreme weight gain, Messy eating with lightly sexual overtones, Butt centric weight gain, a bit of strongfat

“Juri! Keep your hand out of there.” Chun-Li tried to swat a grasping, searching hand away from her buttocks but failed. Her arms were thick with muscle and fat, bigger now than even Zangief’s. With only her arms Chun-Li could topple a bus.  Yet, the Chinese woman had paid a price for the newfound strength. Her movements had become slow and heavy, her graceful crane style devolving into an elephant's stomping. Her arm swung, too huge to make it past her shoulders. Juri remained free to do as she pleased. The smaller woman continued to grasp and jiggle the beanbag’s worth of ass fat that Chun-Li now toted behind her. The aforementioned asscheeks worked as a shelf to hoist her tabard, exposing her sky blue stretch pants to the world. Chun-Li’s dimpled butt was presented to the streets of Seoul partially uncovered. Pale cheeks wobbled and slid, clearly oiled and lubricated for presentation. A hand rummaged between them, looking for the most tender portions to squeeze. Chun-Li could do little other than make pathetic swats at Juri’s arm, struggling to move her beefy arms. The big woman lumbered down the street, unable to stop herself from being felt up by her girlfriend.

“Sooooorrry babe. Leave too much cake laying around and someone is bound to take a slice.” Juri’s raspy voice was nearly as filled with sexuality as Chun-Li’s clothes were filled with fat. The thinner woman cuddled up to her waddling hog, pressing her small body into the folds of fat. She felt the power underneath the soft exterior. Even the most thickly padded parts of Chun-Li, her butt and thighs, rippled with untapped muscle. Juri’s hands scuttled across whatever she could reach, just as her tongue dipped into stomach rolls. Juri had little compunctions about anything, especially not indecent behavior in public. She drew her tongue up Chun-Li’s love handles, going as far as her armpit. With her newfound strength, Chun-Li could have easily broken away. In her erotic fit Juri was rendered defenseless. No punishment came to the brightly dressed Korean woman. Her hair, dressed into sinister looking horns, poked into a fat breast. A wide and feverish eye looked up at Chun-Li. “Admit it, babe, you love getting prodded at. You waaaant me deeper.”

“I most certainly do not.” Chun-Li snorted defensively, flexing her new muscles. Her arms swelled, the thick undercurrent of muscle appearing out of the depths of blubber. Her bicep hardened, ceasing all jiggles. Likewise, her stomach pulled tight. In seconds it was transformed from a pile of dough into a cast iron kettle. She took heavy steps, cracking the concrete beneath her feet with ease. Her dismissive grunt came out a boar’s snort. Months of her body growing had made memories of fluid and graceful movements. Over 600 pounds of Chinese muscle and fat bore down on Juri, trying to impress upon her the need for social decency. Rather than intimidation, Juri only felt lust.

“A bit of time in one of these alleys will change your mind.” Juri’s voice only grew huskier as her lust intensified. “I brought the stuff too.” Her hand tucked into a back pocket of her black and white pants, pulling out an unlabeled squeeze tube. “I think you’re due for another lather.” Juri ran the bottle under her nose and then poked it into Chun-Li’s deep navel. “Gotta keep piggie GROWING!” One of Juri’s small but lethal feet came up and kicked the hanging paunch. Juri first tapped what felt like a waterbed, but it soon hardened back into steel. She laughed, flipping around her less than mobile lover. The cap disappeared from the top of the tube, a white and oily semi-solid taking its place. “You need a little greasing.” Flicked the cream from the top, making it splatter across her girlfriend’s body. Chun-Li did not break her glare, but she quickly wiped the substance into her body. It was her lifeblood now. “Besides, it’s my birthday soon.” Juri spoke with her tongue out and her words perpetually dripping with carnal intentions. Instead of wanton violence, she funneled her energy into exploring vices.  “Don’t you want to give me something special?

Juri sensually squeezed more out of the tube. It had been invented as a topical muscle growth stimulant. Used sparingly, it added extra lean muscle in a short time. Used unsparingly by an addict, its effects became even more pronounced. Muscle bulk was joined by fat, the user’s body building bigger by any means necessary. Though too proud to admit it, Chun-Li had found the effects alluring. Long nights had been spent with Juri’s smooth hands lovingly coating every inch of Chun-Li’s body with the cream, followed by more hours of her enjoying the tingles of growth spreading across her growth. The cream was fast acting, hijacking her dopamine producers just as much as her metabolism. Chun-Li watched the cream slide from the tube, her eyes widening. She trundled through the busy marketplace, eyes looking away from Juri. Though she tried to ignore the cream, her eyes naturally sought out places where it could be applied without issue. Despite her bulk, there were still alley’s dark enough to hide her hulking frame. She turned back.

“Your birthday isn’t for another six months.” Chun-Li said, still trying to stoically waddle forward.

“Yeaaaaah, but good presents take a while.” Juri advanced, waving the tube of growth hormone. Chun-Li faced a tough choice, but made her decision quickly.

One chubby hand shot out and grabbed Juri, hauling the smaller woman into her arms. Juri was caught up in blankets of rippling arm muscle and breast fat. Chun-Li carried her girlfriend with ease, handling her 130 pounds as if it were a fraction. Juri did not even wait until they were in the alley way. She squeezed the cream into her hands, rubbing it onto Chun-Li’s chins and cheeks. Her hands quickly traveled south, finding voluminous breasts. The Chinese martial artist thudded across the street, feeling the cool drip of experimental chemicals on her breasts. Her ass sloshed back and forth, almost filling the entrance to the alley. Only precious inches were given as space to either side of her buttcheeks. The sloppy, sweaty cheeks rumbled back and forth; they were eager to be coated in the cream. Juri, still perched in Chun-Li’s strong arms, continued to work her hands further down the other woman’s chest. Like a spider, the Korean woman wrapped herself around her obese lover’s body.

“Lemme make you big. . .aaaahhh. . .my Two-Ton-Chun.” The sadistic vixen growled and purred her promises. She slid onto the ground as Chun-Li lifted her shirt up. A massive orb of fat was exposed. Chun-Li’s paunch dropped like a wrecking ball. It soon glistened with cream, Juri squeezing ounce after ounce out. “No more crane style.” She licked her lips. “Just cranes to lift that butt off the couch.” Too turned on to do her job systematically, Juri tapped Chun-Li and made her turn. The behemoth waddled around slowly, fat but muscular arms on her hips. Juri was forced back onto the brick of the wall by the booty moving towards her. Chun-Li went further still, starting to bend over. She had to strain in order to reach her butt, her arms so thick with blubber and muscle they had lost flexibility. Yet, her thick fingers found purchase on the stretch pants. Soon, she was tugging them down, exposing her pale rear.

“Make it. . .” Chun-Li’s words caught in her throat as she tried to figure out what she wanted. “Thorough.” She decided, already feeling Juri between her asscheeks. Hands coated with oily cream slipped around the circumference of her butt. Chun-Li gasped and bit her lip as she felt the growth starting to ripple through her body. Something between a tingle and light flush washed over her. Her stomach started to fold outwards, inches added before her eyes. More exposure to the chemical had made her cells more sensitive, they were constantly waiting for the next dose of growth formula.

“You’re so fucking biiiiiiig!” Juri’s strange, almost monotone voice came around the sides of Chun-Li’s widening ass. “I could gain a hundred pounds and you would beat me.” She laughed before planting her face into an as of yet uncoated section of blubber. Chun-Li grew wet as she felt Juri suck and lick at her rolls. The other woman was a loathsome pervert, but she knew how to please a woman. She came up for air moments before Chun-Li was about to moan aloud. “I could spend the next year eating and never come close to you.” Juri plopped a dollop of cream into her hand and then smacked it onto Chun-Li’s ass. “I’m not even close to being done yet.” She cackled.

--- Birthday Cake ---

“Happy. . . .happy. . .birthday. . .to me!” Juri sang to herself six months later as she waddled back through the restaurant. She held two cakes under each arm, each pressing into her large stomach. 400 pounds of Korean martial artist struggled to waddle. Continued experiments with the cream had ended with the inevitable: Juri trying the serum. Yet, in true fashion, it had not worked the same for her. She had grown fast, outpacing her ability to even handle the bulk she was putting on. Further, what she put on was all fat. There was little muscle added, only enough to keep her mobile. Her growth was not at all like Chun-Li’s. Rather than becoming a strong ogre of a woman, Juri had simply become fat and out of shape. It was perhaps, in part due to how Juri like to imbibe her cream. Pushed by lustful demons in her mind, she had been taking the experimental drug orally. Against all the advice of scientists and experts, the Korean spider was too excited. She downed the drug, slurping it out of the tube messily. Even as she waddled towards her girlfriend, she dipped her head down to slurp at her newest tube of product. It rested between full and bouncing breasts. When she looked up, she saw the looming hills of assfat that marked Chun-Li’s spot.

Chun-Li was in the middle of the restaurant, sitting on several stools bolted together to form a bench. She wore what might generously have been called a dress. Red fabric stretched and draped about her expansive body. It was hard to say that the enormous woman was wearing the dress. Rather, it had just been stretched over as much of her body as possible. Taking the cream in the way it was meant to be, Chun-Li had grown but at a rate slower than Juri. Now nearly 800 pounds, the Chinese woman had reached the peak of diminishing muscle gains. The growth serum now only deposited fat onto her body, dumping it into her hill-like butt. She overflowed the table she had been seated at, her breasts alone enough to cover most of the wood. Her stomach bulged underneath, lifting up the table from its supports. What truly mattered, at least to Juri, was that Chun-Li’s butt filled the makeshift bench. The red dress was meant to be backless, but the wobbling masses of fat made it even more extreme. They hung naked in the lights of the restaurant. Begging to be attended to.

“Who’s ready. . .bblooorruup. . .to give me. . .my preeeesseeent!” Juri huffed, sweating as excitement built. She felt her mouth growing wet with slobber.

“Juri, do we really need to make a scene?” Chun-Li asked, feeling one of her breasts slipping out of her dress. The fat orb smooshed atop the table, testing the flimsy frame. She was given her answer seconds later as something hit her exposed ass. “JURI!” Chun-Li screamed, feeling the cake explode between her butt.

“You. . .promised. . .me. ..anything!” Juri reminded her lover, hefting another cake. This one landed on her lower back. Flabby back rolls were covered in white frosting and batter. The cake oozed down Chun-Li’s back, flooding towards her already cake-lubricated butt. Juri tossed the other two cake’s seconds later. Chun-Li tried to shift her bulk away, but succeeded only in mashing the cake together between her cheeks. Coated thoroughly in the messy, sugary slop, her butt was left to wobble in the open air of the restaurant. Chun-Li put her head down in her arms, embarrassed. Yet, when Juri tapped her head, she rose once more. The table creaked as the nearly immobile Chinese woman stirred. “One. . .laasssst thing. . .babe!” Juri said, licking her lips. She took the tube of growth salve. With a movement quicker than seemed possible for her new weight, she tucked the tube into Chun-Li’s mouth. Instinct kicked in and the large woman sucked at the tube. She drew thick cream into her mouth, knowing what the explosive results would be. Anything for Juri’s birthday. And her own pleasure.

It was then time. Juri waddled to the back of the bouncing buttcheeks. Cake slid down, dripping into and out of the makeshift trough. Juri licked her lips, dabbing the last bits of growth formula into her mouth. Slowly, Juri got down onto her fat buried knees. Her mouth opened and she began to lap up the cake mess. Her face was immersed in a world of jiggles and sugar. Cun-Li’s ass, Juri’s trough, moved constantly. Juri moved her chubby face around, licking at whatever came near her. She took bites out of the crushed and smooshed cake. Much of it was collected in the center of Chun-Li’s bench breaking booty. Juri had to slurp the cake, some of it reduced to little more than paste by the tectonic shifts of Chun-Li’s ass. Fat pounded against fat as the Korean woman pushed forward, her gut flopped atop the hanging folds of Chun-Li’s butt. Juri spelunked ever deeper, on a quest for cake of any kind.

“Careful. . .oooooh. . .CAREFUL!” Chun-Li yelled in obscene pleasure as her butt was ravaged by Juri’s face and upper body. The smaller woman came at her relentlessly, a vacuum for cake. Erotic pleasure such as Chun-Li had never known pulsed through her folds. She squeezed her immense legs together, fighting against the current building between her thighs. She jammed the tube of fattening cream into her mouth, sucking down in order to keep from gasping or moaning more. She sucked on the thick tube, her body rocking. Great globs of cream were pulled into her stomach, her body beginning to react.

Juri squished her face into the puddle of cake and slobber that had formed at Chun-Li’s tailbone. The decadent, rich cake begged to be eaten in an animalistic fashion. She had to slurp it down. Her lover’s body was a mess of cake, sweat, and drool. Juri’s round face plunged into the deep crack, her face covered as much as her lover’s buttery butt was. She ate with such fervor that she almost did not feel the growth taking place beneath her. Digesting quickly, Chun-Li’s body was already processing the growth chemicals. Her ass flooded backwards, pouring like water from a sink that had been left running. In moments Juri was bobbing and floating in a wealth of new blubber. Her own rotund body rolled between the deepening divide between Chun-Li’s buttcheeks. Juri only began to notice when cake started slipping too far for her to reach. She looked up, her clothes covered in cake and watched as Chun-Li grew towards the ceiling. “Baaaabe, I’m. . .BBBLOOORRRUUP. . .trying to enjoy. . .my. . .your cake!” Juri mocked.

“Hush. . .oooooh. . .just keep. . .going!” Chun-Li writhed in ecstasy as she felt her body deepening with fat. All of her grew, but no part so much as her butt. It exploded behind her, warping her legs beyond recognition. The bench collapsed under her weight, drug under the inexorable tide of advancing fat. Her legs puffed up, swallowing her feet from view. The Chinese beauty sat on a hill of her own making. Her stomach poured down her body like a waterfall of melting ice cream. It might have pooled on the floor, had she not continued to grow. To the growing woman’s shock and pleasure, her ass started to devour Juri. 400 pounds of woman was nothing compared to a butt that could have crushed a small bus. The Korean woman was pulled beneath the waves of fat. “Deeper. . .GGGOOOOOD. . .DEEPER!” Chun-Li shrieked as she felt her fat girlfriend wedging between her ass. The other woman never stopped wriggling or working her mouth.

Chun-Li felt her blubber touch the backwalls of the restaurant, having crushed all the other tables and chairs. Tattered remains of her clothes decorated her fat. She wobbled atop a mountain of blubber, seemingly ready to topple at any moment. A wall cracked under her girth, a butt cheek shoving its way through the flimsy structure. Chun-Li breathed quickly and laboriously, unable to control herself as she felt Juri rummaging through her butt. Now little more than a cork floating in a lake, Juri struggled to break the surface of Chun-Li’s cheeks. She let her tongue guide her, licking her way to freedom. Chun-Li squirmed and moaned, close to climaxing with each new stroke of Juri’s mouth. After unabridged minutes, the other woman finally broke the surface. Juri was a mess of cake and sweat, her hair having come undone. She rolled out from between her girlfriend’s butt, wheezing.

“Best. . .present. Thaaaank. . .babe.” She said, smiling. She undid her pants, letting her gut flop out.

“Please. . .don’t be done yet.” Came a quiet reply.


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