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Tags: Weight gain, danger (but no death), light slob and messy appearances, Huge breasts

The week of content isn't over! I present you all with a story featuring two fat women trying to survive in a zombie wasteland.

--- Part 1: Safe House ---

“Help!” Shizuka Marikawa cried, putting chubby arms to her face. Crowds of former students and faculty members she had once known from Fujimi Academy closed in on her. Their faces and bodies rotten and broken, movements staggered and inhuman. They bore familiar faces, but there was no humanity left within them. Their souls were gone and replaced with ravenous hunger. “Please, someone help!” Shizuka cried again, her round arms slapping against massive breasts. She waddled backwards, her butt smooshing against a building. She had no more room left to run. Worse, she had no one to blame but herself and the dire state of her body.Too fat to run, the immense woman had been forced to waddle.  She had been trying to escape the school which had become a prison, but the attempt had ended in disaster. Her puffing and wheezing alerted the hordes of undead quickly. They sought to consume her soft blubber, seeing her as a fatted calf. Shizuka backed up further, her mind flashing through the events of the past weeks.

The damned now roamed the streets of Japan. Corpses provoked into action through sinister, yet unknown, means stumbled blindly in the pursuit of flesh. The collapse of Japan had been quick and the death toll staggering. Even those who seemed primed for survival had perished or become one of the living dead. The streets were packed with the wandering zombies, roaming aimlessly amongst abandoned cars. Men and women clung to the thin strands of life and possibility of rescue. People scavenged how they could, braving the dangers of the corpse-world with whatever tools and knowledge they had. Those left were a strange and randomly assorted lot, chosen by luck just as much by skill. This was especially true for Shizuka, former nurse of the academy.

Dubbed the “Blonde Whale” by the meaner students, Shizuka was 400 pounds of boob-heavy blubber. Even the onset of the apocalypse had not reversed her weight. Days of harsh survival had not caused her weight to drop even by a fraction of a pound. Her body hung onto every luscious, dimpled pound of fat. Shizuka possessed breasts that would burst through any bra not customly made. They were titanic, swinging wrecking balls of blubber. She had even managed to stay alive once by the milky tankers hitting a zombie and knocking it to the ground. Her breasts moved with jiggles and wobbles that defied the laws of gravity themselves. The rest of her was no less fat. Her stomach worked in tandem with her breasts to strain her white blouse, straining the buttons to their breaking point. Likewise, the long skirt she wore was sorely tried by her butt, thighs, and calves. The skirt had ripped on the first day, exposing a calf that was nearly as big as a softball. Shizuka’s continued survival seemed like pure luck, something to spit in the face of all the other fit and prepared people that had died. This sense only heightened as she came closer and closer to danger.

Shizuka whined wordlessly, tucking her round face into her breasts and curling up on the ground. She formed a true boulder, taking on a lumpy but mostly spherical shape. The dead pressed closer, their mouths hanging open in delight of another kill. Tears sprinkled the ground in front of Shizuka, her chest and back heaving as she cried. There was no way out. The cosmic scales would once again be balanced as the obese woman was killed. Someone as fat as her had no right to live when so many other fit people had died. Shizuka continued to cry, knowing that she would soon feel teeth biting into her. She held her breath, hoping to block out as much of the pain as possible.  Yet, that pain never came. Instead, Shizuka felt a rush of wind. There was the sound of thuds hitting soft and rotten flesh. Afterwards, there was silence.

“Get up. We must move.” A feminine but stoic voice said. It was drained of all emotion. Shizuka opened her eyes to see a familiar face. Her tall and lanky form was broken only by expansive hips and a more than generous bust. She wore the typical green and white uniform of Fujimi Academy, the only difference with it being covered in gore from her battle with the flesh-mad ghouls.  Saeko Busujima, apprentice samurai and mystery woman of Fujimi Academy, had come to rescue Shizuka.


“Shizuka, try to keep up. I can sense them coming again.” Saeko said as she jogged. She knew that she could move faster, her long limbs would carry her with gazel like speed. However, she was forced to move at a pace better suited to her blubbery companion’s speed. Shizuka could not move fast. Beyond the terror that had been stricken into her by the near death experience, she was held back by the limitations of her body. The fastest speed she could move at was a concerted waddle. She lurched back and forth, one hand trying to steady hold her shirt buttons in place while the other fought to control her asscheeks. The nurse heaved and panted, sweat dripping down her face and onto her bosom. Her shirt was drenched in sweat, becoming see-through. The enormous globes that were her milky-white breasts lurched and bounced nearly up to her double chin. Saeko pitied the woman, knowing that she would not last without constant supervision. The exertion of survival alone might spell disaster for Shizuka, let alone the zombies.

“I. . .can’t. . .I’m. . .sorry.” Shizuka wheezed. “Le. . .leave. . .me.” She offered, not wanting both of them to perish. They had found their way to a residential section of Tokonosu. Within the suburbs were rows of houses, each possibly containing entire generations of zombies. “I won’t. . .burden. . .you.” Shizuka’s voice was light and fading. Her strength had run out. Better that one fat woman die than a young and pretty girl just out of highschool.

“No.” Saeko was resolute. “We can use one of these houses until you rest up.” Saeko thought on her feet. Each house looked as good as any other. Not wanting to waste time, Saeko pulled Shizuka up the path towards one.The house was small and unassuming. It seemed like the kind of house a young bachelor would have. Things were neat and tidy, but without the care and attention a couple would put into things. Saeko pushed Shizuka, her hands practically fondling the fat woman’s sweaty back rolls. The sounds of zombies grew closer. When they reached the door, they found it to be jammed. Saeko kicked it. The door moved under her foot, but did not open. While physically fit, Saeko did not have enough weight behind her kicks. Again thinking quickly, She pushed Shizuka before the door. The blonde was nearly wider than the frame. “Here’s your chance to pay me back. You need to throw yourself against this door as hard as you can.” Saeko spoke quickly. She did not want to be rough with Shizuka, but time pressed them to desperate action.

Nodding wordlessly, Shizuka tried to break the door. Being a nurse, she was not predisposed towards violence. Her first attempt was more like a whale landing in the ocean after jumping. Her belly thrust forward, splashing outwards and leaving a sweaty impact. She pulled back, trying again. This time she hit with her side, breasts and gut landing a second later. She pushed, trying to leverage her 400 pounds of fat as best she could. The door was quickly smeared with her perspiration. Shizuka pushed and shoved, throwing every bit of fat she had at the door. “Ooooh. . .” Shizuka said as another blow, this time with her stomach landing first, hit home. The noises she made were almost sexual. She would thump into the door, feeling a large ripple spread from her belly button all the way around to her ass. Her large, deliciously sweaty booty bounced as she continued to thrust herself onto the blocked entrance. “Come on. . .huuuh. . .Shizuka. Be useful. . .haaah. . .for a change.” She moaned, her voice thick from exhaustion.

It was Saeko who finally proved to solve the problem. She waited for Shizuka to rear back. She wrapped her arms as far around the fat woman as they would go. Saeko was bathed in fat, covered in the soft and warm coating of adipose that Shizuka carried. Not pausing, Saeko rocked back and hoped that Shizuka would follow her lead. The two swang as one into the door. It finally gave in a loud crack. The two women fell forward. Shizuka landed on her stomach, with Saeko landing atop the fatter woman’s round rump. The purple haired Japanese woman bounced, flopping up and down in an undignified manner atop the pile of blubber. While the shame would not leave Saeko for some time, they at least had entry to the house. Whilst Shizuka huffed and tried to pull herself off the ground, Saeko sought to barring the door and securing their temporary home.

--- Part 2: Careful Who You Room With ---

“I can’t. . .mmmpgh. . .believe. . .mmpgh. . .how lucky we are!” Shizuka said, hands reaching deeper into the bag of potato chips. Watching Shizuka eat removed all doubt as to where her weight came from. She ate with no regards to portion control or manners. Her hunger was legendary, continually provoking her to further acts of gluttony. Currently, she sat on a sofa with bags of chips on either side. Between her breasts was a can of soda, snugged comfortably between the walls of cleavage. Every time she spoke, sounds of sloshing could be heard within the can. “Gosh. . .OOORRRUUP. . .who would have. . .mmmagggph. . .imagined that. . .bbbllluurrup. . .there were doomsday. . .mmgghp. . .preppers in Japan.” Shizuka mused on their good fortune.

“Still, we should try to conserve our rations.” Saeko sighed, hoping that reason could get through to the ditzy blonde. They had more than enough food for years to come, but the swordswoman did not want to trust fate more than she had to. They had only been there a week and Shizuka had ate constantly. Boredom and freedom from danger had sent her into a gluttonous tailspin.

“Oh. . .uuuggh. . .come on!” Shizuka said, standing from the couch. She heaved herself over, thudding her way towards the skinny woman. Though they had only been there a week, Shizuka had gained ten pounds. Her shirt had burst at the top, fully revealing her the tops of her immense breasts. As she made her way towards Saeko, they jumped and sloshed in her shirt; her can of soda still balanced perfectly. In one plump hand she held a bag of chips, the other pumped to help her waddle across the living room. She stopped in front of Saeko. The behemoth blonde leaned down. Slowly her fat filled Saeko’s lap and bust. Shizuka’s breasts hugged Saeko’s, with a riotous amount of jiggling spread between both pairs. Meanwhile, her gut pushed her thighs apart. Shizuka moaned lightly, sensually distracted by the crazed jiggling. However, a crinkle from the bag of chips reminded her of the self-appointed task. “At least try a little. It will take the edge off!” Shizuka thrust the bag forward.

Sighing, Saeko took a handful. She reached into the bag, feeling her hand run along the edges of Shizuka’s roly poly arm and the side of her gut. “Fine, but after this we have to conserve.” Saeko put the chips in her mouth. They were salty and greasy, surely the kind of thing that only a woman as hopelessly fat as Shizuka would enjoy. However, to her surprise, the taste grew on Saeko. “They aren’t bad.” She said politely, wiping her mouth. She blinked and was surprised to find Shizuka’s torpedo tits in her face, can of soda resting just under her lips. The green straw tilted and swung, tipping onto Saeko’s lips. She could feel the carbonation bubbles just as she felt the undulations of Shizuka’s breasts.

“And a little sweet-bubbly! You must be parched after all your work today.” Shizuka offered, wanting to pay Saeko back for the kindness she had shown. She smiled as she felt Saeko sip from the staw. The two women’s breasts bobbing in sync like a handshake.


The two women settled into their new abode, taking refuge from the undead apocalypse raging outside. Saeko spent the first days working to safeguard the house: booby trapping outdoors, reinforcing exits and entrances. They were long, tireless hours spent with nails and a hammer. Saeko took great pride in her survival skills. She was immersed body and soul into the various tasks, with special attention paid to her body. Each swing of the hammer made her enormous breasts jiggle. The walls she worked on were paid with a loving embrace from her jugs of milk and soft tissue. Despite the nature of the work, no amount of dirt clung to her. Instead the adept young woman was bestowed a halo as light hit her sweat-beaded body. Saeko knew that her work would make the difference for her and Shizuka. While the knowledge of greater safety was its own reward, Saeko was often repaid by her companion. Though, in a manner that was against her choosing.

“Saaaeeekooo, I have some food for you!” The words floated through the house, accompanied by the sweet smells of home cooking. Saeko shook her head, afraid that she was going to have to have another talk with her survival partner. She was working outside, putting the final nails in the newly repaired door. Even outside, Saeko could feel the telltale thuds that informed her that Shizuka was approaching. Saeko’s breasts bobbed, animated against her wishes by the movement of her enormous partner. She swore that the door bulged outwards when Shizuka reached it, the boards warping as the 400 pound woman struggled to reach past her fat in order to turn the door handle. “Oh, poo. . . so haaard.” Shizuka was quickly winded and breathless from trying to turn the handle. Saeko sighed, wondering how her even bustier companion had been able to even survive in the real world. “There we are!” Shizuka found the handle. Pushed by her fat, the door banged open to reveal the rotund blonde. “Who’s hungry?” She asked, nipples erect with excitement.

“Shizuka. . .” Saeko started, trying to avoid the lure of the hearty bowl of ramen. “We need to preserve those supplies.”

“Well, I only made a little.” Shizuka pushed a plump, gloved hand to her face. Her finger sunk into her second chin, buried up to the knuckle. “Just some ramen, rice balls, and gyoza.” Each syllable was dragged out as the bloated bimbo spoke. Her own stomach rumbled, thinking of the delicious food. She hadn’t touched any of it yet, wanting to make sure her protector got her fill first.

“That's way too much.” Saeko sighed, knowing she would have to spend a lot of time teaching Shizuka proper portion control. As a rule, obesity and zombie outbreaks did not mix. “We can go in and have dinner, but afterwards we are going to bag up most of the food and save it.”

“Yes! Of course, Saeko!” Shizuka might have been a fool, but she was at least joyful in her bumbling. She handed off the bowl of ramen, big enough to contain several servings, to Saeko. She knew that there were plenty more servings inside for the two of them.


“This has to stop.” Saeko said, months later, sitting down onto the couch. Her breasts bounced wildly as she sat, kissing the rounded edge of her chin. She was dismayed by the extra jiggles she could feel as her plump butt touched the couch. “Shizuka, we need to be more in control of ourselves.” She spoke, putting a hand to her belly. Soft fat and strained buttons greeted her fingers. The courtesy meals from Shizuka had only picked up speed as they settled into their safe house. Comfort and relief from struggle had bred in Shizuka a renewed appetite, one which Saeko often bore the brunt of. In her desire to be helpful, the obese nurse had cooked more and more meals. The stores of the house were plundered daily for meals that would have been banquets even under normal circumstances. Afraid that the cooked supplies would spoil without being of use, Saeko had tried to help eat them. While no food had spoiled under her watch, Saeko had plumped up. 30 extra pounds now rested upon her formerly skinny body. She was a 160 lb samurai, struggling to keep an even fatter woman under control.

“Saaeeeekoo, I’m sorry.” Shizuka sobbed between slurps on her newest batch of ramen. She sucked at the noodles, eating her feelings. Her breasts held the bowl perfectly. It was nestled deep in her exposed cleavage. It had taken many meals for her to perfect this talent. The stains from her previous practice sessions dotted her clothing. While the house had lots of food, it did not have cleaning supplies. Any stray stains on clothing were stuck in perpetuity. “Please don’t be mad at me!” Shizuka made to stand up, the bowl still snuggled between her zeppelin sized tits. Shizuka had been gaining even more than Saeko, her body storing away calories for the future. She had wound her way upwards to close to 500 pounds. She was constantly coated in a light fog of sweat, her body struggling with the humidity of a Japanese summer. She moved with even less grace now, constantly having to use ham hock arms in order to balance or stand. Now, lifting herself out of the couch, she leveraged her sagging gut against the press of gravity.

“It’s quite alright, Shizuka, please just enjoy your food. You don’t need to-'' Saeko was cut off by Shizuka tripping. The bowl of ramen bounced in the fat woman’s tits, sloshing out broth and noodles. Shizuka’s shirt was quickly covered and plastered to her breasts. Yet, the spill had an even greater trajectory. It reached Seako’s white school uniform, plunging into her cleavage canyon. She was drenched in meat broth, her shirt conforming and sticking to her breasts. The already tight shirt wrapped itself around her bosom, a button breaking off. Frustrated but in control, Saeko swiped at her shirt. Though she knew the stains would never come off.


“Come on, Saeko, just a little more.” Shizuka pleaded. “We’re so close to finishing this batch off.” She thrust her arms down into the bowels of a family sized bag of potato chips. Whilst exploring the storehouse in the basement, she had discovered a section of snacks that were about to go bad. Their expiration date was within the week. After which, they would be unsalvageable. Seeing it as a guilt free opportunity for indulgence, Shizuka had brought them up to the main floor. Overcome by excitement, she had traveled no further than the living room. Her enormous ass had made contact with the ground, shaking the house up to the rafters. From there on, she had started her binge. Handful after handful had passed through her plump cheeks. She had eaten with enough intensity to cause her body to sweat. New stains joined old veterans as Shizuka plowed through the economy bags. Her body filled with empty calories and grease.

“Please, Shizuka, we should stop.” Saeko did not like the begging tone that had infected her voice, but could not stop it. The continued time with Shizuka had worn her composure down and eroded her stalwart disposition. When she had come upon Shizuka in the living room, she had not even bothered to stop the bigger woman or ask what was happening. Rather, she instinctively sat down and started eating. Feasting had become easy for Saeko, whilst even the most basic of movements had taken on new levels of difficulty. She had passed 200 pounds, becoming a pink, sweaty piglet in the same manner as her companion. Her body was a mockery of her former fitness. Her breasts had popped all of the buttons on her shirt. They slid back and forth constantly as Seako ate or moved, trading sweat and grease freely. Below, Saeko’s stomach threatened to ravage her shirt just as her breasts did. The once flat, trim tummy had grown into a distended gut; already showing signs of sloughing into two distinct shelves of fat. “This is going too far. We need to conserve our supplies.” She spoke for the two of them, trying to build up the willpower to stop eating. The attempt failed, both women continuing to gorge until there were no more chips left.

--- Betting Against Her Body---

Saeko hustled through deceptively vacant streets, knowing that the horde was behind her. She could hear the cries of the dead. The walking corpses wailed as they traipsed after her, pouring out of the house she had just been in. In months past, Saeko would have been calm and collected. Her mind would have been at ease and safe in the skills that she had developed over a lifetime of practice. Now, however, she felt the creep of doubt enter her mind. While she knew what to do, she did not trust her body to accomplish the task. She ran, feeling her skirt getting tugged on by her jiggling asscheeks. The bits of fabric spread across her wide hips could hardly be called a skirt. The constant wear and tear had put rips in many places. The rub and friction of her butt and thighs had worn it to a napkin’s sheerness. Underneath, more than any other time, her chubby frame could be seen. Saeko ran down the street, the ghouls slobbering after her 230 pounds of flesh.

“Almost. . .there.” She mumbled to herself, lungs seizing and stomach twisting from exertion. The return to scavenging had not been pretty, but it was necessary. The drain upon supplies had only increased as Shizuka and Saeko had gotten more complacent. The consistent expiration of snacks, combined with the pair's increasing appetite had been a match made in hell. The purple haired woman had hoped that returning to scavenging would kill two birds with one stone. She could quickly lose the weight she had put on whilst helping to stave off the death of their stores of supplies. In reality, Saeko had achieved the opposite: she was now in mortal danger and with only a couple measly cans of tofu to show for her efforts. All the same, she pressed the cans to her gigantic bosom and continued running. She was close to the house, but danger pressed from all sides.

Called by their pursuing kin, a new group of zombies burst from around the side of an abandoned house. They came forward, mouths open to receive succulent fat and flesh. Saeko gritted her teeth. She fought the urge to stop running. Each new threat of danger weighed upon her, adding to the already existing pressure of her fat. “Fine. . .make it. . .hard.” Saeko panted, readying her wooden sword. She swung it. The wooden blade moved with less speed but had more of an impact, thanks to the weight behind it. The stained, ruined, formerly white shirt she wore ripped at the bicep; bountiful fat pouring out. The first zombie fell, followed by a second. Saeko kicked a chunky leg out, catching one of the undead in the forehead. Her gut bounced upwards, now even more comically jiggly than her breasts. She was thrown off by the movement, trying to account for the opposite swings of her ass and breasts. For the first time in years, Saeko tripped and fell to the ground. She landed on her voluminous ass, skirt ripping and getting smeared by grease leaking from a car. Her breath was stolen for a moment, death flashing before her eyes. The dead pressed around, starting to descend towards a new kill.

Unwilling to submit, Saeko dropped the cans of food and gripped her sword in both hands. The portly woman swung, her sword bursting through the heads of three zombies. Her shirt tore at the back, buttons popping off and exposing her gut to the world. More of the creatures rushed her. Saeko arched her back, trying to summon forgotten acrobatic prowess. She swiped and thrust at the sickening monsters, her gut protruding into the sky and her butt touching the ground. Her breasts shot upwards, but then fell heavily to either side of her gut. Saeko was able to kill another three Zombies before collapsing out of the pose. She breathed heavily, struggling to keep her composure. There was but one zombie from the new group left but the original horde was near. The single undead soldier stood on the cans she had risked so much for. Biting her lip, faced with a bet against her current physical unfitness, Saeko rolled away and picked herself up. She would rather run than trust her chubby body to survive any longer. She could stand to leave the cans, there was at least food at home.

--- An Inevitable Spot ---

“Saeko. . .I think that was our last box.” Shizuka said, turning over a box that had once contained many different bags of cookies and MREs. They had all gone to their final resting place, Shizuka’s grand gut. The year spent in the safe house had blown her up to ludicrous proportions. She filled the bed she rested on, unable to stand under her own power. 700 pounds of fat shifted and jiggled, triumphing over the scattered remnants of her uniform. There was no piece of clothing left intact, nothing that had not been defeated and ripped asunder by her bulk. Even her dainty gloves had ripped, unable to contain her sausage fingers. There were straggling pieces of dirty, sweat riddled cloth around her folds. Shizuka’s laziness allowed the tatters of clothing to linger, letting them be worn away under the constant rubbing over her fat rather than being picked off. It was doubtful that she could have even reached many of them. She could do little other than eat and look to Saeko for comfort. “What’s our plan now?” Shizuka asked, leaning back on the bed. Her grimey, sweaty body oozed over the pillows propping her up. She was a ruined caricature of the 400 pound woman that had broken into the house. She was not, however, the only one in that state.

“I guesscch. . .mmmpggh. . .I’ll.. . mmmggph. . have to. . .forage again.” Saeko said, wolfing down the last of her own meal. She ate with a madwoman’s gusto, as if there was no end to the food. She sat precariously on a chair that was decidedly too small for her fat body. She was in a similar state to Shizuka when their adventure had begun. Her outfit was ruined, but had not started to decay like Shizuka’s. Her white shirt had changed colors from the constant spill of food and absorption of grease. It hung like a vest, buttons popped and sleeves ripped. Her gut and breasts spilled outwards, falling onto thighs rounder than tree trunks. It was shameful the condition Saeko found herself in, sweating like a pig and eating to mask her feelings, but there was little she could do. “I’ll. . .mmmgph. . .go. . BBBBLLUURRRP. . .tonight.” She spoke and belched between large bites, wolfing down the food without pause. She knew in her heart that her words didn’t make sense. A trip out in night in her condition would be suicide. She was caught between speaking irrationally and fending off the rational critiques of her mind.

“Saeko, is that. . .hooo. . .wise?” Shizuka asked, starting to turn her beleaguered body around. Her folds and creases turned like a ship, her gut acting as a very large prow. She scooted her body around, little hops and slides. The sheets were dragged along underneath her titantic asscheeks, twisting and getting sucked into her hammy legs. Shizuka was as dirty as a woman could reasonably be, a pile of gluttonous corruption that had only devolved thanks to the miserable state of the world. She was only degraded in body. Her tender and kind spirit stayed even through the spiral of weight gain and hopelessness. “Maybe, you should. . .uugggh. . .wait with me. . .oooh. . .overnight.” Standing under her own power was a distant dream. The best that Shizuka could do was throw her legs over the side of the bed and let her swollen calves thump onto the floor. Her gut spilled forth, flopping low towards the floor. The mattress had seen better days, any more movement and Shizuka would be laying on the floor. “Please. . .just. . .hooo. . .keep me company.” She put a heavy arm out, fat hung from it and draped onto her love handles.

Saeko thought, using her eating as an excuse to quietly consider Shizuka’s request. There had been a time when Saeko could have left the house without any fear, night or day. Now, even the day time was a worrying prospect. She ate, messily slurping through her food. Broth trickled down her chins, flecking onto her divided gut rolls. She no longer minded the stains, it was the least of her concerns. A pig shouldn’t mind if it was dirty, only that it wasn’t next to be slaughtered. “Maybe. . .mmppggh. . .tomorrow.” She looked up, seeing Shizuka’s thankful, wet eyes. Even though the blonde bore her share of responsibility for the mess they were in, Seako couldn’t bring herself to hate her. Rather, she now sympathized with her. The prospect of living in a ruined world and inhabiting a ruined body was immense in its horror.  Saeko finished the bowl and tossed it aside. She struggled to stand, having to use her wooden sword as a cane. It clacked against the floor of the house, signaling that one of her heavy feet was about to fall. When she reached Shizuka, their heavy fat collided in a wet and sloppy slap. Saeko hugged the fatter woman. “We’ll figure it out. We made it this far, afterall.” She said quietly, wondering if she was lying.



Never cared for the series but I do feel bad for the fans since the story will never be finished with author gone