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Prompt time once more! Excited to read what you all come up with. 

General Guidelines:

  • 2 ideas per person, but submission does not guarantee being chosen. I usually do around 2 - 3 prompts per month.
  • You can repeat a prompt that hasn't been chosen before.
  • Prompts are generally 1.5 - 2k in length.
  • If you are unsure, please DM me! Happy to clarify questions.
  • No Men, femboys, futa. Love having guys as characters in a story, but they won't be gaining.
  • List of Kinks down below.
  • Shows/things I won't do: Steven Universe, Non-Super Hero American Children's cartoons, loli characters, or adult American animations (Simpsons, family guy, Futurama, Rick and Morty, Bojack).
  • I reserve the right to say no to your idea. Can't predict everything.

Kink List:


  • Extreme Weight Gain
  • Sex
  • Pregnancy
  • Slob (gas, sweat, b.o)
  • Mini-Gts and GTS
  • Muscle growth
  • Health Issues (no death or super extreme)


  • light vore (Basically just "hee-hee, she swallowed a person")
  • Air/water inflation (dunno)
  • Blueberry
  • Animal/Monster girl TF

Do Not:

  • Brain Drain
  • uglification
  • Death/bursting
  • extreme vore
  • dark,malicious, or degrading things
  • Political themes or contentious issues



[HEALTH ISSUES, XWG] A before/after of sorts, Kobayashi from Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid is given notice that her position has now been made remote to Tohru's glee; flash forward less than a year later and Kobayashi is resigned to a bariatric mattress and attempting to get through a shift despite the difficulties her ailing body and Tohru doting on her profusely both pose to her productivity. Giving out on a shift due to a cardiac event, she gives in to the tender care and lets Tohru treat her.


[Pregnancy, Slob (Gas), XWG] There was a story I read a year or so ago about Pema from Avatar: Legend of Korra where during her pregnancy with her airbender children she suffers from insane farting episodes. But I was thinking of something similar but instead she has intense cravings for food and the gas is more of an after effect, partially brought on by her airbender pregnancy.