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Did a little something for myself this evening. New prompt short coming soon as well!

Tags: Sweat, body odor, slob, immobile, personality change

Okay, Miss Asui, your next meal is ready." Inko said, trotting into the steamy, pungent room. She held a tray stack high with donuts. They were round, fat, and cream filled to the point of looking bloated. Inko struggled under the weight of the tray. Even though it had been years of caring for her house guest, she had not gotten acclimated to the increasing weight of the meals Tsuyu needed. The donuts were so sickeningly stuffed with cream that each one weighed several pounds. The chubby older woman was not built for such demanding tasks. However, she did not falter under the weight of the tray. It was a labor of love.

"Oh. . .isscch. . .KERROOOO. . .huh-bout. . .time." Tsuyu wheezed, feeling sweat drip from her forehead and onto her chest. She could feel the plump, salty, succulent droplets forming all over her body. Exploratory ventures with her tongue brought back a salty, pond scum taste. "Issch been. . .fuh. . .forty. . .five. . .minutescch." Tsuyu spoke with her tongue lolling out, too tired and heat sick to retract it. Instead the long appendage dangled down on her many chin folds, sometimes teasing them. Tsuyu did not sound appreciative of the work that Inko was doing on her behalf. Instead, the froggy mass of fat churned through more demands and requests. "Can we. . .KERRRROOOO. . .make. . .it. . .hotter? Need more. . .schteeaam." She wheezed, attempting to wipe her forehead with a flabby arm.

Tsuyu was a slobby mass of fat which hungered ceaselessly for food, adulation, and increasingly horrid conditions. The arm which she threw up in a vain attempt to wipe her brow was nearly as wide around as Inko. Putrid odors leaked from its rolls and fleshy crevices, spilling out into the room. Exhausted and unable to hold her own weight up, Tsuyu let her arm drop back onto her billowing breast. Tsuyu's tits were enormous, yoga ball sized and partially deflated looking thanks to gravity. They sloped off of her stomach rolls, pink nipples pointing towards the ground. Her stomach rose up between them, a slick mountain with two greasy clouds in its orbit. Tsuyu’s long ponytail, still tied in a bow, hung limply over her enormous butt and field of back rolls. She faced away from Inko, staring at a television.

"Of course! Of course" Inko accepted the demands readily, eager to do anything for her wretched houseguest. "Let me just get these to you." She struggled to lift the tray, trying to situate it on Tsuyu’s gut plateau. Inko got it to stick finally by tucking it under one of Tsuyu’s breasts. "There you go, sweetie." Inko smiled at the beast which ruled her house. Tsuyu chortled, ready to suck down more food. Her long, probing tongue snaked into the boxes and drug back several chocolatey prizes. Smears of the frosting she left on Tsuyu. Inko beamed as the massive brat started to slurp them down. Unable to help herself, Inko pinched Tsuyu's cheek. "Eat up, NY cute little froggy. Let momma Midoryia worry about the temperature for you." Inko released her hold and trotted to the far wall. The small woman pounded the thermostat, raising the heat as high as it would go. After, she turned on another vaporizer, adding yet more gouts of steam to the room.

Tsuyu, owing to her nature as a froggirl, wanted it hot. She needed steam and pungent perspiration. She wanted her skin to be as moist and greasy as possible. Inko, knowing what was best for a growing frog, was happy to oblige. The heat rose quickly, bringing with it torrents of steam. Clouds of perspiration rose from Tsuyu and drifted around the room. The blobbish frog did nothing but eat, pulling donuts into her mouth slowly. Inko, knowing she had to stay busy for her love, grabbed an old rag which lay on the only standing post of a ruined bed frame. "Now! I imagine my little froggy will want to be swabbed?"

"BLllrrruuuUUUUUUPP. . .DUUUH." Tusyu belched and then gave her response. She was trying to reach the donuts with her arms, more as an exercise to remind herself how useless she was than anything else. She shoved her naked body forward three times, growing more tired with every attempt. She finally slumped forward, letting her gut and breasts catch her. Her tongue continued to work, sliding the donuts up her creamy gut.

Inko hummed and practically skipped over. "Silly me! I should have known." She put the rag on Tsuyu’s arm and started to massage it. Inko might have been making love to the bicep folds with all the tenderness and care she showed. Her rag glided over the cellulite riddled arm sacks, smearing sweat and grease with equal measure. Tsuyu wanted to be as well lubricated as possible. She craved the moist feeling running over her body from head to toe. With the same fervor, Inko craved the approval of her roommate. "You've been getting quite big. I don't know if I've seen some of these rolls." Inko spoke as she worked. She slowly made her way under Tsuyu’s arms, kneading the unbelievably soft skin underneath. "I remember not long ago, taking in a stripling girl who could still jump." Inko grew more excited as she spoke. The room was reaching a fever pitch of heat and humidity, rivaling only rainforests. The air was filled with the sounds of sweet hitting the ground, the squeak of the rag over sodden fat, and Tsuyu’s gorging. "Now I have a hefty frog, hardly able to feed herself." Inko grew excited enough to stand on her tiptoes, reach past yards of blubber, and kiss Tsuyu on the cheek.

"MMMGGPHH. . .I'd. . .BRRRUUUUPP. . .be bigger. . .huhmfff. . .you fed. . .meh." Tsuyu had long moved past the point of returning niceties with her caretaker. That was not her job. She was to eat and grow spoiled, to find new ways to degrade her body and Inko's love. That was their dynamic: a woman rendered immobile and bratty by the other's inability to stop caring and providing. Dimly, Tsuyu remembered dreams of heroism, but they were washed away by a torrent of greed and lust. "Commmooooon. . .get. . .busy." Tsuyu whined, flabby arm reaching for one of Inko's plump breasts. She wanted to eat and kiss, to feel the smaller woman pressing into her disgusting mass. Tsuyu was a grand display of sloth, gluttony, and putrid hygiene. All done at the behest of pleasing a middle aged woman who never wanted to stop working.

"Ok, ok. I'm sorry my tiny amphibian." Inko laughed before letting herself be licked and suckled at. Tsuyu was as sloppy as lover as she was an eater. Inko did not mind though, this gave her yet more work to do. She would teach her young lover the proper way to kiss. Possibly. Inko kind of liked the awkward, selfish way Tsuyu pawed at her with sausage fingers and tongue. The immobile woman was out only for her own pleasure, caring not at all for what Inko wanted. The older woman would have it no other way.


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