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Tags: SSBBW, Rapid Weight Gain, Light hypnosis, Twerking, Fate

Month isn't over, so we get another prompt! Possibly one more coming tomorrow!

Luvia Edelfelt smiled to herself as she walked down the halls of her spacious estate. Her royal blue dress swished around her petite ankles and her lengthy blonde curls bounced up and down about her slim shoulders. Luvia had more confidence than usual, power filling her stride and carrying her down the hallway quickly. Her arms, little more than twigs, worked to lug an immense boombox. The plastic monstrosity, a relic from decades long past, was heavy and cumbersome. Luvia had to work just as hard to keep from smacking the "portable" speaker into her legs as she did to keep forward momentum. However, this small struggle was worth it. Luvia was finally going to get an emphatic and undeniable win over her rival, Rin Tohsaka.

"Did you seriously invite me all the way out here to talk about some crummy speaker, Tube Curls?" Rin said, always aggressive and snotty towards her rival. She sat at a small table in one of Luvia's parlors. Rin wore her usual attire: red jacket, plain black skirt, and thigh high black stockings. One leg was crossed over the other whilst she sipped at tea that had been brought to her. Rin could not help but wear a smug smile on her face as she studied Luvia, already feeling that she had gotten the upper hand in their most recent encounter. She lived to humiliate and one up her rival, loving to reveal to the world how fake her ladylike persona really was.

It took all of Luvia’s strength to not drop the boombox and attack Rin. Her fine, white gloves tightened around the handle of the speaker; the knuckles underneath changing color from the strain. Memories of all the past encounters with Rin came rushing back to her mind in a seething, boiling flood. It was hard to remind herself that she was soon to be the supreme victor in their contest of wills. Luvia’s rational mind screamed at her to hold back. Let the flat chested, black haired girl think she had won for the moment; it would only make foolishly confident. With a fake smile, Luvia trotted over to the table and set the boombox on top of it. A shudder passed through the table as the heavy piece of antiquated technology was set down upon it. As if in contrast, Luvia sat down on the opposite side as lightly and gracefully as a bird landing.

“Of course you would scoff at a polite invitation for tea.” Luvia brushed her hair back in a dismissive flip. “As well as some light and elegant music.” The blonde reached up and pushed play on the speaker. There was a series of plastic clacks and whirring as the tape was fed into the machine. Luvia hid her excitement behind sips of tea. Music slowly issued from the boombox. It was a sweet serenade, done by some long dead classical composer. While a little loud, the speaker was facing directly towards Rin, even the stubborn woman had to admit that it was the perfect music for teatime. Luvia, satisfied that her trap had been set in motion, took a long drink from her cup before pouring more for each of them. “See, doesn’t this add to things. If nothing else, I can host a tea party with some skill.” Luvia told herself she was being just catty enough to avoid suspicion, but the truth was she just couldn’t help it.

“Only because I. . .I. . .” Rin stopped, thinking that she heard something. A sort of pulse or throb that went through the air. She shook her head and continued talking. “I know better than to trust you!” She huffed, sinking down into her chair with her arms crossed. Luvia did not immediately return fire, so the air was filled with the music from the boombox. She felt the pulse again, seeming to fill her ears for a moment. It was like a bass tone so deep that it could only be felt, rather than traditionally heard by her sensory organs. Scowling, Rin looked at the colossal tape player. “Well, I can at least trust you to mess things up. Your janky tape player is broken, Tube Curls.” Rin spat at Luvia as the pulsing filled her mind again. “You’re so archaic and fancy that you can’t even understand technology, can you?” Rin’s pride continued to provoke her tongue, wanting to lash her rival as best she could.

“Oh, well, if you are so smart. . .why don’t you fix it then?” Luvia threw back. She wished that she could say it was a step in her plan to provoke Rin into touching the speaker. . .but again her own innate hatred of the other woman had led her to the correct choice by accident. Luvia waved a hand, seemingly brushing all criticisms of her aside. “Surely the great Tohsaka Rin can fix what the arrogant, pampered noble couldn’t!” Luvia was getting lost in her own anger again, but it served the purpose well enough. Rin stood and put a finger out to the boombox.

“I can and will!” She said emphatically, forgetting that she had little idea how to work 80’s technology. The best she could do was to push her finger on the fast forward button. A jolt of electricity sprang through her as her finger pushed into the machine. The trap was sprung! Enchanted by strange magic learned by Luvia, the boombox had come to house a powerful spell. While the magic was supposed to work by simply playing the tape within the machine, Luvia had gone so far to cast another spell in the event Rin tried to tamper with the machine. Caught, Rin was now at the mercy of the speaker and the enchantments therein. Her finger was glued to the button, speeding the magical tape to the exact song that was needed. Though conscious, Rin could do little besides keep her finger pressed to the button. She tried to break away, but the magic was too strong. She could feel the pulsing, throbbing phantom bass pushing into her ears. It had gone from low vibrations to actual music, playing even though she was speeding through the tape cassette. When finally it did stop, however, the song on the tape and the phantom bass in her head had the same rhythm.

“Luiva, you witch! What was that?” As soon as she was freed, Rin tried to round on Luvia. She was ready to take matters into her own hands and beat the smug, rich woman to a pulp. She marched around the table, fists balled. Luvia did little besides sip her tea. Rin’s first punch descended, but did not land. Instead, Rin found herself held in place again. The music was coming through loud and clear now. The beat of the song had started in earnest. It was a low, dirty rhythm fit for a dance club. The classical music from earlier was gone, replaced by gruff American men telling Rin to do lewd things with her hips. She found the music revolting, but utterly fascinating. She stepped back from Luvia, fixated again on the boombox. She considered the music playing, letting the vocals and thrumming beat shake her frail body. “Ugh, Luiva, what is this? What happened to your tea party music?” Rin asked, disgusted but walking towards the speaker all the same.

“Not a fan?” Luvia’s grin was wide, knowing that it was all too late for her rival.

“No! This is for perverts and party animals not. . .” Rin felt her leg jiggle. She felt a similar jiggle in her other thigh a moment later.  At first, she thought it might be a muscle spasm. An inspection revealed instead that her legs were getting thicker, fatter even. Knowing that the spell was even more serious than she had thought, Rin turned back angrily towards Luiva. Her butt smacked against the table. Horrified, Rin turned around to find that her legs were not the only things growing. She had a bubble butt, one going so far as to lift her skirt up a couple inches. Even as she observed her butt she felt changes taking place elsewhere. Her hips began to widen, spreading outward even as fat added circumference and depth. She felt the hem of her skirt start to rise along her now chair smothering buttcheeks. Her panties bit deep into her buttcheeks, slowly getting sucked into a thong-like position. Her ass spread out and over the tabletop, the heavy softness colonizing the free space. “Lu-Luvia!” Rin said, wanting to accuse her rival, but afraid to take her eyes off of her growth. It was spreading beyond her legs.

Rin Tohsaka had always been a small, petite woman. She had never weighed even close to 100 pounds, always hovering just above emaciation. Yet, thanks to the spell Luvia had crafted, the caster was now quickly blowing past 300. Her stomach pooled outward, becoming a singular slab of belly fat. While pushing at her jacket, her new gut did not intrude overly much on her appearance. It was meant to fill out her body, keeping it fat and proportional but otherwise allowing other parts to shine brighter. Rin took unsure steps away from the table, hands clutched to her paunch. Troubled, she unzipped her jacket. The cascade of tummy fat fell outwards, also revealing another part of her destined to garner attention. Her breasts.

Long had Rin dreamed of having bigger breasts. Like many flat chested women, she had dreamed of scenarios that would allow her to growth bountiful, heavy, perky breasts. Yet, now in one of those scenarios, the young Japanese woman rued her vanity. Her breasts were indeed growing, placing only second to her rotund rear. They quickly burst her bra, leaving them to fill out the small shirt she wore underneath her jacket. Rin moaned as she tugged her ruined brassier out from under her shirt, not enjoying the fact that she finally had the breasts that she had so fervently dreamed of. She could feel the music pulsing in through her fattened body, making her fat jiggle and ripple even if she was not moving. “This is too much! Whatever you’ve done to me, Luvia, undo it!” She whined, stamping her foot. Her heavy, vivacious body shook as her foot connected with the ground. Her breasts bounced high enough to reach her softened, double chin. Meanwhile, her skirt was lifted up to show the jiggling sacks of lard underneath. Still in the midst of her tantrum, Rin continued stomping her feet. Nearly 500 pounds worth of well formed, womanly blubber shook and bounced hypnotically.

“Why? It looks like you are enjoying yourself.” Luvia laughed, her voice falling into a put on, noblewoman’s “ohohoho.” She pointed to Rin, whose stomps had turned into taps. Even if her mind rebelled, Rin was getting sucked into the dirty, sexual rhythm of the song. “Why would I stop a friend from dancing a bit? Seems like you want to show off your new assets.” Luvia came close to laughing herself unconscious as Rin’s body moved more and more under its own control. It shook and wobbled, moving from the tapping of a heavy leg to eager swaying. The bulbous buttcheeks slapped against each other as their owner moved. While several hundred pounds heavier than she had been, Rin moved with grace. Her body, even if she did not, knew how to use the blessings that it had been given. Luvia leaned back in her chair, once again sipping tea confidently. She watched as her rival made love to the impromptu dance floor.

“This. . .oooh. . .this is unacceptable!” Rin shouted, trying to keep her mind focused. The beat thrummed and pulsed. The words of the song traveled the length of her body, praising thick girls like herself for moving so well. Though just a song, Rin wanted to pay the compliments back. She had been given a body and wanted to use it. She dropped low, outright shaking and jiggling her ass as much as possible. Irrespective of the beat of the song, she shook and quaked her massive buttcheeks. They trembled violently, even going so far as to thud into the table. Luvia giggled, managing to sip her tea even through the storm of booty-thuds and shaking. Rin meanwhile, sought to free her mind from the infectious tones of the boombox. Instead, she knelt down even lower. In a climax of lewdness, she put her hands on her knees and thrust her magnificent butt backwards. Her skirt was lifted up and over her ass, exposing it to Luvia. Instead of shrieking in displeasure, Rin cheered herself on.

“Oh my!” Luvia clapped a surprised hand to her face. “Rin, should you be doing such explicit things at our little tea party?” She stood from her seat, wanting a better view of the madness. “This is a ladies night, not a trollop gathering.” She mocked her rival with every word, delivering the knife as deeply as she could. It felt so satisfying to win, to make her rival do nothing but shake a particularly fat ass. What’s more, she could see how much Rin had started to enjoy it. The magic had completely transformed her into an exotic dancer. The blonde ate it all up, knowing that she would be able to hold this over Rin’s head for decades. While the magic would eventually wear off, the memories would last for a lifetime. “My house is not a nightclub, Rin.” Luvia said, walking next to her larger rival. For what she hoped would be the final insult she could lay on, Luvia brought her hand down and smacked Rin directly on her bouncing butt. “Come on now, I hear girls like you enjoy that!” She gave another light smack, her polite upbringing making the motion awkward and stilted. It would prove to be Luvia’s undoing.

Rin’s mind processed the little smacks. Instead of seeing them as a physical threat, like she might have in her right mind, she saw them as an invitation. To the gyrating woman, it seemed that Luvia wanted to join her. Rin spun on a dime, her long hair whipping past her rival. She was upon the smaller woman in an instant, pressing her heavy torso onto her. “Ooooh, Luvia.” Rin teased, her mind now in line with the song completely. “I didn’t know you liked big girls. Lemme show you what my hips can do.” She winked and blew a kiss before turning around. Her butt was soon thrusting against her rival’s smaller, narrower body. Rin could have enveloped Luvia twice over with her butt alone. Each thrust, sway, and gyration forced Luvia backwards forcibly. Rin’s fat was more than enough to push the smaller woman around the room. Further, the exotic dancer had a plan. She wanted to give Luvia what she had asked for with those little slaps. She wanted to reward the woman who had given her so much bulk, so much dancing talent. Rin was a big girl now, one that was going to use her body to please those she deemed worthy. Unable to fight back, Luvia was soon pushed up against a wall.

“Rin! Stop that this instant!” The Finnish woman commanded, smacking the bigger woman’s ass for real now. That only made Rin twerk harder. Luvia felt her skirt being lifted by the enormous, triple wide booty before her. She tired to smooth her blue dress down, but succeeded only in pushing and grabbing at the jiggling orbs which assaulted her. In turn, Rin was only encouraged more. “That’s enough!” Luvia cried, trying to cast a spell to free her rival. The prank had gone far enough. Yet, she was too flustered to relinquish her spell or cast a new one. She was at the mercy of the dancing woman, who had now once again dropped low and had started to shake her money maker for all it was worth. Trapped in the private show, Luiva yelled and smacked Rin’s ass. A weird rhythm was born between the two and they continued to dance for hours.


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