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Tags: MHA, Mini-GTS, USSBBW, Explicit Sex

Sorry I've been a little M.I.A! I promise that its all been me working hard on stories for you all. More to come soon!

"Hello everyone, I missed you SO much.” Kayama Nemuri, also known under the name Massive Miss Midnight, said as she made her way into the room. Her streams always started the same way: A simple shot of her bedroom, making sure to get the door in focus. She would be mic'd up and standing on the other side of the door, ready to make her entrance back into the world of adult streaming. To begin the theatrics, she would let her trademark purple fog seep outwards. It flowed through the cracks around the door, building like a harbor fog in a movie. After it had built up enough, Midnight herself would make her appearance. Despite streaming naughty behavior nightly, her entrances were always legendary. The black haired woman knew how to hook an audience. She kicked the door in, using every bit of her seven feet of height and 400 pounds of soft fat to cave the pathetic wooden apparatus in. It would shake her viewers awake, grabbing their attention. They would hone in on the wisps of purple gas, waiting for any hint of their goddess to appear out of it. Never did they have long to wait. Midnight would bend down, forcing her large body through the smaller door. Her breasts leading the way, shoving their bountiful forms forward.

Even though she was a heavy woman, Midnight’s fat had collected in the perfect places. She had breasts bigger than watermelons. They were full, fat, and bouncy; all perk with no sag. Currently they were strategically covered by the thin, black material of her bra and panties but their full glory would soon be revealed. They’d be allowed to bounce freely. Midnight had such heavy tits that all their movements seemed slow and deliberate. Ripples spread across them with indulgent slowness. There was simply too much mass for them to move quickly. “Oooooh. . .did my door get smaller?” Midnight asked, pretending that her breasts had gotten stuck on the sides of the frame. While an act, if they continued to grow at their current rate then there would soon come a time when they would be stuck for real. “Or. . .haaaah. . .are my breasts getting bigger? What do you think, chat?” Though only a quarter of the way through the door, Midnight took a quick glance at her computer. The chat was moving at a blistering pace, so fast that she couldn’t read anything. Perfect, it was time to keep applying the pressure. A perfect entrance to hook them for the rest of the evening.

Midnight huffed playfully, rocking her chest through the door. Gravity and movement alone saw the connector between the cups of her bra ripping slightly. The sweater puppies demanded to be seen, begging to be unleashed upon the audience. As Midnight worked, there were times when her chest bounced high enough to tickle her chin. She felt her nipples go hard, dreadfully excited by the sexual energy coursing through her. It was a thrill to perform, a thrill to entertain the people that showed up to her streams. Midnight had been gifted a body for sexual pleasure and she chose to share that body with all who were willing. Sparkly purple gas swirled around her breasts and chubby arms, adding to her mystique. It was like a genie was appearing before the audience, coming out of a bottle that was just a hare too small. Midnight finally succeeded in shoving her immense breasts through the door. Her belly came next, a simple slab of fat to balance out her extreme proportions. While not the biggest gut in the world, Midnight’s own single roll of chub was more than big enough for a family of 4 to use as a gigantic pillow. Midnight wanted to tease her stomach, but held off. There were far more important things to show off.

“I must have gotten bigger. But, if it’s not my breasts. . .then it must be my butt.” Midnight pretended to pout. Though it was not even close to being through the door, she shook her expansive derrière. The audience could not see how her asscheeks clapped together, tugging at her thong. They could also not see how her bench-breaking buttcheeks flooded down onto the back of her thighs. However, they could see the shaking of the camera and foundations of the room as Midnight knocked and rocked her booty against the doorframe. It gave the impression that her ass was something wild and uncontrollable, that Midnight was only barely able to contain the sensual, sexual desperation bound up in the bountiful boulders. “I SWEAR I’ve been dieting, guuuuys. But my butt just keeps getting bigger.” Midnight whined as she started to waddle her lower half through the door. Her breasts had caught slightly on the edges of the frame, but her butt was actually on the verge of getting stuck. Midnight wondered if her life of sitting on stream, eating food for her audience had contributed to the absurd proportions of her ass. Not that she was complaining. She loved the feel of the heavy weights swinging and dancing behind her. Midnight knew that both her entrances and exits to rooms were a treat, for which she could thank her absurd assets. There existed no bad views of her.

“What. . .uuuggh. . .do you guys think?” Midnight gave a terrific shove to the door, forcing her bulk through in one quick motion. The room shook again as one of her heavy legs stomped down. Her webcam jumped out of place, much to the excitement of the watchers. “Ooooh shoot! Look what my gigantic, fat-ass did again!” Midnight strutted over to the fallen camera, making sure that each step was used to maximum effect. She swayed her hips, pushed her arms into her wall of cleavage, and pursed her plump lips together. Even though her webcam had fallen, she was still being videoed. Her entire room was filled with cameras, just for the special donors. No inch of Midnight went unobserved. She was viewed from every angle imaginable, with her premium watchers flipping from camera to camera in order to find the most attractive shot. “Sorry guys, you know I HATE denying you visions of my beauty.” Midnight hugged the camera, nestling it deep in her cleavage canyon. She could smother an entire store’s worth of cameras in her bosom, twice that much under her ass. Once the hug was complete, she put the camera back into place and sat down in her luxurious chair.

“Now! I hope you all have your money ready. I have a couple rewards for you for big donations. First, the ass-cam!” Midnight flicked a switch under her desk. A second camera came to life, poised centrally on her ass. Thanks to highly perverted geniuses, it was attached to a robotic drone that would move to find the best angle of the action. For a split second, it showed Midnight's laundry bag sized butt swallowing the back of her chair. “But that’s not until we hit the donation goal!” the preview disappeared. Midnight shook her breasts at the camera, encouraging the stream of donos to flood in. “We shouldn’t have any trouble with that tonight though.” She smiled mischievously, casting an eye back to the open door. “I brought friends.” Midnight leaned forward, allowing her naked breasts to overflow onto the desk. Her keyboard was swamped in a mighty flood of cleavage. Those lucky streamers watching the cameras attached to the ceiling saw a tidal wave of pale fat spreading across the brown desk. Massive Miss Midnight drew close to the main webcam, her 7 feet worth of immensity filled the screen. The viewers could only see hills of booby fat and shockingly blue irises. “You might have thought that I was getting stale or uninteresting. Well, you won’t be thinking that after meeting my friends!” Midnight retreated, giving the camera as much room as possible to capture the door. Something massive was already approaching it.

Tremors shook the floor as well as Midnight herself. Even one of the tremors hit with force harder than Midnight generated with one of her earlier stomps. If the cam girl’s walk was like a jackhammer, then this was an industrial crushing machine run wild. The tremors hit irregularly, like whatever was moving was changing its movement pattern. Or, as the audience figured out with a mixture of both delight and terror, if there were actually two things moving. Midnight squealed with glee, feeling her pussy growing wet with the anticipation of what was to come. She couldn’t help but turn to the camera. “See, I have friend in HIGH, HEAVY places.” she beamed as one set of the tremors stopped. The door was filled to bursting with fat. It seeped in through the open frame, even curving around the door supports. Whoever owned the fat had taken great care of their skin. The soft folds glistened in the studio lighting, well lathered with either lotion or lubricant. Unable to contain herself, Midnight jumped up from her seat and ran towards the door, her excessively high heels clacking on the ground as she went. The large woman was dwarfed by the flab, the comparison made even stronger when she hugged it. “Oooh! Thank you for coming!” In a move unlike her usual dominatrix persona, Midnight even picked up one of her heels. “Why don’t you come join us?”

“Uhh. . .Midnight?” A soft voice came from the other side of the door. The woman it belonged to giggled, the force of the laugh alone rocking Midnight. It was a nurturing voice, light and girlish but also deepend because of the sheer massiveness of her body. “Honey, your door is too small. I don’t think I’m going to fit very well.” The laugh came again. There was obvious concern for the wellbeing of property, but also a hardly disguised desire to test her strength. When the second voice spoke up, there was no such concern.

“Oh come on, yah big floozy!” The next voice was equally feminine, but had a rough edge. It seemed full of violent and sexual energy, a volcano ready to explode on anyone nearby. “We have to make our own way in!” There was a thump on the wall, and a dangerous curve started to appear. It was like someone was resting something incredibly heavy on a piece of plywood. The wall would bend while it could, but it would obviously break soon.

“Ooooh, that’s ok!” Midnight released her hold on the wall of gut fat and skipped backwards a couple steps. “I think everyone watching just wants you in here! Come in how you please.” Midnight said, knowing full well the beasts that she had unleashed upon the flimsy walls of her home. But, much like her audience, Midnight was desperate for a show. She wanted to see her friends in action, to feel exactly the sort of power and sexuality they could bring to bear. This was a reward for both her and her audience. It would be the most pleasurable and challenging night of her life.

“Well. . .you asked for it!” The gleeful voice said, casting aside the concern it had earlier. The bulk retreated from the door, allowing the frame to rest for a moment. Then a decidedly dainty, sandal clad foot appeared through the doorway. A literal pillar of fat was attached to it. Calves thicker than a man’s thigh swung back and forth, shaped like enormous ocean buoys. The cankles traced up to thighs that could have been used to support multi-story buildings with ease. They were so thick that they almost blotted out the green panties and slick pussy also making its way through the frame. The woman quickly ran out of space to maneuver, her ass filling the door; nearly twice as wide as Midnight’s own expansive torso. “Oooh. . .UUUGGGH. . .my goodness it has. . .uuggh. . .been a WHILE since I’ve done this.” The monolithic woman’s grunts were adorable yet beastial. She forced her way forward, only somewhat avoiding a total collapse of the doorframe. A beefy arm snaked under the top of the frame. It pressed on the wall for greater leverage, easily cracking the supports and plaster. Slowly the one leg came through, allowing for the monumental buttocks to follow. There was heavy panting on the other side of the wall. “Whooo. . .oh my. . .women as fat and big as me shouldn’t be doing this.” She huffed, starting to draw her immense ass slowly into the room. Meanwhile, her companion started to make her entrance.

“So. . .uuuggh. . .LIKE you to go slowly.” There was a horrific shove at the wall. The entirety of the house moved on its supports. “Come ON!” Another shove saw cracks appearing in the wall and plaster dropping from the ceiling. Midnight stepped back, nervously winking at the camera. The third shoved introduced some of the pushy woman’s assets to the stream. An arm even bigger around than the sweet woman’s burst through the wall. It moved on an arc, dragging its flabby expanse in a downward arc. The arm was so thick with fat that its circumference was as big as a car tire. With dust and debris filling the room it retreated, allowing the real stars to bound inward. Breasts shaped as heavy as wrecking balls swung into the flimsy boards and plaster of the room. The pathetic construction of man was wiped away with ease as a monster of nature entered. The breasts were bigger than Midnight's torso, big enough to sandwich two or three people in them. They were warheads of catastrophic size and intent, wielded by a woman who would apply any amount of pressure necessary to her dominated victims.

Midnight watched the ladies continue to enter. She was struck with awe as they moved. Huge yet graceful in their own way. The two were so beautiful that Midnight almost forgot to continue introducing the guests. It took the sounds of her donation alarms going off to remind her that the chat was even still present. “Sorry guys!” Midnight’s heels clacked as she trotted over to the computer. She crooked her arms, trying to seem as dopey and flirtatious as possible. “My guests do have names too. The lovely lady making her way through the door is Inko Midoryia or, as you know her, Green Gentle Giant!” Midnight pointed over to the doorway, which was in absolute shambles as Inko finished her entrance into the room. Where formally there had been a door and a frame, there was now only a dusty hole. Inko was dressed similarly to Midnight, save that her underwear was green in color. She was well over 14 feet tall and so fat that only industrial trucking scales could hope to weigh her. Her proportions were nothing short of elephantine, with her weight residing largely in her lower half. An ass that could destroy a pickup truck swung back and forth as Inko nervously inspected the damage she had done to the wall. Her knees were covered in fat whilst her cankles had grown so plush that they rolled onto the floor. Unlike Midnight, Inko wore flip flops as they were the only thing that could handle her weight.

“Aaaand, entering through my wall is Mitsuki, the Big Blonde Bitch!” Midnight did not stop her introduction, partly out of fear of enraging her other guest. Mitsuki’s entrance had been quicker than Inko’s but far more destructive. She had smashed an even larger area out of the wall than she needed. To further her sexy, dominating, destructive impulses Mitsuki swung her immense breasts and gut fold back and forth, hoping to catch something in their destructive path. Mitsuki was the other half to Inko’s own mind boggling proportions. Her paunch alone weighed more than Midnight. It was a singular sloping glob of fat with a navel so deep a man could lose his forearm in its dark warmth. She was so top heavy that she had to lean back when she waddled to compensate for her girth, giving her waddle a proud and almost menacing look. Her purple panites and bra were marked with flames and skulls. She was a sinister mistress, a lady of gigantic sexual and destructive appetites. Those appetites ruled her life, causing her to seek out anyone smaller than her for “special” attention. Like a shark that has spotted a lone porpoise, Mitsuki made her way towards Midnight.

“Thanks for the introduction, Tiny!” She laughed, causing her wide gut to bounce into Midnight. The smaller woman was overpowered by gut fat taller and wider than she was. For most of her life, Midnight had always been the biggest and bustiest. Mitsuki dwarfed her without even trying. Midnight’s heels, the sturdiest pair she owned, cracked under the added weight. Midnight was forced to squat as the bigger woman leaned in. Each individual attribute of Midnight’s was dominated by the corresponding part of Mitsuki. The breasts that Midnight had been so proud of were little more than pebbles compared to Mitsuki’s icebergs. The clashing of Mitsuki and Midnight’s bellies was like a wrestling match between a stuffed bear and a real grizzly. Through nothing other than sheer mass Mitsuki dominated her fan and streaming partner, but that was not enough. “But those kind words aren’t going to pull the wool over my eyes.” Mitsuki growled as she leaned further down. The two were brought face to face, with the elder woman’s round chins puffing up against Midnight’s still defined features. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you pretending you were taller.” She tapped Midnight’s foot with her own. “Jealous of what a REAL woman looks like?”

Midnight blushed, embarrassed that she had been found out so plainly. She so desperately wanted to be taller, to be a true giant like the milfs before her. “Uuuh. . .well. . .the stream voted on my outfit.” She offered, looking back at the computer for support. The chat offered none, with every person spamming that Midnight needed swift, just, and sexy punishment for her transgressions against the behemoth goddesses that had entered.

“I think I’m just going to have to veto that decision!” Mitsuki reared back, crossing her arms over her massive chest. Midnight noticed with glee that the older woman’s bingo wings had grown as big or bigger than her own chest. The soft expanses of fat on Mitsuki’s arms would need to have two people to adequately hold or massage them. Midnight longed to be one of those people. “Come on, no more pretending.” Mitsuki was iron-tough, not budging at all. Not even when the room started to shake as Inko trotted forward.

“Ooooh, come on now!” Inko wedged her gigantic hips between Mitsuki and the wall. The green haired woman’s hips were fat enough to make the bed sag. . .even though she was only standing near it. The gentle giantess leaned her fat against her domineering counterpart. “She just wants to be big like us! Can’t we let her pretend a bit?” Inko pushed her breasts up against the blonde, giving her kisses. “We weren’t always so big, but no one pushed us around. Don’t be so harsh on her.” Despite the intimidating build she had been gifted, Inko loved playing the submissive lover. Sexual satisfaction ran through her like lightning as she begged for mercy on behalf of Midnight. “What if we just fed her instead! She’s so emaciated. A little fattening and then she could be a bit more. . .ready for you.” Playing into her own career as an explicit streamer, Inko purred out the last part of her request. She was quite pleased to see a glimmer in Mitsuki’s eyes.

“Psssh, you’re always so soft on these girls!” The blonde bitch reached forward and began to squeeze and fondle Midnight’s tits. She struggled more reaching her hands around her own fat than she did with hefting Midnight’s breasts. “Smallfry pretending at being huge. It dilutes our brand!” She bobbled the large orbs back and forth, playing with them. She steadily waddled forward, her powerful body pushing Midnight back towards one of the remaining walls in the bedroom. Each step shook the room slightly, with Midnight feeling the reverberations deep in her chest. Inko sucked air in, her ass rippling like a cup of standing water. For all her size and fat, Mitsuki could still move like a lioness when she chose. Her hands reached deep into the cups of Midnight's breasts, looking undeveloped by the comparison to Mitsuki’s man swallowers. The camwhore turned housewife stroked and squeezed the fat before her, knowing exactly where to touch in order to titillate to the extreme. Held between fear of the gigantic woman and immense sexual gratification, Midnight was reduced to sucking air and letting her pussy grow wet. “Heels off, Tiny. Or else we take our business to one of the other up and comers.” The blonde purred, leaning down as far as her fat would allow. Her ring of chin and neck fat lay like a bib upon Midnight’s chest.

It was an easy choice for the younger woman. Sullenly puffing her cheeks out and blowing a small raspberry, Midnight stepped out of her heels. The gulf between the two women widened even more as Midnight was reduced to her true height. It was humiliating, but thrilling too. She realized how little she could measure up to her idols. Midnight could grow for a year straight and not be anywhere near the size or girth of Inko or Mitsuki. Years of gluttony, weight gain, height growth, and sexual deviance had built an almost insurmountable gap between Midnight and the two older women. With orgasmic terror she realized that she might very well always be putty in their hands, demurely doing what they asked. A slave to their desires and whims, however forceful or strange. She did not mind that.

“There! Now, don’t you feel like a big girl?” Mitsuki asked, practically rolling in satisfaction.

“. . . No.” Midnight said timidly.

“Good girl. You can’t be big, but you can be loved.” Mitsuki said, now preparing to dominate the, comparatively, diminutive woman in a different way. With the tension reaching its zenith, Mitsuking took Midnight's lips in her own. The two women kissed, their soft lips and expansive bodies interlocking naturally. Mitsuki was forceful, pushing herself forward even as the two made love with their lips. She pushed and pulled Midnight, trying to find the best position from which to impress her version of “love” upon. At one point, the giant woman lifted her smaller lover off the floor. Midnight’s feet, now freed from the heels, dangled in the open air of the room. Rather than fumble with the clasp of her bra, Mitsuki spared a second to just rip the flimsy fabric off. Midnight gasped, flushing at the power displayed. “Just. . .mmm. . .kiss. . .no words.” Mitsuki said, pressing the woman back into sexual service. The blonde woman’s flabby face threatened to swallow Midnight’s still angular one whole. Mitsuki grew ever more excited by the passion, almost forgetting the other participant.

“Make sure you are being gentle!” Inko said, staying true to her roots as the gentle giantess. She tried to scootch around the two, not wanting to disturb their kissing but knowing she needed to do something. This was a trio, not simply a duet. Yet, the room was hardly even set up for two of the women. Inko’s small waddle around the kissing pair saw her monster hips smashing a nightstand, denting the walls, and collapsing part of the bed. Everywhere she turned or twisted, her bus-wide hips followed. She wreaked supreme destruction upon the foundation of the house, always with apologies though. “Oh, Midnight. . .I hope that wasn’t too valuable. The subs should cover it though. Aaah! Sorry, but you were too big for the bed anyway. . .” She narrated her destruction aloud as a subconscious way of hiding her enjoyment. Mitsuki was a bitch who had taken full control of her size, whilst Inko was a giant dominator in denial. This was no further evident than when she started to back her massive ass onto Midnight and Mitsuki. “Here! Let’s have a shelf for our tiny friend!” Inko giggled nervously, afraid that it might be a weird suggestion or that someone might call her out for how turned on she was getting.

Midnight was soon floating on a veritable ocean of ass fat. She rocked back and forth upon Inko’s gigantic asscheeks. The sea was stormy, with booty blubber churning and waving underneath her like crazy. Midnight, in order to keep kissing Mitsuki had to grasp onto the massive and bullish woman. Though seven feet tall, Midnight was made miniscule by Inko’s butt alone. As Midnight kissed, her legs bucked from the sheer pleasure she was experiencing and her heels bounded off of the wall of booty-blubber supporting her. “Ooh, I hope someone is having a good time back there!” Inko said, her own perversity became manifest. She blushed as her ass pulled Midnight further and further between her cheeks. It was like someone slipping into the middle of an intertube, with Midnight being firmly pressed inwards by the weight of Mitsuki. “I. . .haaaah. . .hope. . .everyone enjoys. . .oooh. . .themselves.” Inko’s motherly demeanor continued to fade. Her large, fat arms were soon exploring between her own thighs. She was unused to having to stimulate herself, she had husbands and lovers by the score for that, but the current situation called for it. Buried between pillars of lard, she eventually found her gleaming pussy.

From there the night of streaming truly descended into horny anarchy. Each of the three women slowly fell into a sort of dreamlike state. They acted without committing things specifically to memory. At some point, the kissing stopped and Mitsuking sought out larger prey. She and Midnight both had visions of the smaller woman being tossed aside and Mitsuki rumbling forward. Her wall of stomach and breast fat fell upon the plateau that was Inko’s rear end. Ready for something strong and fast, Inko allowed herself to be pushed up against the far wall of the room. Mitsuki shoved her gigantic body against her partner’s, having to use both hands to force her stomach up and over Inko’s ass. “Come on you fat pig, it’s Momma’s turn to get at that ass.” Mitsuki might have said, though each of the women thought they heard something different. Inko moaned and panted, pressing herself against the wall and letting the bigger woman ravage her with kisses, sucklings, and massages. Midnight watched from her ruined bed, amazed at what could be done with literal tons of femininity and sexuality boiled over. The entire building shook as the giantesses demonstrated how best to love a big woman. “You’re such a pig. You made me fat, you made yourself fat, you made us both so fucking sexy.” Mitsuki said, hinting at things that Midnight could only guess at.

“But you. . .haaaah. . .wanted it. You want. . .AAAAHHH. . .me too!” Inko moaned. Her submission to Mitsuki ended up in the destruction of another wall as the blonde continued to gyrate upon Inko’s ass. The wall fell into shambles, burying the two in dust once more. The swinging and bouncing of various body parts helped to clear it. Inko’s large rear or Mitsuki’s stomach would swing, dragging with it a vortex of plaster and dust. For a moment, the smaller woman lost sight of them. That was until Inko’s jiggle cheeks reemerged. They backed up towards midnight, two boulders with an inviting abyss between them. The green haired woman’s cankles thumped on the floor as she waddled backwards. Midnight knew she should move, but found herself unable. The advance of the tide of fat continued, threatening to end the lives of Midnight, her bed, and whatever else got in its way. Yet, the younger woman did nothing. A smile spread on her face as the gigantic woman closed in on her. She was soon smothered by untold weights of butt-bulk.

“Oh! Mitsuki, I think I crushed her!” Inko paused her lovemaking, reverting to her motherly personality just as she felt her buttcheeks close around most of Midnight's vivacious body.

“Too bad, so sad for her!” Mitsuki bellowed, latching her mouth around one of Inko’s breasts. She massage the fat nipples with her tongue, gleefully making them diamond hard.

“No. . .She might be. . .oooh!” Inko jumped as much as a nearly immobile giantess can, she felt a wriggling between her ass. “I thiiinkkk. . .ooohhh. . .nevermind!” Inko said, feeling Midnight recovering, finding a way to pleasure her idol even when beset on all sides by crushing fat and darkness.” She’s. . .ssssoooooo. . .fine.” Inko leaned back, enjoying a rare moment when she was allowed to receive sexual gratification. From above and below She was pampered and taken care of by Mitsuki and Midnight. Her large legs thumped on the ground, cracking floorboards and damaging the foundations underneath. The chat flowed with comments and donations as the three continued their copulation. Maybe a little jealous of Inko’s pleasure, Mitsuki took one of her planetoid breasts and shoved it forward. It rolled upwards on Inko’s stomach rolls, which looked very much like a series of semi-deflated inner tubes stacked on top of one another. Mitsuki’s breast, inhumanely large and perky, shoved its way forward. Her nipple was vividly colored and erect. Inko had little choice but to suck it. She fell into a comfortable lull. Her tongue worked Mitsuki’s breast whilst Midnight’s worked upon her body from below. The trio slowly fell into a rhythm, each of their actions working to somehow please the other two.


“Well that was a fun stream.” Midnight said, hours later as she walked into the personal steam room she had rented for her and the girls. It was the celebration for a job well done. Whilst the room had not been cheap, Midnight’s profits far exceeded what she was spending now. She could live for years off of the money that she had earned earlier. Even split three ways, it was more than enough to make each woman a queen. “How do you girls want your payment delivered? I will make sure it goes through quickly!” She was still giddy from the stream, as well as the prospect of future ones. She had managed to bring behemoths from the past days of camming out of retirement for one evening, why shouldn’t a second evening be on the table? Midnight walked fully into the steam room, her naked body glistening and a towel wrapped about her head. She was greeted by throaty, deep chuckles.

The steam was thick around Mitsuki and Inko. They sat like graven, pagan fertility idols in the back of the steam room. Their titanic forms dripped with sweat and oil, smelling of flowers and incense. There was a magic to simply being in the same room with them, like their vitality and sexuality was seeping out into the very air. Midnight walked forward, approaching them with reverence. If they were idols, then she was a worshipper come with the promise of sacrifices and offerings. Yet, the two goddesses wanted something other than ransomed gold. “You don’t have to worry about the money!” Inko said, spreading her legs as widely as she could manage. Even though Inko’ thighs were thicker than most hay bales, Midnight still caught a glimpse of the sweet wetness which lay at the center of them. Despite the hours of play, the housewife was still ready for more.

“Yeah, Tiny Brat!” Mitsuki shortled, her deep and powerful voice making the heated fog in the room curl outward. She thrust a hand downward between Inko’s thighs and began to massage, instantly picking up on the desires of her lover. Inko squirmed, cracking the tile underneath her body. Mitsuki stroked quickly, instantly finding the correct spot. “Me and Miss Sissy here had something else in mind.” Mitsuki’s other arm shot out quickly. Her beefy, tire-thick bingo wings knocked against her breasts as she reached for Midnight. The other woman swooned into her larger lover’s grasp, allowing herself to be pulled and twirled around. Without failing to pleasure Inko’s pussy, Mitsuki managed to toss Midnight between the two. Once again at the mercy of her friends, Midnight bit her lip and waited for the waves of orgasms to hit her.

“Ooooh, be. . .gentle!” Inko leaned over and kissed Mitsuki sloppily. She nibbled at the blonde’s chins and cheeks, not caring where her own plump lips went. “You need to take a break and let me handle this! She won’t want to stream with us if you keep bullying her!” Inko said, slapping Mitsuki’s hands away. She then looked down at Midnight, somehow finding a way to press through the thousands of pounds of flab to lock eyes. “You just relax and let me work.” She winked before reaching to the side. Inko, once again revealing her status as a bedroom terror, fished around next to her free thigh and drew out the largest dildo that Midnight have ever seen. There were silver bullets and then there were god rods. What now bobbed and wobbled in Inko’s hand was certainly a part of the latter category. “Just trust me, Dear!” Inko said, eyes gleaming with love and a small glimmer of sadism. Inko giggled as she plunged the toy downwards, the monolith of debauchery entering Midnight quickly thereafter. The small, seven foot woman gasped as pleasure she had never known pressed upon her pussy.

“See, Brat, I’m the easy one!” Mitsuki chortled as she heard Midnight’s surprised gasps and orgasmic squeals. “She might seem nice, but Inko will test you.” She laughed, her tits landing on her gut one after the other. She might have laughed more, had not Inko again started sucking at her face. Mitsuki was drawn over towards her bottom heavy friend. Her body oozed onto both Inko and Midnight. Inko received a breast in her lap whilst the top of Midnight’s head was covered by folds of belly fat. The black haired woman’s moans were muffled, her lips doing little more than vibrating against Mitsuki’s gut-fat. Yet, Midnight didn’t mind. She could do little other than concentrate on the immense, vibrating toy currently making her pussy throb. Inko continued to subdue her blonde friend with her mouth alone, nibbling and tugging at her fat lips.

Inko broke apart a moment later, simply feeling the need to reprimand her lover a bit. “Ssssh, no being rude right now. You had your fun, now it's her turn.” Inko inclined her head towards Midnight. Even though her upper body was still largely covered by Mitsuki’s gut fold, Midnight’s lower half had no trouble gyrating under the strong but attentive thrusts of Inko’s toy. “She’s going to come out of this a new woman. We’re going to make her into us, bit by bit.” Inko said, her voice soothing. Mitsuki felt her own pussy throb at the thought of passing her knowledge down to Midnight, the fun of taking the small woman on as an apprentice was exhilarating.

Midnight heard none of their discussion. To her mind, the world began with the downward thrust of the dildo and ended with its retreat. She gasped anew everytime it thrust into her. She grabbed onto Mitsuki’s belly for support like she was resting on satin sheets. Never in all her years as a sex worker had Midnight ever been fucked as hard, pleasurably, and skillfully as this very moment. She had been brought to orgasm several times already, with more on the horizon. It seemed that each stroke blessed her with another climax. Her pussy gushed, her legs growing weaker and weaker as waves of pleasure stole her strength. She stopped moaning only to kiss and lick at Mitsuki’s under-belly, vainly trying to dispense as much pleasure as she was given. It was impossible though. There was no equaling what Inko was doing to her. Before this had started, Midnight had been excited to work with the pair again. Now, however, she was desperate. She needed this to never end or to continue on night after night. Though she knew she didn’t have to, Midnight realized that she would beg and plead for Inko and Mitsuki to keep coming back. The young streamer wanted more than just pleasure, she wanted to learn everything that the two had to offer. To become just like them.


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